ok what exactly is that "diping" technique? i mean how do you dip the models and in what do you dip them? meiby some one can give a link to a video or something, and put a link to the dipping material? someone please explain to me how does this work, i want too paint my army fast, and diping looks the best option for me. thank you in advance!
http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27857&page=28 Everything you willl ever wan to know about diping. link....
Dipping is using a heavy translucent base in which you dip the model to produce a high contrast effect. The usual technique involve floor wax, like Min Wax Polyshade. The results are rather impressive at first sight and can easily mass-produce models like those: The problem, ultimately, is that you'll tone down your colors a lot and you'll completely eliminate lighting effects (ie your models have the same shadows in every direction). The Army Painter http://www.thearmypainter.com/ has a full line of products to "dip" you models. So, all in all, if you're looking for a decent way to quickly have a "tabletop" army, dipping is a good thing. If you're looking to learn to paint, as a hobby, and to improve dipping is a dead end. Here are some models I tried dipping while doing a fast Necron army a few years ago:
thank you very much! also meiby you can recomend what kind of wax should i use from these companies: "UNICA" "AKVALAK" "SUPI" "ASSA" "PARKETA LAKA" "HASCO" "NITRO LAKA" ?
Well its not realy wax.... it's varnish with stain in it usualy. but you can also use things like Future floor wax, it to is also misleading since it's not a wax but a clear acrylic polimer that you can add color to.
Army builder makes some 'dip.' I tried this out. It gives a descent look to lizardmen. The Army builder brand is WAY expensive. You would get the same effect using minwax or some other poly stain (at about a 10th of the price too).