Blog Suds 2022 Paint & Kitbash Blog

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! Glad you like it! Still much to do but was focusing on the green and getting bade colors on the claws and such, made good progress for sure. Hoping it comes together well!
    Lizards of Renown, Imrahil and Bowser like this.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    More progress and beginning to be happy with it. Added some spots influenced by the majestic Whale Shark. Going to work on the claws next, undecided if I'll keep them the red though like the original or turn them more amber/orange like the tail - really undecided but gonna keep going with the original plan for now.

    Still much to do! But really enjoying how its beginning to feel more together

    Lorewise: Decided as a species name Karapiti is a universal term that has subspecies, this being the Giant Spotted Karapiti 20220318_142308.jpg IMG_20220318_172753_532.jpg
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Really love this project of yours. The spots add much to the overall look. The orange on the claws is a good lobster color ;) if you change it to the amber it might become to much of the same color.

    Keep up the great work

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket, Noxolotl and Bowser like this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A big update coming! Sorry its been awhile yall! Hope you all have been doing well
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  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! It has definitely begun to grow on me more as Ive done more to it, was unsure of my scheme at first lol and agreed, I did change the color but I think for the better.

    Going to share a big update soon :)
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Can't wait to see it!
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Izla

    Izla Active Member

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    The anticipation is too much!
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  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So, trying to finish 1 or 2 things up before I post the larger post I talked about, specifically regarding my Deepkin.

    While we wait for that... lets look at what I started because of a building

    For Both my BoC I've kinda been building (Hathorians double as) and for my Hathorians I have been building a Dragon Ogor which will have two Backstories for one model to represent two characters: Shaakox Lightningscale (The Redeemed? The Saved? ) for my Hathorians & Kuugax Thunderstep for my BoC.

    In a nutshell/my head canon is that Shaakox and Kuugax are Twin Dragon Ogors who were present for the End Times. After the The-World-That-Was was destroyed they both traveled to various worlds helping destroy them with their warherd and other armies of Chaos. Over time the two Dragon Ogors were separated as their warherd split after growing so large and each half wanted to retain one of them.

    Waking up to blinding light Shaakox wakes up in Hysh upon a High Peak in Ilithia surrounded by what he at first thinks to be Highland Beastmen, but are infact Hathorians. Not only that but he also feels somehow different, as if a binding upon him has been released - as realizes he is not held by Chaos any longsr. He does not know how or by who he was freed from his Contract to Chaos. With this freedom comes a heavy price of being hunted by Chaos, especially Beastmen. Unknown to him it was Haset, the Goddess of the Hathorians, who was able to free the Dragon Ogor; though it came with a price for the Goddess.

    Kuugax however winds up in Ghur with the remaining of his warherd which had been decimated, his anger and hunger for vengeance insatiable. After killing both the Shaman and Doombull in charge Kuugax takes control of the remaining warherd who did not fall to his wrath and begins a war path. Beginning with smaller villages his reputation begins to grow and more beastmen flock to him. As the warherd grows a rumor comes with a new recruit saying a Dragon Ogor somehow broke the contract with Chaos. Kuugax finds out it is his brother and feels betrayed, the Dragon Ogor begins a personal campaign of finding his brother and killing him and winning favor among the Chaos Gods.

    I like the idea of a Dragon Ogor for the Hathorians, even though it doesnt at first glance seem to fit. To their core Hathorians are defenders of the Mountains and Highlands of Hysh and worship upon the highest peaks where the purest light touches down. Dragon Ogors too are "Lords of the Peaks" and seek out storms (a form of light) upon these peaks (and else where). I think if a Dragon Ogor were not bound to Chaos that their goals/interests would likely align with that of the Hathorians, enough to be allies at least. This also can open up interesting storylines and for me sounds fun in the end.

    So I know it goes against canon for a Dragon Ogor to be free of Chaos, but hear me out. My reasoning for Shaakox to be able to break the contract is based on the contract being signed on The-World-That-Was and saying it was "Until the World Ended" - which a world did end. So my rationale is that the contract was technically fullfilled when The-World-That-Was died and the Chaos Gods are now forcefully extending it for the equivalent of 8 worlds (the Mortal Realms). So I'm using this reasoning as a loop hole for the one Dragon Ogor to be free of Chaos using God-Level powers to free him.

    As for the model of Shaakox Lightningscale this is what I have so far :)

    Using the Humanoid half of Kragnos and a Stegadon I have my Dragon Ogor :D I took a pole from a bullgor banner for the mace and blades from my Ghorgon set to make the top of the Mace. His horns are from the Bullgor set, and I am still deciding upon what shields to put on his legs between BoC shields or Lumineth shields. Lumineth shields fit the Hathorian theme and the Theme of my BoC elite who wear Lumineth War Gear from slain Lumineth. BoC shields could fit both themes I think also as Shaakox could wear the heads of slain Beastmen who have attempted to kill him instead of Lumineth Shields. So, yeah! Almost to the Greenstuff Stage, just need to make some final decisions.

    C&C welcome and encouraged on the Lore & Model :)

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  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Wow! Great backstory and justification! The model is absolutely gorgeous even in this unfinished stage. Absolutely astounding.
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you so much! I am hoping I don't screw it up with greenstuff lol but we press on. I am thinking of adding some lightning to his stegadon half from the realmshaper engine since I'm not using that part of it, but we'll see.

    Also to clarify since they are two different things; They are Dragon Ogor Shaggoths, not regular Dragon Ogors
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I would definitely like to see how he looks with the lightning bolts. Also I really like the idea of a title such as the redeemed, saved, freed, unbound, or unleashed. I think it gives a quick reference to the character, and a bit of legend to the character which is always great.
    Noxolotl and Sudsinabucket like this.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Looks awesome so far Suds!
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  13. Izla

    Izla Active Member

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    Bloody Nora, that Stegagoth looks incredible! Well done! I love the backstory, I particularly enjoy the chaos gods losing the contract based on a technicality!

    But in all serious, it makes the lore more interesting if those touched by chaos are redeemable rather than being purely evil through and through. Looking forward to seeing more.
  14. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Wow! Amazing kitbash, suds. I love the background!!
    The torso seems to fit very nice on the stegadon body. Very dynamic pose.

    Keep up the great work

    Grrr, Imrahil
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! Glad to see you are back after your little hiatus!

    and yes, I love the pose, I wanted him to look like he was about to do a big sweeping strike to a line of infantry or some charging cav. I still need to do all the greenstuff work, but I have been busy getting him some friends, both Hathorian and BoC ;) and yeah! I was pleasantly surprised at how well the torso matched with the Steg body, I did have to cut up an extra frill to make the attachment a bit more natural-looking, but in the end, it was def the right call!

    I do love the background and am hoping to expand on it some and even do some solo narrative games maybe, I dunno, I got the creative bug flowing right now lol

    When I first started the hobby I really wanted to do narrative photo shots with a story, so... might get back to those roots? we'll see
    Noxolotl, Imrahil, Vedras and 2 others like this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Ok! I hope everyone is doing great, I'm doing pretty well myself. Been pretty busy with school and some other stuff but I have also been making time for hobbying of course. Yesterday was also my 10 year anniversary with my wonderful partner Jess, so that was a great day (minus the Exams we both had haha)! Today is a wonderful snowy April day and I am just relaxing taking it all in, going to make myself a nice hot chocolate in a bit I think!

    but first.... lets get down to business... to defeat... the Huns...

    err... or something!

    Here are some fun Hathorian and BoC updates to go with that Dragon Ogor Shaggoth I shared earlier! To be fair, I have done some painting but I have largely been building and trying to make it so I have less to build lol I have also been doing some reading and writing too.

    First up: Hathorian / Lumineth Mobile Ballista on Mountain Bear.

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    As many of you know I have wanted to do something like this for a long time now and had an original design, admittedly much bigger. With the release of the lumineth ballista however, I am able to rethink how to make it, as seen below. Originally I had a HUGE ballista carried by two bears, the ballista itself was made of the jaws shown here and two Thundertusk tusks and a few other things. With this new design not only can it be on a smaller base (woot!) but also I think has the true vision of what I wanted, a fast-moving artillery piece, not another lumbering war machine.

    I definitely have some updates to do on it such as adding fur/pelts to the base on which the current lumienth is standing, this will help cover up the base and make it more natural-looking. I am also planning to add more lumineth bits to bring it more in line with the Lumineth/Hathorian look. I am also considering swapping out on or both Lumienth for Gors made to look like Hathorians. This is also the first unit to highlight another aspect of the Hathorians and not the usual large hulking males you see, yes I am speaking of the female half of the race - the more agile and such half. I apologize also, but there will be no tiddies, just lots of hair all around!

    I'm really excited about this artillery piece, though it doesn't make me want to stop making a catapult that I had the plans for in my head haha!

    Any C& C is welcome!

    Speaking of the female half of the Hathorian race....another Real big conversion/kitbash I have been working on is a Hathorian Priestess/BoC Shaman! The idea for a priestess has been in my head since I originally began developing the Hathorians, just wasn't 100% sure how to do it. I had a plan to use a BoC shaman and a head from the Lord Regent mount, but somehow I lost that bit (still looking for it) and the project was put on hold. Fast forward to now and I have basically a dream model. Using a left over stoneguard bit, cygor crystals, teclis bits, a spare warden torso and I crafted a fur cloak. Just a lot of fun to bring the homebrew to life.

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    there will be more homebrew lore for both of these on the Hathorian page I think is the plan once I get it fleshed out.

    Another post coming after this!

    C&C always welcome
  17. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Fantastic Suds! Well worth the wait! :D
    Bowser likes this.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Speaking of building things... I built every Beasts of Chaos model i have! I did not convert the bullgors to Hathorians as i had planned ( i may still to the 3 unprimed ones) as doing 3 already i have learned that doing fur on bullgors is just a real pain in the kisser. So i might wait until new Bullgor models come out (lord help me) and focus on Gors and other aspects of the Hathorian military (such as the new artillery piece). This is a picture of the Warherd/Warfold. this picture is before the changes to the priestess. Oh also, i built 3 headed Cygor haha

    I also wanted to show a picture of Helaku and Heba together, so here it is. WarFold1.jpg Priestess7.jpg
  19. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    You've got such fantastic work Suds. Really well done.
    Sudsinabucket, Vedras and Bowser like this.
  20. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Warhammer has always needed more bears. Artillery bears are perfect! The cloak on the priestess is incredible. That model is truly exquisite.

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