AoS 2k TL Choices to make for team event!

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Tombomb7, Jun 11, 2022.

  1. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    Hi all!

    I had a list I planned to take to a team event next weekend but now having second thoughts! List differences below, would really appreciate thoughts from others on what they would do in my situation!

    Both lists include:
    x30 Skinks
    x10 Skinks
    x10 Skinks
    Solar Basti

    List A also includes: Celestant Prime and x2 Sallies
    List B also includes: Skink Chief (w/cloak), +1 Priest and +1 Solar Basti

    I'm unsure whether I can get the best out of sallies and the Celestant Prime but have the most experience using List A, little with List B. Salamanders have great damage if they shoot and then charge, plus mortals. They also have shorter range, are worth bonus points for killing and you usually take x2 of them so it's twice as bad, they're also not cheap. Maybe I'm thinking about them in the wrong way? :D

    The Prime doesn't affect turn 1 if in reserve whereas a Skink Chief and +1 Solar Basti can at least shoot turn one and be board present in turn 1.

    However, you then miss -2 and -3 rend respectively, plus the MWs that come with Sallies and the Prime. These were the major reasons why I wanted to take them in the first place.

    Would List B be easier to work with? What would you do? :D
  2. Schneelachs

    Schneelachs Member

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    Hey Mate,

    I would just stick with the current Meta Build.

    Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Grand Strategy: Beast Master


    Engine of the Gods (265)** - Artefact: Fusil of Conflaguration - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
    Slann Starmaster (265)** - Artefact: Itxi Grubs - Spell: Stellar Tempest
    Skink Starpriest (130)** - Spell: Hand of Glory
    Skink Starpriest (130)*** - Spell: Celestial Harmony
    Skink Priest (80)***
    Stegadon with Skink Chief (305)*** - General - Command Trait: Prime Warbeast - Artefact: Cloak of Feathers - Weapon: Skystreak Bow - Mount Trait: Beastmaster


    5 x Saurus Guard (115)**
    30 x Skinks (225)* - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    20 x Skinks (150)* - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (75)*** - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers


    Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)***

    CORE BATTALIONS *Hunters of the Heartlands **Warlord ***Warlord ADDITIONAL ENHANCEMENTS Artefact Artefact TOTAL: 1990/2000 WOUNDS: 121 LEADERS: 6/6 BATTLELINES: 4 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 3/4 ARTILLERY: 1/4 ARTEFACTS: 3/1 ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS: 0/3 ALLIES: 0/400 REINFORCED UNITS: 3/4 DROPS: 11
    Tombomb7 likes this.
  3. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I went with the x2 30 skink blocks in the end and loved it. Went 3-1-1. Made a mistake in the first game which should have been a win. The game I drew ran out of time and opponent didn't want to talk it out, otherwise I was on for the win. I beat x2 LRL (x3 foxed and the other was Teclis) and Orruks with MawKrusha and Kragnos.

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