Let me break the mold and do a detailed intro post questionnaire Age and gender: 24, Male Location: Puerto Rico How did you get into wargaming? Started 40k last December with the AoBR set. Latter on got into Warmachine, and now Warhammer. How did you get into Lizardmen? Got their armybook yesterday In the mail along with the BRB, and other stuff, will be one of my 2 armies, the other being Dwarfs. Do you have any other Warhammer armies? Some BFSP Dwarfs. What does/do your family/significant other/friends think about your 'funny toys'? It is a hobby, they aren't bothered. What are some of you other interests? Video Games. Do you have any pets? Yes, 2 American Bulldogs, a male and female, and 2 English Bulldog puppies, both females. Bulldogs are awesome.