So I'm in the indecisive process of choosing a paint scheme for my lizards. I'm having difficulty deciding so I am taking votes/opinions. Here are some top pick of mine: Pics/hybino.JPG tangerine leopard gecko pics/Mack Super Snow Leopard Gecko.jpg snow leopard gecko bell leopard gecko I personally like the bell leopard geckos the most (pic 3). I would probably change the colors around a little or maybe not. Can't decide. Tell me what you guys think :-D
have you tried the interactive saurus painter? That's what I used to get a basis for my color scheme, and then I expanded from there. If you are wanting to go with a more natural approach, I agree with n810 on the tangerine. Cheers!
@n810 how do you do the pic tags? Can't seem to remember how to do it. I think I'm going to go with the ttangerine one but with the pattern of the bell gecko. I like the stripes and spots . Opinions/votes still wanted ;-)
@Rokanos: I haven't tried the saurus interactive painter. I've heard people on here talk about it but I don't know how to get it.
To insert a pic, you need to use brackets ([)pic(]) link here ([)/pic(]). Remove the parenthesis and you are all set. Put the link in the link here spot.
This Saurus Painter....
Never mind those gecko pics, I forgot about these lovely bearded deagons! This is more like it! Tell me what you guys think! I am certainly convinced on these colors/patterns Ps: thanks Arli for clarifying the picture tag issue