Mantic Games - Kings of War

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Sammy the Squib, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I had a look at the mantic games website and it looks great! Has anyone tried Kings of War?
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  2. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    If GW ever releases a new Chaos Dwarf Book that is where I will be getting most of my figs.
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  3. Shaslain

    Shaslain New Member

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    I have some of their models and have looked over their rules, but I have not actually sat down and played a game. Apparently it is really easy to learn and cater to the "new" wargamer. They are coming out with their sci fi version which already has a play test rule set out (which I have read over too) and they look like a great easy set of rules as well.

    Both sets of rules can be found at their website online for free.
  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Yeah I was looking over their rules this morning; they look pretty good. The pdf is only 12 pages long.

    It looked really good from what I could make out. I can't wait to hear if anyone has played some games using their rules set.

    The models look pretty nice too, and are a good price!
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I have a large undead army and a large orc army from Mantic, plus a few random other figures. They are a great company that really engages with the community well, they have really nice models and really great prices, overall I have been very happy with them. They have a lot of big plans too with a sci-fi range coming in the next month or two, and lots of new KoW races.

    Additionally, they are the ones giving prize support to our current painting challenge which is really cool of them!
  6. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    I went to a games show and they had a stand showing people the models and letting them try it out. It's a really fun fast paced game that is so easy to learn. You never take the models out of a unit, instead they get some sort of points and then have to go against a morale test thing before things happen. I would definetely start it if I had someone to play, and I love the mini's I may start a dwarf list with there mini's (I can't complain at 100 warriors for £50)
  7. PlasmaDavid

    PlasmaDavid Active Member

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    This is a real champion of a necro-bump, feels good to have decades old threads to do this with :D

    I picked up the halflings vs orcs KoW starter set, pretty well just for the minis. They're fantastic. The quality isn't as good as GW plastic but you get lots of them and they're perfectly fine for the average hobbyists skill level!

    If I wanted to play undead for WFB/generic fantasy they'd be my go-to for affordable numbers of zombies and skeles too
  8. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    If you're getting into KoW, there's a whole KoW subforum now, it could do with a bit of livening-up ;)

    I certainly see no problems with Mantic's minis, especially now they're focused on making more in plastic. True, they may not be up to the standard of GW's current sculpts but they don't look bad at all, with a greater resemblance to GW's sculpts about 10 years ago which were themselves pretty good, and similarly as affordable. Indeed in a lot of ways I prefer kits in the style that Mantic and the GW of old used to make compared to the artist's display pieces GW make now, as they have far fewer brittle components and are more poseable. Indeed a lot of people liken them to the Games Workshop GW should have been, with more of an interest in designing balanced games, a focus on keeping models affordable and their attempts to cater toward armies and aesthetics GW have squatted.

    In particular the one thing that really bugs me about a lot of GW's current kits is that, for specific models in a lot of kits (Mortek Guard and the new Human-Skaven Cawdor Gang being just two examples) I've seen them include the whole torso and one leg as one piece, and then the other leg as a separate piece on its own... seriously? There is no point to that given there is only one place that leg can go, with the only poseability available being the separate arms and head. If you wanted to keep the body in two parts to save space on the sprue, you might as well separate the torso and legs instead, as you see on a lot of their older models, so that the modeller can pose the torso how they like and combine different torsos and pairs of legs.

    I'm certainly liking the look of Mantic's new Empire of Dust (read: Tomb King) Skeletons and the Riftforged Orcs also have a lot of conversion potential. The Halflings in my mind have a use as Warhammer Gnomes (in particular given they don't have the big flat furry Hobbit feet), for whom I'm writing an army list based upon the Mantic Halfling models, though the English Setter riders look stupid, I'd have to replace them with other mounts if I got any to Gnome-ify.
  9. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Hi there. US based direct retailer for mantic games products here.

    Yes kings of war is a good system. It has its quirks to get used too but is very satisfying to play.

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