AoS AoS Crusade/Path to Glory

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Count, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. Count

    Count New Member

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    Hi everyone

    Looking for a bit of advice on how to run these lists in game.
    I have just started playing AoS after not playing my seraphon since Fantasy finished; although I have got some newer model sculpts.
    I am lacking in models but I have put lists together with what models I have for each stage of the campaign.

    I want to play starborne when I'm better at game but I am Coalesced, koatls claw for this campaign.

    600pts =
    Saurus Oldblood (on foot + general)
    Scar Veteran on Cold One
    10x Saurus Warriors - spears
    10x Saurus Warriors - clubs
    10x skinks - javelins
    10x skinks - boltspitters

    1000pts same as prev but extra:
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon
    Salamander Hunting pack x1

    1500pts same as prev but with extra:
    Skink Priest
    Bastilodon solar engine
    A 2nd salamander hunting pack

    Armies il be facing=
    Gloomspite gitz- grimscuttle spiders
    Slaves to darkness- ravagers
    Hedonites of Slaanesh- godseekers
    Karadron overlords - Barack Zon
    I think that's it.

    So how do you think my list looks please and how would you move it around on the board (of course I know that will depend on terrain, enemy movements and missions/objectives)?

    Thank you very much!
  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Do you, or does your gaming group, prefer to play with "What You See Is What You Get" or can you make unit substitutions?

    Part of why I ask is that I think it might be better to put together the Warriors into one unit of 20 (of either all clubs or all spears). Then you should probably move the Oldblood together with the big block of Warriors. Also, I would consider making the Oldblood into a Sunblood, because I think the Sunblood's command ability is better and it's combat is too.
    It's a shame you don't have some Knights. Not only would the Scar-Vet on CO work well with them, but Knights are just a good "charge and punch first" unit for Seraphon.

    That said, if you can't group units together or change any of the units, I think I would consider playing more defensively; especially at 600 pts. Two different ideas. You could put your Saurus heroes behind/near each unit of Warriors. Then put a unit of Skinks in front of each of those units as a buffer/chaff. Move up the board or onto objectives. Try to keep the Warriors within charge distance if something attacks the Skinks. Warriors probably aren't great at removing units, but they are decent at tying up units.
    Alternatively, you could put the Warriors/Heroes up front, with Skinks behind, to protect what little shooting you have. But, you don't have much shooting and that could mean your main punch, the Saurus, gets wiped sooner.
    Count likes this.
  3. Count

    Count New Member

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    OK thank you, yes I mean I could reinforce them into 20 models; I wasn't sure if that was better or if I may want them to split up.
    I think skinks in front is a good idea.
    I have a practice game on Wednesday before I have to confirm my list so il see what happens and I'll let you know, thanks!
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  4. Count

    Count New Member

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    So I won my game on Weds which was a surprise. Made plenty of mistakes, my skinks were useless but I probably used them wrongly.
    My troglodon was pretty good, my scar vet on cold one was great and the saurus warriors were the stars of the show!
    Salamanders are so dangerous but I rolled poorly for them.
    I used skinks as much as shields as I could. I wasted my on foot oldblood.
    I could see merit of a reinforced unit of spear saurus and a 10 model unit of club saurus
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  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Congrats! So you must have fought a 1000-1500 point battle?

    I doubt you were using the Skinks that badly. In minimum sized units, Skinks are little more than speedbumps, distractions or brittle objective grabbers. But often a speedbump is all you need to keep a unit away from something you don't want to get attacked.

    The Troglodon is probably okay in a lower point battle. Not our best monster, but a decent caster with a couple nice tricks (like regeneration).

    If you're using the most current AoS rules, then a reinforced unit of Saurus with clubs is probably better. Virtually every model in a unit of 20 should still be able to attack due to this season's "special reach" rules for Galletian Veterans. The -1 rend on clubs, with 2 attacks each due to having more than 15 in the unit, should serve you better than spears.

    Yes, Salamanders are excellent damage dealers. Once you have enough points to get two in a unit, they take buffs very well.

    I have used an foot Oldblood and I don't think he does that much. As a general, I tend to keep him protected by a unit. I just walk him around with his unit issuing commands and (hopefully) getting command points back.

    An argument could be made to make your Scar-vet the general. I think he has a more useful command ability. So he can issue more often and try to get the command point back.

    Regardless, you did something right and got a win. That's better than my record typically. Ha ha. Well done!
  6. Count

    Count New Member

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    Hello, thank you!
    Yes it was so much fun to use my Seraphon. I have collected them for years but never played them.
    It's funny you should say that, the Scar vet on cold one has more attacks, more movement and more wounds, with the compulsory Koatls Claw relic and Comm. Trait its got some extra beef too so I was planning on swapping them over!

    I have amended my lists slightly and with pay day I'm mind and getting a couple of things to add. Please feel free to critique the following!:

    600pt level (585pts)
    Scar-vet on cold one- Koatls claw relic and CT
    Terradon Chief -stegadon helm worth it?
    20 Saurus Warriors with clubs - reinforced (you say they have extra reach?)
    5 Saurus knights with swords
    10 Skinks

    1000pt level: (960pt)
    Same as previous and extra....;
    Troglodon and skink Oracle- Cloak of feathers cos flying trog haha
    Teradon riders x3 with bolas (do you think I should include another unit of 10 saurus warriors instead of these?)

    1500pts (1490pts)
    Same as before plus....:
    Bastilodon solar engine
    Other: 2x salamander packs

    Should I be including another saurus unit as koatls claw buffs them a lot. Should I be including a saurus old/sun blood instead of a second salamander?

    Thank you so much for any help!!!!
  7. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Yes, sort of "extra reach". It's not a Saurus thing or even a regular Age of Sigmar thing. It's special rules for this season of AoS 3.0. Monsters had special rules last season. Check out the rules from the Warhammer Community page for this season.

    Terradon Chief is okay, I guess. He's cheap and has a great move. But he is rather fragile so try to keep him out of combat. I'm not sure the Stegadon Helm is that good on him, but I've not tried it. None of our flyers are amazing within the current rules, but Terradons are more effective than Rippers. When the bomb drops hit, they can wreck a minor hero. Just try them and have fun.

    Many people field Knights with spears. You get extra damage from spears on a charge, and the Koatls Claw trait of +1 hit on a charge helps those spears to land. But, I've often thought swords could be good. They do have only a 3+ to hit, which would become a 2+ to hit on a charge.

    I like the Cloak of Feathers on any Skink hero, and it's a good pick on the Troglodon.

    Bastiladon is solid pick. As are Salamanders. If you're trying to help maximize your lists, then I would try to get a Skink Priest in there. Their buff will help the Bastiladon or Salamanders shoot better. Plus, if you give the Skink Priest the prayer Heal, he can help repair the Bastiladon (or any close unit with multiple wounds) when they get hurt.
    Count likes this.
  8. Count

    Count New Member

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    All sound advice, thanks a lot!
    Just A Skink likes this.

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