AoS A flexible koatl's claw list, let's roast it

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by sisucoro, Oct 29, 2022.

  1. sisucoro
    Jungle Swarm

    sisucoro New Member

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    I'm new into the game so expect some basic errors into it, anyways, I was been doing a lot of read, understanded the rules, the book and how the army, more or less, works. Also I checked some successful lists and tried to understand why them are good, the main issue that I have is that I never played the game so I don't know if something that looks good on paper actually works or not, this will come with experience.

    That's my first attempt, I started with some good lists and tuned them to my taste, take me so time to build it but I like how end up, here it is:


    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (215)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Dominant Predator
    - War Spear
    - Artefact: Eviscerating Blade
    - Mount Trait: Beastmaster

    Slann Starmaster (285)
    - Artefact: Itxi Grubs
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest

    Skink Starseer (145)
    - Spell: Hand of Glory

    Skink Starpriest (130)
    - Spell: Hand of Glory


    5 x Saurus Guard (115)
    10 x Saurus Knights (220)
    - Lances
    10 x Saurus Knights (220)
    - Lances
    1 x Salamander Hunting Pack (140)
    1 x Salamander Hunting Pack (140)
    1 x Salamander Hunting Pack (140)


    Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)


    I think it's easy to understand how it works, In my opinion it's flexible because there are 3 packs that covers more or less everything; the magic one composed by the slann, the starseer, the saurus guard and the starpriest, the brute force with the carnosaur and the knights and the shooting one with the bastiladon and the salamanders.

    I don't know how this list will perform and how to adapt it when playing in diferent situations, this will come with experience but I think it's a good point to start.

    any thoughts?
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2022
  2. VikingRage

    VikingRage Well-Known Member

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    Alright, gloves off!!! Salamanders are definitely still good, they aren't as point efficient as they used to be, so they mostly get played in Starborn because you can teleport them in to "assassinate" enemy heroes and "must die" units. Without that mobility, they are really not the best in coalesced. Don't get me wrong, they will melt most things they bump into, but they will as often die before doing anything, the glass cannons that they are. I am generally happier running more bastiladons for that damage output in Coalesced. Also, if you are running Salamander packs, you are better off reinforcing a unit over running 2 as msu; makes it better for a rally comeback. Also, also if you are running Salies and want to make sure they get into the fray, make sure to take a Skink priest to give them run and shoot and charge to help make sure they get where they need to so they can earn back their points.

    Since you can only cast each spell once per turn, having hand of glory may give you diminished returns. It is worth it if you are dividing your army and want to spread the potential buff wider across the board (and for redundancy), otherwise it might be better to take celestial harmony or tide of serpents. Basically, if you run into horrorghasts with regularity, Celestial Harmony is a "haha, that's nice". If you are running into hoard armies, tide of serpents is just efficient. On the note of spells, it might be worth it to look at endless spells since you have as many casters as you do. I like to cap it at 1 spell per slann, and 1 spell per 2 skink spellcasters. If you are running hand of glory on both skinks, having access to an endless spell can help negate over-redundancy issues.

    Now to the super cereal talk...Koatl's Claw favours knights, a lot. They are decently mobile, and they really lean into the bonuses of Coalesced and KC. If you decide that you can drop some salamanders, filling in the space with knights will rarely be a poor move. 2 extra jaw attacks, and warspear knights stack the rewards for charging in KC. Running many MSU Knight units as you can helps create meaningful target saturation and objective control.

    After all of this blah blah blah, I have one really big caveat. Everything I said can be thrown in the trash if you are just playing models you really like. As you said, you will get better with practice, and the most important thing in wargaming is having intimate knowledge on how you should run your list. Practice, practice, practice! and I guarantee you will outplay "better" lists in less practiced hands.
  3. sisucoro
    Jungle Swarm

    sisucoro New Member

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    wow thank you for all that information, specially because yo nailed in all the doubts I have, I apreciate a lot it, thank you!

    I agree with you with droping salamanders, without them are 420 points free, then another Bastiladon (250), the skink priest (120) this leaves 50p for experimenting with endless spells or one extra command point
    VikingRage likes this.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I would consider splitting one of the units of 10 knights into two units of 5 knights. So you will have a 10, 5, and 5. Five Knights in KC can still hit pretty hard and are easier to maneuver.

    Also, IF you have the models and could find the points, Chameleon Skinks are fun in a Koatl's Claw list. It can force your opponent to worry about their backline. Or, if they don't, you can drop in the Chameleons and snipe a lower level hero.
    sisucoro and VikingRage like this.
  5. sisucoro
    Jungle Swarm

    sisucoro New Member

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    I like the idea of the chameleons, reminds me the old dark elves assasins, the only issue is that I think that they don't hit enough to consider them as a menace, but what you say about to hit a lower level hero is a great idea, specially those anoying wizards in the background, I will try it for sure, so thank you for the propose
    Just A Skink likes this.
  6. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    True, they aren't the most deadly, but they aren't bad with 2 attacks each at 3+/4+. You're sort of fishing for 6s with them, to get mortal wounds. Plus, they have the flexibility to try a snipe or possibly to just steal an objective. If you do use them, I suggest a unit of 10 or two units of 5. Only one unit of 5 shooting isn't the most impressive.

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