Hi guys. I'm now starting my skinks but i'm not sure which one is better black or white basecoat. What you recommend?
hi, ive been painting skinks for a while and tried both methods.the real thing is, it depends on what you like.i tend to prefer black because i like using it as a recess for the scales so they stand out more.i then base coat and gennerally do a wash and inks.the highlight the bits with skull white.You tned to have a slightly darker looking skink.if you are going for a light couler then its best to go for a white undercoat.it really does depend on what cxouler your skins are primarily going to be, dark coulers, blue darkgreen , red, go for black, yellowy cream -light greens go for white. good luck with your skinks
I never use white for anything anymore. Black undercoats are easier to work with because then you have black in all the deepest recesses rather than white, so anything you can't reach looks like shadow rather than being unnaturally bright. However, it does somewhat depend on your colour scheme. If you want a really really light colour scheme, then it may be appropriate to go white. Especially if you just want to wash on top of the white to get a final fast and simple scheme. For most though, I'd start with black and build up to brighter colours.
I usually do white or gray (or a mixture of gray and white). I like brighter colors for my army. Plus, I have a little trouble seeing the details on black base coated models. White allows me to see them clearer.
I use colour spray base coats, I know it wasn't the question exactly but I find it so much easier when you have a nice colour base then all you need to do is a black wash to fill the recess's and start painting. Sorry for posting this pic again but: Honestly you could paint a full regt to a good table-top standard in a day.