Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Feeling they might need eyes in the skies, Hexec hopped on Xlan to check out the surrounding area. The feeling of the wind against his skin was amazing, and being back in the air made him feel alive again. He quickly scanned his surroundings and flew back to to Ilok to report.

    ((Not sure if this requires a Beast Handling point.))
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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Sure does))
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  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((sorry guys still waiting on the other two, gonna msg them to see if they are still in this thing.))
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  4. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-Rodriq took the opportunity to clean his equipment. Carefully removing each weapon and piece of armor, he sat them gently on the ground and began polishing them with a piece of damp moss. He said a prayer to the Old Ones in his head while he worked, asking them to bless his weapons and give him luck on whatever path fate would lead him down next.
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  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hexec returned with news, that from the high altitude he recognized some of the area, if they kept on this path they should be able to reach the Vampire Coast in a few days. However in that direction the sky seemed darkest. Huaroc leading from the front, began to notice that the leaves seemed a bit more pale than usual as though they had not seen sun in weeks, also it seemed that the further they moved forward the colder it seemed to get, maybe by a degree or so but enough for them to notice the slight drop. Ilok moved between Ax-Rodriq and Xap, the latter seemed quiet, it was possible he was having a fit of stupidity that the kroxigors where known for but he was taking Iloks orders with ease, so they moved forward.

    Ax-Rodriq's attention turns to his side as he begins to feel a movement and hears a slight groan in his egg.

    ((I kneed every on to give me a single dice roll please, you can do it in here or in a pm, also Hexec from here on out, I'll need if you plan to be in the air or on the ground for every post. If you are in the air it will cost you 1 beast handling point, unless the weather gets bad then it may go up.))
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  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The skinks in the party notice the rustle of the bushes and turn quickly in defence. To thier suprise a group of five skinks emerge and move towards them.

    The front-most skink raises his hand and speaks,

    "Hail friends from Moon City, we come from Hautl. Our Slann has beckoned us to find you here there are things we need to aid you with before you continue your voyage."

    He then looks to the kroxigor, then back to the group.

    "We need to take this one, its mind has become infected, we hope to heal him."

    Its then that they noticed a thin layer of blue drool coming from the Kroxigor and his blank gaze. One of the other skinks moves over to him and begins to calmly take him away. Tlax seems to follow unquestioning.

    Then the chief looks to the saurus.

    "We also require the egg you carry, it is almost ready to hatch and we need to raise it. When it is grown, we will send for you to return to become its master."

    He waits for the saurus to respond before continuing.
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  7. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq quickly assembled his gear and handed the squirming egg to the leader of the strange Skinks. He made ready to follow the Skinks to their city, feeling that at the very worst, the minor delay would give the party a chance to rest and plan their next course of action.
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  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The skink takes the egg, and passes it to two of the others. Then looks at the saurus as he begins to follow. He tilts his head and speaks.

    "Sorry if you misunderstood, you are not to follow us back to Hautl you are to continue to your destination.

    He then points into the darkness to the east. He then takes four vials from his belt, and hands one to each of the remaining party. Waiting for the terradon rider to land.

    "These vials contain a poison blessed by our Slann, he says to coat your weapons with it. However the blessing will only last a day per coating so use it sparingly."

    He turns to leave, as do the rest.

    We bid you good luck, and pray you succeed in whatever quest you are on.

    He gives a low nod, before moving quickly into the jungle.

    (You can all coat all your weapons 10 times before the vial is empty)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc was very familiar with the coating of poison onto weapons. The other skinks he knew were familiar with the uses of poison on weapons as well. The Saurus he guessed was not as familiar and so took a few minutes to point out the finer techniques of poison coating to anyone who would hang around to listen although it was particularly addressed to the Saurus.

    Afterwards Huaroc declined to coat any of his darts or the javlin in the sacred blessed poison as he was more inclined to save it until it's need was readily apparent and figured he would have a bit of preperation time if the need arose.
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  10. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok was mostly surprised by the skinks. Especially since nobody heard them coming,
    even more when they took their mighty kroxigor ánd the egg!

    He pondered. This was out of his range, only a Slann could foresee such events.
    Ilok cast a simple blessing on everybody, before he got ready to lead the party into and through the darkness.

    He was as ready as he could ever be.

    THe Hunted
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  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The group continued on towards the vampire coats, as they did it grew darker and more foreboding. They also began to notice the vegetation thinning, and beginning to show signs of blight, They walked for the better part of the day, till they grew exhausted and needed to rest. They stopped at a clearing, there was a stream nearby with a foul smell, they looked to their provisions and found them lacking. It seemed there was nothing to hunt here either. Luckily the cold bloods had slow metabolisms or they might have been starving for now, they decided to wait for a while till they where rested fully.
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  12. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok could hit himself, how could they have been so stupid!?
    They did not prepare well for this trip. That was clear. The night would be long and cold,
    and there would be much dangers. Somebody should be on guard, and we should keep 1 weapon
    coated. The 'guard weapon'.
    Ilok then noticed he didn't even have any weapons on him!
    He sighed. He hoped the rest would understand...

    The Hunted
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  13. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    "I am willing to coat one of my weapons for guard. And I will watch the camp tonight, these coasts do not scare me. Since I will be in the air, it will be much easier for me to see a large area of view. Get some rest." Hexec mounted his Terradon and flew up, careful to stay within a distance where he could see the camp and any threats that could come.

    ((-1 Beast Handling, in the air))
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  14. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Hexec took to the sky, he flew around for hours before his terradon grew tired and needed a rest, he perched it on the highest tree he could find, which gave him the best vantage point. He sat there for a while eyes darting around. After a while he noticed movement in the woods moving towards the camp. He focused on them till it was clear what they where, they where skeletons and there was at least six possibly more, but they zig zaged through the trees at an alarming speed so it was hard to tell for certain.
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  15. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc remained on the perimeter of the camp, keeping his own watch and guard. He focused most of his patrol in the direction towards the coastline where the threat was most likely to come from. If any intruders were to try and make their camp they would breach Huaroc's perimeter first and he would know. Given his level of alertnes and blending he knew he'd get first strike and would be able to give the camp ample warning so that an ambush could not be sprung

    ((-1 Blend))
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  16. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    ((OOC: I'll just wait until we're in full battle-mode))
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  17. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    ((same here, I'm still sleeping IC. So I'll have to wait a bit))

    The Hunted
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  18. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    (JohnMavrick not sure if you got my pm can you send me a d6 roll please, I got your error pm)
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  19. lordofwar

    lordofwar New Member

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    do i get going yet
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  20. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    A thick fog began to form around the camp, blurring the eyes of the skinks inside the camp. Although the chameleon skink was on guard as well he did not notice as the skeletons moved into the camp His head snapped towards the others as he heard as the terradon swoop down into the center of camp. Then Hexec cried a warning to the group that they were being ambushed. Just then two skeltons burst from the fog and slash at the terradon. The first skeleton missed as the terradon turned, the other nearly hit its mark but the winged beast managed to move the blade away with it's beak. It took some control to get the beast to stay on the ground to help with the fight (-3 beast handling).

    As the rest of the group moved to help ten more skeletons burst from around them, in total there where a dozen this would not be a simple battle.

    WS 2 or less - S3 - Wound - 4 battle
    WS 2 or less - S4 - Wound - 3 battle
    WS 2 or less - S5+ - Wound - 2 battle
    WS 3+ - S3 - Wound - 3 battle
    WS 3+ - S4 - Wound - 2 battle
    WS 3+ - S5+ - Wound - 1 battle
    BS 3 or less - ranged weapon - 4 skill
    BS 4 - ranged weapon - 3 skill
    BS 5+ - ranged weapon - 2 skill
    Magic - 2 magic (1 wound, only can be done once)

    Note as per usual you can do as many wounds as you have attacks, magic I will allow you to roll allow you to kill a random amount for 8 points, I'll roll a d6 and times the number by 2 and it will kill a random amount. Also you guys can coat your weapons to reduce the values by 1
    Also lordofwar you can join now ;)
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