Saurus Scar-veteran on cold-one - figure size

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Lacek, Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Lacek
    Jungle Swarm

    Lacek New Member

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    Saurus scar veteran on cold one are not sold by GW anymore. I read here and there inluding LO that one can convert a saurus knight to a saurus Scarvet on cold one. I have some questions though:

    - I have a Scarvet on carnousaur and IMHO the figure size for the scarvet on carnosaur is larger than the saurus knight rider. Is the original Scarvet on cold one also larger than a saurus knight rider or not?
    - If Scarvet on cold one is larger than saurus knight rider, how it is that scarvet on cold one can join saurus knight unit (with rectangle bases)? Is the size increase "upwdards" not "sideways" ?
    - Can Scarvet on carnosaur be remade into scarvet on cold one, or is it too with (I want to use them in WHFB unit, with rectangular base).
  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to Lustria @Lacek.

    Yes, the actual model of the Saurus that comes in the Carnosaur kit was sculpted a bit bigger, or more muscular, than the original Saurus models. The Carnosaur kit is newer than either the Saurus Warriors or Saurus Knights kits (but all of them are fairly old now), and it has a more dynamic look. Although the Scar-veteran on Cold One model is currently missing from the GW site, it is the same size as the other Saurus Knights.

    Even though the Saurus from the Carnosaur kit is a little bigger, the figure is not so big (or wide) that he can't go on the back of a Cold One, then go on the same rectangular base as a Saurus Knight, and finally be added to a unit. Or it's probably easier to convert a Saurus Knight into a Scar-veteran.
    VikingRage likes this.
  3. Lacek
    Jungle Swarm

    Lacek New Member

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    Thank you for your reply. So I will proceed with buying an extra box of saurus knights and converting 2-3 of them into scarvets.

    This makes a lot of sense, as as I understand Seraphon figures can be much larger than Lizardment due to the inherent skirmishing nature of the AoS. This has been the case for the Lord Kroak. I decided to start collecting Lizardmen a couple of months ago, and was happy to find out that WHFB figures are still being sold :) I saw the highlights of "what is coming in 2023" and in addition to new Slann there seem to be new Saurus Warriors coming. That is great but it seems to me that they have been increased in size as well. I do not understand how this will play out when the WH: The Old World comes out. Will the WH:ToW be on the square bases, but larger ones? I guess one can only speculate at this point. In any case thanks for scarvet clarification.
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