First post edited for purpose of listing. Project status: Descent 9 enemy groups left to do 16 Heroes left to do Stuffed Fables done Stuffed Fables: Oh, Brother! 13 enemies left to do 2 heroes left to do
I was looking for more small minis I can take to work, so I can paint them during lunchbreaks and since I am quickly running out of lizardmen, I thought about where to look... Then I realised that I have solution right under my nose all this time. We have quite big collection of boardgames and about half of it have minis. Early 2017, I started painting our collection of Descent: Journeys in the dark (second edition) and got into about one third done. Then I started playing wargames and we moved on from playing Descent toother boardgames, so there was no motivation. Until now. Plenty of minis ready to paint, no huge blobs of same figures and every group completely different. That is like heaven in current situation. Anyways, it was great to dust off box and look at progress from back then. Here are some of those minis that were painted by young Sleepy:
Very nice, I like the blue beetle creature with the red stripes. All look fantastic, great crop of creatures
Thank you, I really hope to ressurrect this project because there is really colorful selection of creatures.
I finally decided on how to decide what to paint next. Each time I feel like it is time for some Descent, I'll just take enemy cards, shuffle them and pick random group. If I tale one that ia already painted, I'll take another until I find unpainted one. I might just separate cards, but I don't want to misplace any and find out about it in couple of years after we get back to gaming. Alright, I have first monster group packed and if everything goes well, I start working on them tomorrow. This time I picked Marrow priests. There are just two minis in this enemy group, so it should be fairly quick.
Ok, that was quickie, but this was only group of only two regular size minis in whole game (if I remember correctly). Edit: correction, there are few "two models" geoups, but most of them are already painted.
While I was watching kiddo this morning, we dug to box and I let him choose next group for painting. He must really hate me, because he chose elementals. Oldest second edition minis with lots of gaps and all four elements on each mini. This will be quite a challenge. As artwork doesn't tell much, I browsed for painted minis for inspiration. This one was on boardgamegeek:
I managed to prepare elementals. I noticed small gap between models and bases, so I tried to freeze them to pop them up... I broke both bases and it took me about hour to clean up underside of models. Anyways, then I filled those horrible gaps and they are now ready.
Good work on that one! Is this a multi elemental being? Is there any lore behind these miniatures? (I am not familiar with the game Descent) Grrr, !mrahil
Yup, basically as you´ve said it. All four elements on single being. There is a Descent wiki, but for normal monster groups there is not much of lore. I think that all of the lore is reserved for bosses and heroes.
Yeah, me neither. But I hope we get back to it when kiddo grows up a bit. We played for about two years weekly. Finished all the campaings with our former gaming group. I must say that I really liked their campaings with app, because I finally experienced game as hero and not as overlord (evil game master).
Another random pick by kiddo, Ettins. Two headed giants on 50mm bases. This should be another straightforward work as there are no difficult details. Here is artwork: And here are minis, I also took handful of heroes without looking to get them done simultaneously.
I wasn't really satisfied with them, as those empty eyes and pale skin looked like Deadites from Evil Dead (groovy! ) Spoiler: Be careful So I tried to mix warmer color and put dots in eyes. That was awesome as those minis are about 1/72 and dwarves and gnomes on top of that scale to Saurus below: But I managed at least to improve the skin...