I've never seen you Slann and I really like what he's standing on. I would love see some other shots in order to get a better idea of what you did.
Thanks, when I finish the skink and get him glued on I will take a couple shots of him in and out of the Temple Guard.
Like what you did with the Slann but I think that the new Slann looks 10x better than the old. Just a matter of taste, nothing personal.
Yeah, I have been playing since the beginning though, so still have a soft spot for the old models. I did buy a new slann recently, but haven't done anything with him yet.
Oh I see. I guess I cannot understand since I didn't start collecting Lizardmen until after they got their latest update
Wow that stand really makes him look cool!!! I think you really did a great job with that old slann model and I really like how ferocious his skink attendant looks!!! Nice use of the skink chief from the stegadon kit!!! Really creative and nice work jormi_boced!!!
Thanks! I am afraid he still won't kill anything no matter how ferocious he looks. It would be sweet if his attendant had the stats of a chief