Hi Everyone: First time poster.... I'm assembling some of skinks with javelins and shields and I have no idea how to make them rank up in a unit. They look great as skirmishers, but there appears to be no good way to make them rank up. Does anyone have any hints? Matt Beauchamp Hydra Miniatures www.hydraminiatures.com
The best way seems to be to bend the tails a bit into a position where they will not interfere with the model behind them, they should bend cold fairly easily otherwise the hot water trick will work. They are not the best models to rank up, probably because they weren't really designed to be ranked.
I saw this problem with a friend the other night. As strewart has suggested a bowl of very hot water and some plyers is probably your best bet.
I was doing the same thing and the best thing that I found to do is to not assemble the pieces yet. Just put the bodies on the bases with no arms and fit them that way first then after that find which arms fit where. Trust me, you'll find a way. Try ranking Wood Elf Glade Guard when you love their flashy cloaks There was lots of knife-work involved...
This. I had to do this with my Temple Guard because my Slann has a fancy base. In the end, I had to utilize a technique known as salt bending. Another thing to keep in mind is that they will all rank up, they just need to be in a certain order. there are some skinks that are "left-facing" and some that are "right-facing". Make sure that you're only putting "right-facing" skinks behind other "right-facing" skinks and vice-versa. You'll find they actually rank up quite well unless their arms or shields get in the way.