Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - September 2023 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we have on the go, the rules are fairly simple. At the start of the month post what you intend to try and finish this month, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else. Around the middle of the month post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link. Around the end of the month post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link. The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc. You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section. If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress Grrr, !mrahil
Keepin´ it vague again. 10 tyranid models 10 death guard models 10 seraphon models Also this time, I will preshade that Stegadon so hard it will look white
I have a few objectives this september: - Finish painting shroud runners (2/3) - Paint some space marines from leviathan box (not really a goal but dont want to leave them unpainted) - Finish painting stegadon - Paint skinks - Build some new seraphon! I hope i complete this tasks! Also will start baldurs gate 3 with a friend, so i dont know how much time will this take haha
Alrighty, hopefully this month I will actually finish painting my saurus warriors. My only ambition after that is to paint at least one of my aggradons, any more than that is a bonus!
My goals for this month are: - create and paint an entry for the Feathered Serpent contest - finish painting my last 5 Saurus Knights - paint some Moria Goblins - read a couple of chapters of 'Herald of the Old Ones' Grrr, !mrahil
Goals time - Prepare a 1000 point army for the next game day on the 21st - Hopefully make a start on a new army via my Weight loss blog - Maybe enter into the Feathered serpent contest My hobby time is being taken up by Final Fantasy XIV at the moment but I keep getting the urge to Warhammer.
Goals of the month since I’m off most of it heheheh!! 1- enjoy our cruise vacation in the Mediterranean!!! Should be a easy one to accomplish!!! 2- make a big dent into my 30K salamanders army!!! Started well getting lots of it primed and base coated last night!!! 3- work on either my seraphon army or tyrannids?!! If time permits!! Will see
My goals for September are: Clean and assemble kroak and gor-rok Try not to ruin my skinks again by coming up with a good color for their back scales Complete the project for the Feathered serpent Make the sacrifices needed so that the point above dosen't go wrong Print a bunch of parts for some other projects before october If point 2 dosen't work out, just assemble some blow dart skinks
Assemble: 1 Model of the Month: - Skabbit’s Plaguepack: – Completed! 1 Sister of Battle: – Old old metal model mostly stripped of old paintjob 1 Kroot: - Paint: Remaining Blackpowder’s Buccaneers Warband: - Blackpowder's gaps have been filled and he's undercoated. 5 Seraphim: - 3 Sisters of Battle: – 1 Canoness: – Completed! 1 Kroot: – Mostly basecoated 1 Punga Minis Pi-rat: – 2 Models of the Month: – Enforcer mostly basecoated in a Dredd paint scheme 1 Bugmansson: – Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven: – Base: Remaining Blackpowder’s Buccaneers: – 1 Pi-rat: – Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven: – 1 Bugmansson: –
First third of month progress: 10 tyranid models - 0 done 10 death guard models- 0 done 10 seraphon models- 0 done Stegadon preshaded I was struggling to find time to paint a bit, but I hope that it gets better till the end of the month. 2 Blighthaulers are almost finished, rhino is primed and I preshaded realmshaper.
After two months without production I will try to get Back to my miniatures! kroxygor x3 (One almost done, two already primed) Cavalier for my rpg Campaign - completed Cleric for my rpg Campaign - completed Ogre for my rpg Campaign 12 cold one knights 1 Old Blood On Cold One 10 Old School Skinks 2 chameleon Skinks
Halfway-ish of the month and not done very much hobby wise. I have made progress on my supposed entry for the Feathered Serpent contest. But other than that not much. Deadline at work for the end of the month isn't helping either. Grrr, !mrahil
Finish painting shroud runners (2/3) - Paint some space marines from leviathan box (not really a goal but dont want to leave them unpainted) - Finish painting stegadon ( but i magnetized it) - Paint skinks (1 test) - Build some new seraphon! ( 5 raptadon hunters, 10 saurus warriors, slann, oldbloon on carnosaur) I actually finished my degree of veterinary medicine so I wasn't able to spend time on the hobby. Also, right after finishing the exams i played started baldurs gate 3 like a psycho
- Prepare a 1000 point army for the next game day on the 21st- I've had to unfortunately cancel this time round as our usual baby sitters(Oma and Opa) are going on a short vacation to Germany. I don't feel comfortable leaving my Wife alone with 7 dogs and our child - Hopefully make a start on a new army via my Weight loss blog- To be updated but... consider it started - Maybe enter into the Feathered serpent contest Gonna say now this is not happening this month. Hobby time is at a premium and I can't see it happening.
kroxygor x3 (One almost done, two already primed) Cavalier for my rpg Campaign - completed Cleric for my rpg Campaign - completed Ogre for my rpg Campaign 12 cold one knights 1 Old Blood On Cold One 10 Old School Skinks 2 chameleon Skinks Glue magnets to undeads, Halberdiers, Pirazzo Los Legion and some Dark Elves (over 350 magnets): completed.
It does not Second third of month progress: 10 tyranid models - 0 done 10 death guard models- 2 done 10 seraphon models- 0 done Stegadon preshaded Realmshaper is really taking all of my´hobby time here. So many details. On top of that, I´ve had couple of unplanned home office days (where I can´t paint during lunch breaks).
I finally have something to show for my hobby efforts this month: - create and paint an entry for the Feathered Serpent contest - finish painting my last 5 Saurus Knights - paint some Moria Goblins - read a couple of chapters of 'Herald of the Old Ones' Grrr, !mrahil
Time for my obligatory monthly roundup Gor-rok and Kroak are cleaned, but not assembled I found priper paints for my skinks, they should be painted before the end of the year Almost done with the Feathered serpent entry, just need to add finishing touches It has been done I still need to print some stuff since I went on holiday for a week Blow dart skinks are assembled and I already have the paints for them Once I get through October I should be able to use more of my free time on painting
Final report here. This month was weak. Those are rookie numbers and I should step up my game. 10 tyranid models - 6 done 10 death guard models- 2 done 10 seraphon models- 1 realmshaper done, 5 aggradons in progress Stegadon preshaded