Ok so ive just picked 3 boxes of saurus to give myself 2 units of 24. I'm not sure how to paint them , i'm halfway through painting one the way the GW guide says but i'm not sure about the turqouse. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to paint one blue. Thanks!
This might help if you want to try out some different colors.... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ if you just want a better looking blue, try out some of the Asurlan blue wash that GW sells. it works great on blue Lizardmen, just apply over all of the skin that you allready pained with turquois, for some good looking, and quick and easy shading.
The GW guide worked for me: Basecoat -> Hawk Turqoise/Ice blue 50/50 mix Wash -> Asurmen Blue, all over Drybrush -> Iceblue Drybrush -> slightly Skull white
The green I used to do was a basecoat of Knarloc Green, highlighted with Rotting Flesh, and then washed with Thraka Green. If you're using more of a Dark Angels Green, then you could highlight with Goblin Green and Snot Green.
Yay! Green Lizards! Well, my scales are basecoated with Dark Angels Green and I then highlight with sick green (Vallejo paints, along the lines of goblin green) then I basecoat the skin with Sick Green and highlighted with scorpion green. Really its up to how you want them to turn out, do you want a lighter skin/scale color? A darker one? Or one dark and one light? Find the effect you want and go with that one Oh, and if you are going with green then for highlights on the other parts of the model I would use browns, reds, and for metal brass or gold to get a good combo
I would say definitely try that interactive saurus painter. It really gets the creative juices flowing.
Here's another link with some usefull color combinations, sory the site is a bit girly, at least the info is good. http://creativecurio.com/2008/05/the-color-wheel-and-color-theory/