Ive recently decided to strip all my Lizardmen models and give them a new paint job. Ill hopefully post more as I complete them but for now here is my skink priest (love this classic model)
There is no link. Try putting it inbetween [ pic] YOUR PICTURE [ /pic] Oh and get rid of the spaces in the brackets. It's just so you can see the code! Lloyd
Picture works now. You need to use the 'direct link' code under share photo, rather than just the url of the page that the photo is on.
Nice painting mate. Oh and nice to see non-blue Lizards!! And did I spy some old saurus models in the background? Gotta love old metal/lead stuff.... *nice thoughts....* Lloyd
Thanks. Yea Im not sure when and why GW came up with the idea that all Lizardmen are blue, I have White Dwarf articles on painting orange lizardmen (albeit from 1998) and yes well spotted there are a few old metal saurus in the background. Ive been out of the hobby for a while but from what I gather 8th ed is all about big units so Ive 30 old style saurus with hand weapons that are getting a nice new paint job
They look pretty good! Any chance of a clearer photo of that skink priest? Looks like an interesting model, I looked in GW classic range but he doesn't seem to be there. I think the main reason GW chose blue LM over green was because they already had a green army in orcs and goblins, so they decided to go for something else.
Looking pretty good so far! Nicely done on the Kroxigor and I do too would like to see a better pictre of that classic Skink Priest.
Im currently working with the camera on my phone and desk lamp so sorry about the quality but hopefully these are better.
Thanks! Yea its the first in what I hope is going to be a bigger collection on LM/Jungle terrain. It was simple to put together. The stegadon skeleton is made from a kids dinosaur fossil toy, easy enough to pick up in toy stores or museum gift shops. I cut it in half and put the other half in the bitz box for a future project. I then glued the half to a piece of polystyrene and painted it up before basing the whole thing with sand, static grass and coarse turf. The bamboo type plants are just painted wooden dowel with coarse turf glued on and some large plastic leaves glued on. I had the leaves lying about the house but similar stuff can be bought in pet shops for aquariums. Im currently planning a village of Skink barios, some spawning pools, a small temple pyramid and totem. Cant really put a timescale on these due to college commitments and painting but Im hoping to make a start fairly soon. Heres a better pic.
Its been a while since I posted an update so here goes Working away at the army. Its getting there slowly but surely
I like the extra shine that the Slann has, to me it makes him look a little slimy, and honestly, thats how I picture Slann's I wish I still had my older pewter Saurus.. They were orange just like yours!!
Yeah I'm not a fan of the matt finish on a lot of the Slann. I mixed some blue ink with gloss varnish. I always liked the pewter saurus models.