AoS 1000pts Starborne

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by MackiMac, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. MackiMac

    MackiMac Well-Known Member

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    Is this an ok 1000p list?

    - Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Starborne
    - Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek
    - Grand Strategy: Realmshaper Guardians
    - Triumph: Inspired
    Terradon Chief (100)*
    - Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
    Skink Starpriest (130)*
    - General
    - Command Traits: Master of Star-rituals
    - Spells: Hoarfrost
    Raptadon Chargers (150)*
    Saurus Warriors (180)*
    - Celestite Club
    Raptadon Chargers (150)*
    Terradon Riders (220)*
    - Starstrike Javelin
    Terrawings (70)*
    *Battle Regiment
    TOTAL POINTS: 1000/1000
    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I'm concerned that you're missing out on the main Starborne features (mainly CPP generation and teleportation). I wish the Starpriest could be a Starseer, for a little more casting/conjuration points, or a Troglodon, for good features and monstrous actions. I like either Master of Star Rituals or Shaman of the Chilled Lands on your general. I've rarely managed to get Realmshaper Guardians, so you might try Spellcasting Savant as your Grand Strategy?

    That said, it looks like a fun list to play. I don't see a lot of Terradons (or Terrawings) in lists these days. Terradons, Terrawings and Chargers all have good movement to compensate for teleport. Warriors can hold objectives for a couple combats depending on the opponent. In general, it looks like a fast but fragile army.
    MackiMac likes this.
  3. MackiMac

    MackiMac Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the reply! I have not played any starborne list in the current book yet, so I dont really know what im doing.

    I found it difficult to fit a Slann in 1000p and still have enough units. How would you do it?

    Now when you mentioed it, Shaman of the shilled Lands is probably the better trait and just pick speed of huanchi.

    I dont really like spelcasting savant on such a fragile model. But you are right, its still easier than realmshaper Guardian. I just get a bad flashback when a beast of chaos hero oneshoted my priest with a wierd ritual.

    I picked the warriors mainly to have something on objectives and unlock their battletactic.

    I think terradons could be quite good in 1000p and I wanted somthing different to what pepole usualy see in seraphon lists.

    Its probably not the most optimal list, but I dont know what would switch out.
    Just A Skink and jinjerJosh22 like this.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    All good points. A Slann does eat up lots of points, but gives good return on those points. I'm no Seraphon pro, but I wanted to suggest some better casting/conjuration; which is what Starborne seems to lean into.

    Here's a list I made previously. I don't think it has the punch that your list has. It also doesn't incorporate the Andtor spells like it could, but I was trying to pick some Seraphon damage spells.

    Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Starborne
    - Army Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek
    - Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant
    - Triumphs: Indomitable


    1 x Slann Starmaster (290)*
    - General
    - Command Traits: Lord of Celestial Resonance
    - Artefacts: Spacefolder’s Stave
    - Spells: Comet’s Call, Stellar Tempest

    1 x Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)*

    1 x Skink Starpriest (130)*
    - Spells: Speed of Huanchi, Cosmic Crush


    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)
    - Raptadon Charger Alpha
    - Icon Bearer
    - Hornblower

    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)
    - Raptadon Charger Alpha
    - Icon Bearer
    - Hornblower

    5 x Saurus Guard (140)
    - Saurus Guard Alpha
    - Icon Bearer
    - War-drummer


    1 x Starborne Realmshaper Engine (0)


    *Command Entourage
    - Magnificent

    TOTAL POINTS: (1000/1000)

    Much lighter on bodies, but heavier on magic.

    -Optimal CPP generatiion on your turn is 10: 1 for each Wizard or Astrolith on battlefield (so 3); 2 for each Slann spell w/command trait (so 6), 1 for each Starpriest spell. Alternatively, you could drop the Slann artefact for Arcane Tome on Astrolith to cast Mystic Shield or Arcane Bolt and get 1 more CPP.
    -Optimal CPP on opponent's turn is 7: 2 for each Slann unbind w/command trait (so 6); 1 for each Starpriest unbind. Again Arcane Tome on Astrolith would give you one more unbind.
    10 x Skinks cost 8 CPP
    5 x Raptadon Chargers cost 16 CPP
    10 x Warriors cost 20 CPP

    You would almost certainly have to castle your Slann and AB behind your Guard. Raptadon's move forward to claim objectives or charge and hopefully wipe out what they hit. They cannot take a punch.
  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Here's another idea going all Skink units. Raptadons charge! Ha ha. No teleport in this list since there's no Slann.

    Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Starborne
    - Army Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek
    - Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant
    - Triumphs: Indomitable


    1 x Skink Oracle on Troglodon (270)*
    - Artefacts: Sacred Stegadon Helm
    - Spells: Speed of Huanchi, Cosmic Crush

    1 x Skink Starseer (150)*
    - General
    - Command Traits: Shaman of the Chilled Lands
    - Spells: Speed of Huanchi, Cosmic Crush

    1 x Skink Starpriest (130)*
    - Spells: Hoarfrost, Merciless Blizzard


    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)
    - Raptadon Charger Alpha
    - Icon Bearer
    - Hornblower

    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)
    - Raptadon Charger Alpha
    - Icon Bearer
    - Hornblower

    5 x Raptadon Chargers (150)
    - Raptadon Charger Alpha
    - Icon Bearer
    - Hornblower


    1 x Starborne Realmshaper Engine (0)


    *Command Entourage
    - Magnificent

    TOTAL POINTS: (1000/1000)
    Doons likes this.

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