Let's Get Motivated - New Year's hobby resolution 2023

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Imrahil, Jan 2, 2023.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - New Year's hobby resolution 2023

    I have been some of you putting out your hobby resolution for 2023.

    This thread is too get us motivated this year into finishing the projects that we have committed to in our resolution, the rules are fairly simple.

    At the start of the year post what your hobby resolution, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else.

    Around the middle of the year post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link.

    Around the end of the year post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link.

    The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc.

    You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section.

    If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer.

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress

    Grrr, !mrahil
  2. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Uff, whole year ahead. I'll try it for the first time.

    Lizardmen goals:

    - Paint all the lizardmen models I have unfinished up to this date:
    2 bastiladons, carnosaur, 20 skinks, 10 warriors, 6 terradons, 2 stegadons, 5 knights
    - Find suitable cheap proxy for Dread
    Saurian and complete it (as kiddo will not let go of the one I found last year)
    - Base whole army
    - Play at least 3 games with my lizardmen

    Non-lizardmen goals:
    - Finish the Descent project (about 70-80 minis)
    - Finish my german army for Flames of War (about 20 vehicles)
    - Do at least 500 worth of points of germans for Bolt Action
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Considering last two year's results I will drop the goal of completing all my Orruk Ironjawz models :oops:
    And list the things I know I might complete in the coming year:

    - Paint all the Mordor models I currently own:
    • 20 Mordor Orcs
    • 38 Morannon Orcs
    • 18 Warg Riders
    • 1 Wild Warg Chieftain
    • Witch-King/Nazgul on Fell Beast, on horse and on foot
    - Paint something Seraphon, preferably 2 units.

    - Finish the 3'x3' board for Gondor
    - Create and paint a new house for Gondor

    - Reach the 10K posts on the beloved Lustira-Online forum, with a complementary 'Double Slann ascension' post

    - Contributing to all Short Story contests

    Grrr, !mrahil
  4. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    So for my 2023 plan I want to try and achieve the following by the end of the year:

    - Build/Paint/Base 12 Underworlds Warbands – (attempt 1 a month)
    - 500 points SoB – (at least 1 unit a month)
    - 500 points Soulblight – (at least 1 unit every odd month)
    - 500 points Stormcast – (at least 1 unit every even month when not Soulblight)
    - Commemorative Series characters – (attempt 1 a month)
    - Models of month – (at least one a month, though I have some catch ups)
    - Non-GW models break-up - (Generally spread out one of Bolt Action, Punga, Italeri, Perry, Admiral Minis, e.t.c. Aim to do 1-3 of a sole choice a month. Maybe depending how things go have another month of all Non-GW?)

    Additional Secondary/Tertiary Goals:

    - Build/Paint/Base Soulbound RPG characters in miniature form
    - Make a start on Cursed City
    - Paint Aeronautica Astartes
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    My main objectives this year will be to finish my 2000 Denarii SPQR armies for Britain and Imperial Rome, expand my Beastman army to a fair size (500 points of legal units, 1000 at a stretch) and start developing a Dark Age Arthurian/Welsh army for my homebrew SPQR Dark Ages expansion, Ravenfeast and anything else Dark Ages-related I consider playing.

    Whether I fulfil any of this, I do not yet know.
  6. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    365 models or equivalent over the course of the year. To start
  7. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Well now I have a mostly build HH salamanders army!!

    Mai this year I would like to get my setup right or the very least have a corner I can airbrush I may be wrong but I feel that may help getting done quicker the base colour anyways !!!

    man’s with that I would like the paint up said salamanders army

    and then try to paint up my poor seraphon!!! I guess I should work on that since we’re getting something new this year!! Would be nice to get a AOS game in as well!!!
  8. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    For me I would love to build and paint up to 1500 points in at least two of my seemingly endless armies in Age of Sigmar.

    I want to start a Chaos army(Already chosen which and bought models ;)).

    Base things properly. I just setup a 1000 point Sylvaneth army up on a board to see how it would look and I was so disappointed it looked terrible. Several models had the white undercoat still visible on the base. I quickly painted over it with brown and it looked a 100 times better. So I think should start basing things properly.

    Buy and paint a Slann. Never have, feels like I'm missing something.

    Build/buy/paint terrain. This needs to be done. I enjoy playing and feel annoyed by my lacklustre board and terrain.

    Most more on this forum. I very much enjoy interacting with everybody here but I suck at posting especially photos of my models. So I should change that I think.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    That would be a pretty awesome goal. Not only would you have tons of options to play with yourself, but you could bring others into the hobby by letting them try out a warband before they decide to go looking for one of their own!


    Took me a bit, but I finally figured out what I wanted my hobby resolutions to be this year. 2023 is going to be a lot of transitions for me, so instead of building a ton of new stuff (which I have admittedly already done in January :p) my goal is to get through a bunch of the models that I already have assembled and ready-to-be-painted in my paint closet.

    2023 New Years Hobby_resolutions.jpg

    1. Deathwatch- I have a bunch of Deathwatch marines ready to get painted, specifically a second Dreadnought, a tank, and a second Spectrus kill team.
    2. Necromunda- still have to finish my Van Saar and Cawdor/Mechanicus kill teams, leftovers from a year ago now. I also have three final Palanite Enforcers to finish painting.
    3. Il Kaithe- same as last year! Instead of attempting to finish the whole force, maybe I can do a kill-teams worth. If I can get a single squad done this year I will be happy.
    4. Adeptus Mechanicus- I have a few 3D prints of Mechanicus raptor-riders I would love to finish, as well as a second chicken-walker and some robots! Would love to get them done and complete.
    5. Cyberpunk Bartender- already started painting this guy! Just a fun model to put together.
    6. Star Wars Legion- Mandalorians! I put several together in December but never got around to putting paint on them. If I rewatch the last two seasons of the show that might be just what I need to get these minis complete.
    7. Drowned Earth- I have two more gangers for the Firm and Militia team to finish up, a lizard-character and one that looks like a version of Rocket Racoon, except is a red panda.
    8. Necron Kill Team- This one should be really simple. They are leftover parts from my Deathwatch army, should be easy to paint
    9. Infinity- my new distraction I got into heavily last year. I have several more Haqqislam models I want to complete, and I would love to finish the Aleph models I received in the Operation Blackwind starter. Plus there are a few more X-Men related Nomads I would enjoy painting, and some Druze Bayram Security models I am itching to paint!
    Last year I was able to get a model painted for 5 out of 9 categories I selected for resolutions, this year lets get closer to all 9!
  10. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    More than half of year behind us. Probably time to post some kind of update. :)

    Lizardmen goals:

    - Paint all the lizardmen models I have unfinished up to this date:
    2 bastiladons
    - made as troglodon

    6 terradons - 3 done
    2 stegadons - one done, one primed
    5 knights
    - Find suitable cheap proxy for Dread Saurian and complete it (as kiddo will not let go of the one I found last year) - yeah, not gonna happen :D
    - Base whole army - so far ony three models :)
    - Play at least 3 games with my lizardmen

    Non-lizardmen goals:
    - Finish the Descent project (about 70-80 minis) - about 65 to go
    - Finish my german army for Flames of War (about 20 vehicles)
    - Do at least 500 worth of points of germans for Bolt Action - done about 1000 points

    There are few projects that I started as well, 40k Death guard, Tyranid leviathan half, some one time minis.

    Edit: so, to summarize what is left to do:
    3 terradons
    1 stegadon
    Base whole army
    Finish Descent project
    Finish Flames of war germans
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2023
  11. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    I suppose it is already past the halfway point :eek:
    So here is my progress report:

    I want to start a Chaos army --Technically speaking that was already complete when I posted, though I have bought more models since but most has remained unpainted and will likely do so for a bit longer unfortunately. Gonna say not complete because I'm sure I would meant to included "painted" somewhere in the goal ;)

    Base things properly
    -- It's improving but more needs to be done :p

    Buy and paint a Slann
    -- It's coming along. One obviously came along with the new release of the Seraphon. The Throne has proved to be a headache to get to a standard I'm happy with but I'll get there this year for sure ;)

    Build/buy/paint terrain -- I've bought some, built some and made a gaming board of my own. I'd say that's a success on the never ending goal ;)

    Post more on this forum -- Can't say I've been doing that all year, but I've taken part in a competition I've started somewhat daily updates to my blog I the past week. I'd say for this goal that counts as a success :D
  12. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    I have achieved way under what I was aiming for thus far...

    - Build/Paint/Base 12 Underworlds Warbands – 4/12 fully painted and based (Hrothgorn's Trappers, Starblood Stalkers, Sons of Velmorn, Gnarlspirit Pack)

    - 500 points SoB – Repentia completed, one squad of Sisters completed, one squad armour basecoated, Seraphim built, Canoness built, Rhino built, Ephrael Stern built. Aiming to try and do a big paint up August.

    - 500 points Soulblight – Er...Well I painted several vampires?

    - 500 points Stormcast – ....erm...

    - Commemorative Series characters – 3/12 fully painted and based (Countess Isa Strandt, Cado Ezachair, Abhorrant Ghoul King on throne, made a start on Gutrippa Boss.)

    - Models of month – Actually made some progress...until I lagged a bit last couple of months and the pile is building again...

    - Non-GW models break-up - (Generally spread out one of Bolt Action, Punga, Italeri, Perry, Admiral Minis, e.t.c. Aim to do 1-3 of a sole choice a month. Maybe depending how things go have another month of all Non-GW?) - Yay! I did a non-GW month!

    Additional Secondary/Tertiary Goals:

    - Build/Paint/Base Soulbound RPG characters in miniature form
    - Make a start on Cursed City
    - Paint Aeronautica Astartes
    Warden, Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  13. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Well, since I don't plan to do any more hobbying this year, I think I can write final report. :)

    From previously owned models, I managed to finish all but three pteradons and one stegadon. I also painted some of newly purchased ones. Dread Saurian went to legends, so it kinda lost meaning to try to proxy it. Basing is still unfinished and I would like to do it at once for whole army that is still growing.
    New releases didn't exactly help to get pile of shame smaller. :)

    Descent project failed on my perfectionism, as those old minis have really ugly gaps and I couldn't find right time to fill them. Every time either had putty or minis, but never both at the same time. I finished only about 10-15 of all models.

    German Flames of War vehicles are partially done. I think I finished 8 models and another 5 are almost done.

    Bolt action army is finished an I managed to do about double in terms of points. Mostly because I needed them for D-Day anniversary play. :)
    I am happy to announce that I am proud owner of british airborne starter. I should start working on them after I finish about 30 more germans.

    Later this year I sidetracked with tyranid half of Leviathan and decision to start painting 40k Death Guard, from which I now have about 2100 points painted.
  14. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    1000 models or equivalents for 2024
  15. jinjerJosh22

    jinjerJosh22 Well-Known Member

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    Wow it's already that time of year :eek:

    I would love to build and paint up to 1500 points
    Well I succeeded in building and painting 2 armies up to 1500 points as a matter of fact I could table three 2000 point armies that are almost fully painted. Admittedly chunks were prebuilt/painted when I bought them but for the most part they are my own work.

    I want to start a Chaos army
    Also done this, I have a small Slaaneshy force in the making. I have about a 1000 points neither fully built or painted but the basis is there.

    Base things properly
    While it's still a weak point within my collection my Seraphon at least is based to about 1500 points or so and most others has something going for them. I consider this a success with the caveat that it must continue improving :D

    Buy and paint a Slann.

    Handy that we got a range refresh and a army box that included a Slann :D

    Build/buy/paint terrain
    Again this can improve but I have built upon my collection in the form a couple of faction pieces and also a great aquarium piece I found at a car boot sale. It's a stone Gargoyle archway, it looks amazing and it was dirt cheap. I also made an oversized board that is terrible to store or move around.

    Most more on this forum.

    I think I succeeded in this ;) I've entered competitions with my fellow members as well as updated my personal blogs sometimes :rolleyes:

    The Seraphon range refresh was incredible and gave a lot of enjoyment, I've started going to my local store to play games, I've made friends and I think I've levelled up my painting over the course of the year so I'd say it's been a good year in the hobby and here to the next 12 months :D

  16. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Here is my year's progress

    - Paint all the Mordor models I currently own:
    • 20 Mordor Orcs
    • 38 Morannon Orcs ; done 3
    • 18 Warg Riders; done 8 and halfway 4
    • 1 Wild Warg Chieftain; in progress
    • Witch-King/Nazgul on Fell Beast, on horse; they are build and on foot
    - Paint something Seraphon, preferably 2 units. completed my Slann Starmaster and one skink from the Underworlds warband

    - Finish the 3'x3' board for Gondor
    - Create and paint a new house for Gondor

    - Reach the 10K posts on the beloved Lustira-Online forum, with a complementary 'Double Slann ascension' post

    - Contributing to all Short Story contests

    Grrr, !mrahil
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Congrats on finishing another year!

    I went through my old roster of what I wanted to accomplish for 2023... and didn't quite make it to everything!

    2023 New Years Hobby_resolutions.jpg

    I assembled a bunch of Necromunda, but didn't make it to any Drowned Earth, or get anything done on my Eldar/Admech/Necron Kill team. All stuff I can attempt to work on in 2024!

    On the positive side I did finish that bartender I was hoping to complete, got a small batch of Deathwatch painted, and worked on a TON of infinity this year, enough that I have several different lists I can put together!

    When I get a group shot of everything I painted this year I will be sure to link it here.

    Nice work everybody!
  18. Sgiusini

    Sgiusini Well-Known Member

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    2024 challenge will be:
    - paint my 2025 Army (Dogs of War)
    - play only with my Chaos Dwarfs (quite difficult to match the 24 victories in 24 games played with Lizardmen in 2023)

    I actually played and lost the first game of the year, will be having a rematch tomorrow!
    Imrahil likes this.

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