AoS How to build a Start Collecting Carnosaur Box in this new era?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Skulk-Fossil, May 25, 2023.

  1. Skulk-Fossil
    Jungle Swarm

    Skulk-Fossil New Member

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    Hi, im new and will soon be in posession of a Start Collecting Carnosaur box.
    however, with the rise of aggradons, the old saurus knights are now defunct?

    what can i do with them? Can they be converted into more saurus warriors? what can i do with the mounts? are the old sarus warriors even usable now? What size bases do i need?

    i apologize for all the questions im just very curious.
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  2. Delta_Chameleon

    Delta_Chameleon Active Member

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    Here's what I am doing with my Start Collecting Saurus models:

    - Oldblood on Carnosaur (nothing changed)
    - Skink Starpriest from the Oracle pieces
    - Saurus warriors as normal saurus warriors. (The new models are larger, but are thankfully on the same size base, so old warriors work just fine)
    - Saurus knights as Ratadon Chargers (The melee skink unit. I feel with the model size and the base size, they are closer to raptadons than the new Aggradon Lancers, even with the larger base)
    Noxolotl likes this.
  3. Noxolotl
    Cold One

    Noxolotl Well-Known Member

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    I'd say build everything acoording to the tutorial (just use the Oracle as a starpriest since normal skink priests are gone). For Saurus knights, you could use them as raptadons or stick them on larger bases and run them as aggradons, although you would probaly need to build up the bases with some tactical rocks. This would give you 2 units of aggradons, and as a bonus you can stick the 2 remaining ones on one base and use them as the scar-vet on aggradon.

    Hope this could help and at least gives some ideas on what to do
  4. Trainwreck
    Jungle Swarm

    Trainwreck New Member

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    I am so glad I found this thread. I'm in the same boat and was wondering what to do as well. Good suggestions above. I already had built the Oracle standing to use as a priest last edition, so I guess I can just say he's a Starpriest now.

    Though I'm somebody that favors the newest molds/models and I haven't built this box other than the Oracle and the Canosaur, so I may actually trade the old stuff since it's still on sprue.
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  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I agree with several of the responses, that you could use the Cold Ones as Raptadon Chargers/Hunters proxies.

    Depending on your interests, you could build any or all of the models (on square bases) to play The Old World (TOW).
    Noxolotl likes this.

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