TOW The Old World: Jurrasic Park

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Buldi, Feb 4, 2024.

  1. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    Lest dive deep on the lustrian jungle. My first attempt at playing.

    ++ Characters [737 pts] ++
    Saurus Oldblood [402 pts]
    (Hand weapon, Scaly Skin (counts as heavy armor), Shield, General, on Carnosaur, Giant Blade, Hide Of The Cold Ones, Aura Of Quetzl)

    Saurus Scar-Veteran [225 pts]
    (Hand weapon, scaly skin (heavy armor), Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Sun Standard Of Chotec, on Cold One, Sword of Might, Talisman of Protection)

    Skink Priest [110 pts]
    (Hand weapon, calloused hide (counts as light armour), Level 2 Wizard, On foot, Dispel Scroll, Elementalism)

    ++ Core Units [531 pts] ++
    22 Saurus Warrior [351 pts]
    (Hand weapons and shields, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour), Shieldwall, Spawn Leader (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)

    10 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
    (Blowpipes and hand weapons, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    10 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
    (Blowpipes and hand weapons, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    10 Skink Skirmishers [60 pts]
    (Blowpipes and hand weapons, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    ++ Special Units [641 pts] ++
    8 Cold One Riders [334 pts]
    (Hand weapons and shields, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour), Drilled, Pack Leader (champion, Standard bearer, Musician , War Banner)

    4 Ripperdactyl Riders (0-1 unit of Ripperdactyl Riders per Skink Hero taken) [160 pts]
    (Cavalry spears and shields, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    3 Kroxigors [147 pts]
    (Great weapons, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour))

    ++ Rare Units [90 pts] ++
    1 Salamander Packs (0-1 Salamander Pack or Razordon Pack per 1,000 points) [90 pts]
    (Wicked claws and fiery breath, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour), 3 Skink Handlers with Hand weapons and calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    The idea is to have a solid centre- saurus warriors (not sure if i want spears) and some countercharging with kroxigors and carnosaur. The flanks consists of a hard hitting, moblie units (cold ones, ripperdactyls). The skink provides some debuffs, most likely one of the spells will be monsoon from the lore of Lustria.
  2. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Drop the blowpipes on the skinks and go with javelins. Blowpipes are -1 to hit with multiple shot AND cost you more, while Javelins have quickfire and move & shoot. And then the skinks have a shield too.

    So on average you only get 1.6 more hits with the blowpipes due to weight of dice... but you do this at increased cost, can't march, and your save is less. All for 10 points MORE.

    Additionally, the salamanders are very limited this edition. Breath Weapons can't march and shoot, so you are relying on getting a 9" template into a good position with only 6" of movement. And then it can't stand and shoot with it either when you inevitably get charged next turn.

    Cold ones have their uses still. But just be ready for stupidity.
    Speaking of which, spend the points for a horned one on your Scar Vet to ditch stupidity on at least him if he ever separates from the cold ones.

    And you definitely DO NOT want the Hide of the Cold ones on your Oldblood. For the same points as the Hide and Aura combined, a Bedazzling Helm out of the BTB gives you the same +1 save, can be worn with other armour, makes you -1 to hit in combat as well, AND you don't have stupidity. Failing a stupidity test on a Canosaur would be DEVASTATING as you can't charge.

    Expect your skink to rarely get things off. Most people will bring level 4s. If you are going to stick with this general approach (no slann), then maybe look at the Wand of Jet to at least make the Skink feel like a level 3 mage.
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Oh i absolutely HATE the Hide of the Old Ones. Yes it is our only way to get a 2+, but on average you WILL fail a stupidity every game. Do not be fooled, you do not get an extra dice from cold blood, you cant reroll it with the BSB, dont pass go, go straight to jail, that item is bayud.

    I do not think a Sword of Might is ever worth it on a Scarvet. Do not forget you already have a -1 ap from just a normal hand weapon, he also has Obsidian Blades.

    I also think Cold Ones are the worst unit in our book now. There is no way to mitigate Stupidity, it is realllyyy rough if they just walk up 7 into the enemy flanking angle, and you can never rely on them doing anything. Maybe on like a cheap 5 man unit to fight enemy chaff, but going hard on them with a big unit is a surefire way to lose games. It is worse than Frenzy and Impetuous i would say, those you can at least mitigate by parking some skinks in front of them and make sure they cannot see, but with Stupidity, you are never guaranteed a go turn and that kills them imho.

    You definitely want javelins and not blowpipes.
    Buldi likes this.
  4. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    Those are fair points! Especially with the stupidity. Forgive the humble saurus that he can't read proficiently the sarced plaques (corebook)
    New attempt:

    ++ Characters [930 pts] ++
    Saurus Oldblood [416 pts]
    (Great weapon, Scaly Skin (counts as heavy armor), Shield, General, on Carnosaur, Bedazzling Helm, Talisman of Protection, Potion of Speed)

    Skink Priest [135 pts]
    (Hand weapon, calloused hide (counts as light armour), Level 2 Wizard, On foot, Wand of Jet, Elementalism)

    Skink Chief [379 pts]
    (Cavalry spear (if appropriately mounted), Light armour (Calloused hide), Battle Standard Bearer, Stegadon, Aura Of Quetzl, Sun Standard Of Chotec, Enchanted Shield)

    ++ Core Units [531 pts] ++
    24 Saurus Warrior [381 pts]
    (Hand weapons and shields, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour), Shieldwall, Spawn Leader (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)

    10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts]
    (Javelins and shields, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts]
    (Javelins and shields, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    10 Skink Skirmishers [50 pts]
    (Javelins and shields, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    ++ Special Units [537 pts] ++
    4 Ripperdactyl Riders (0-1 unit of Ripperdactyl Riders per Skink Hero taken) [160 pts]
    (Cavalry spears and shields, calloused hides (counts as light armour))

    3 Kroxigors [147 pts]
    (Great weapons, scaly skin (counts as heavy armour))

    1 Bastiladon [175 pts]
    (thunderous bludgeon and Solar Engine, Skink Crew (x3) with hand weapons and Javelins (required))

    5 Chameleon Skinks [55 pts]
    (Blowpipes, Hand weapons, Light armour (Calloused hides))

    Created with "Old World Builder"

  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    No problem! I am just pretty miffed personally on how bad they made stupidity, making it we have no cav. :)

    This looks a lot better. In 2K not going for a Slann is a bit of a stretch. Lvl 2s will be very unreliable against opposing lvl 4s, and in 2K you should expect an enemy lvl 4 at that point level. Because of how rolling 2d6 works, a +2 differential between lvl 2 and 4 is a lot more than you think (with all the results of 2d6 dicerolls being skewed to the center), this will probably make your magic quite inefficient and very unreliable.

    I do also think you are running a LOT of magic items. Generally i like to have more boys and less toys. Stuff like the Wand of Jet, the Sun Standard, Potion of Speed are cute and all but they can also be an extra unit of Skinks which will probably serve you better. You are also not running the Dragon Slaying Sword, which i think will be a mainstay in armies. Everyone will run at least 1 Behemoth at 2K, probably more, and maybe a 500 point Behemoth, making that thing very key IMHO.
    Buldi likes this.

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