8th Ed. Help me cut this down! (Tournament List)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Xtapl, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Xtapl

    Xtapl Member

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    So I normally play my games at 2500. I just found out that the major IndyGT I plan to attend next month is only 2250. :rage:

    Now I have to find 250 points in this list to get rid of. Where would -you- cut?

    Keep in mind the army's synergy, how many points each unit is and how losing that piece affects the overall army's effectiveness...

    Slann Mage Priest
    Focused Rumination, Becalming Cogitation, Higher State of Consciousness
    Lore of Light
    Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
    Divine Plaque of Protection
    Dragonbane Gem
    Battle Standard Bearer
    War Banner

    Skink Priest
    Cube of Darkness
    Ironcurse Icon

    Skink Chief
    Armor of Fortune
    Sword of Striking

    24 Skinks/3 Kroxigor
    Full Command

    24 Skinks/3 Kroxigor
    Full Command

    24 Skinks/3 Kroxigor
    Full Command

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelins and Shields

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelins and Shields

    4 Terradons

    4 Terradons

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    2 Salamanders
    Extra Handlers

    2 Salamander
    Extra Handlers

    Right off hand, I'm thinking I have a few options:

    #1: I could lose a whole Kroxiskinks unit. That saves me 307 points, and I could roll the extra 57 points into more Chameleons or more Jav/Shield skirmishers.

    #2: I could lose both units of Skirmish skinks and a unit of Terradons. Wouldn't be ideal, but it does save my massive core structure. Of course, I lose a lot of my bait/screen potential, so there's that.

    There are probably other options, of course, but those are the two I'm thinking about right now.

    Anyway...what would you do?

    (I'm not adding anything in, especially not Saurus or Stegadons, so those are not options. I'm looking to cut some stuff out but keep the structural integrity of the army. Adding other stuff doesn't help me at this point.)
  2. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    hmmmmm. This is a very intriguing cerebral exercise.

    If you drop the one skrox unit, the chameleon stalker and two skink handlers (one from each group) it would give you enough for a second unit of six chameleons.

    The only problem I would have with this is that you would now have six disruption units, not a big problem as they would all do different jobs at first and gives you some very strong redundancy in case things don't quite work out as planned. You'd have to be very careful picking your fights with the skrox, and hope you don't get that bloody stupid endurance game (if the tournie goes for the games in the back of the book).

    Alternatively I might suggest using the extra points to beef out the cohorts a bit an extra five skinks per unit. Its not a lot but it could be that little bit that lets you keep steadfast for that one last turn. But I think the first suggestion is what I'd do.

    Also, I used to do what you did and post the total points per unit but that is apparently against the rules of the forum. You can post totals per category (lord, hero, core, special, rare) but not per unit. Just a friendly heads up.
  3. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Drop 2 terradons, take another unit of Chameleons. Drop Stalker. Change Focused Rumination for All spells.

    Take banner of +1M for slann as he is going on his own. Drop Divined Plaque ,as you have Ethereal, only magical things can harm you. Dwarfs cannons (with correct runes) are magical, but also flaming. Flamers shooting is magical and flaming. So you'll be fine with Dragonbanegem. There you got 40pts

    Take blowpipes for your skirmishers. Thats 20 pts

    Make your skink boxes larger. combine units, drop some Kroxies and you have points

    hope that helped.
  4. Xtapl

    Xtapl Member

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    This is the major problem I see with dropping one of the big Kroxiskinks units, because if the matchup ends up being Blood and Glory, I have made myself 25% easier to defeat. Basically, it becomes a game of "Sack the Quarterback;" if they kill my Slann, I automatically lose. Then again, if they kill my Slann, I pretty much automatically lose anyway, so I guess it's not that different. However, if the enemy does manage to take down one of the two Kroxiskinks units, I lose as well, and that's the more dangerous (and frankly, more likely) thing to happen.

    As above; I think this is what I'd do with the points, honestly.

    I was also thinking that if I were to sack both Skirmish units and a unit of Terradons, I could put those extra 30 points into a fifth Terradon for the one unit that's left. It would make that unit harder to kill, give their rock dropping some serious threat (6d3 autohitting S4? Nothing to sneeze at.), and give them more options once they've killed off the enemy war machines. Plus, I'd get to keep my three bricks, which ties up 900 points nicely - with the Slann, that makes well over half my army that is pretty difficult for the enemy to claim VP from (I know some people are down on Kroxiskinks, but with Lore of Light, I find they are -remarkably- resilient.).

    None of this saves me points so far, and, in fact, makes my Slann weaker. You don't need the all spells discipline with Lore of Light; every spell you roll is a spell that can help you win the game. The only "bad" spell for Lizzies is Light of Battle, and it can easily be swapped for a useful magic missile. All Spells is really only needed if you're going Life or Death magic.

    Right up until the Tzeentch Mage on disc hits me with all the magic missiles in the universe. Or the Empire Fire mage. And not all Dwarf cannons are flaming. The Banner of +1M is fine, but doesn't let me engage in awesomeness, like allowing a Hydra to charge me, only to find out I'm ethereal with +2CR, autowinning combat, and forcing a -2LD break test. :) But let's say I did follow this advice. 40 points bought back. 210 to go.

    Blowpipes are made out of suck. Seriously, they're terrible. Plus, I don't have blowpipes modeled on any of my figs. But let's say I could manage somehow to get around that issue, and didn't care that I was exchanging useful troops for sucky ones. 20 points saved. Up to 60 points. 190 to go.

    But then I'm in the same situation as above: I am basically surrendering in Blood and Glory. Plus, large skink blocks without Kroxigor cannot win combat. But let's say I combined a two of my units, dropped all the Krox out of the unit I'm combining. That buy me 165 points in Kroxigor, plus 22 points in command. That's 187 points. I'm still 3 points short, which I could get from somewhere, I suppose. I think the blocks would be pretty tough, as each one would be 8 ranks deep, but eggs and baskets start to come into play pretty quickly at that point. Plus, the Slann would be less able to help out, since he'd be casting with one less die per spell (having opted to know more spells, two of which he is literally never going to try to cast), and the blocks would be getting less support (instead of 20 poisoned shots per turn, normally hitting on 5+, they'll be getting 40 poisoned shots per turn that are almost never poison because they almost always need a 7+ to hit).

    Still, some good things to consider in your suggestions. I'll ponder them as I keep trying to work through it.

    Keep 'em coming, guys. Every little bit helps!
  5. Dan Heelan

    Dan Heelan New Member

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    I would be tempted to drop the chief and 1 unit of dons and make the other a 5.

    I think overall you dont loose anything from the list (which I quite like btw!) in doing that. Dropping one of the skrox units for example would wreck the list (I am a big fan of 3 unit battlelines).

  6. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Well you can always deploy slann in a unit, and after cannons are gone you can leave the unit.

    Lol, I didnt even notice that skink chief.
  7. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    I don't like the idea of dropping the chief personally he is just a really good set up and one I might steal at some point, but yes you could ditch the one unit of terradons and beef out the second.
    I really can't see dropping anything from the slann, and adding to him only makes him a larger points sink something you don't really need. Remember that he gets a 4+ Look Out Sir! roll if he is within 3?(3 or 6 I don't quite remember and no book with me either) inches, and that itself can really help against the cannon sniping.

    This list is, unfortunately, really well designed and that makes making any changes rather difficult.

    Okay, how about, dropping a salamander from each pack then dropping one terradon unit. this would be a total of, 280 points dropped, then drop the chameleon stalker and the iron curse icon from the priest, youd then have enough to add an extra terradon to the remaining unit. Not a prime option as the salamanders are just fantastic but it would maintain the feel of the list in general. to be honest I don't particularly like this set up as it really takes away from your turn one warmachine killing potential.

    Also, I fricken hate field of glory.

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