TOW 2000 pnts vs high elfes dragon

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by lucertolone_simpaticone, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. lucertolone_simpaticone

    lucertolone_simpaticone New Member

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    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to fine tune a list for a 2000 points match against high elfes, they are going to take a dragon at 99% so I need to counterbalance it properly.

    Here is my list, let me know what do you think:

    Characters [815pts]
    1x Saurus Oldblood[410pts]
    • 1x Saurus Oldblood: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Carnosaur, Heavy Armour, Slashing talons, Additional Hand Weapon, Shield, Dragon Slaying Sword, Glyph Necklace
    1x Slann Mage-Priests[405pts]
    • 1x Slann Mage-Priest: Hand Weapon, General, Battle Standard Bearer, Transcendent Healing, Wizard Level 4, Elementalism, Lore Familiar, Ruby Ring of Ruin

    Core [702pts]
    1x Saurus Warriors[261pts]: Thrusting Spear, Shieldwall
    • 15x Saurus Warrior: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield
    • 1x Musician
    • 1x Spawn Leader
    • 1x Standard Bearer
    2x Skink Skirmishers[60pts]: Scouts
    • 10x Skink[5pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelins and Shields
    1x Temple Guard[321pts]
    • 15x Temple Guard: Halberd, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield
    • 1x Musician
    • 1x Revered Guardian: Berserker Blade
    • 1x Standard Bearer: Sun Standard Of Chotec

    Special [481pts]
    1x Bastiladon[180pts]: 4x Skink Crew, Hand Weapon, Javelin and Shield
    • 1x Bastiladon: Thunderous bludgeon, Solar Engine
    1x Chameleon Skinks[55pts]
    • 5x Chameleon Skink: Blowpipe, Hand Weapon, Light Armour
    1x Cold One Riders[246pts]: Drilled
    • 5x Cold One Rider: Cold One, Hand Weapon, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield, Cavalry Spear
    • 1x Musician
    • 1x Pack Leader: Biting Blade
    • 1x Standard Bearer: War Banner

    Clearly the idea is to use the carnosaur to haunt the dragon down and try to kill it with the monster slayer blade... hoping to survive the first attacks coming in...
  2. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the additional hand weapon does anything on the old blood

    Have you rolled off with the carno v the dragon? Even with the sword (assuming they dont take one) I wouldn't be surprised if killing it was a tall order
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    The hand weapon does nothing indeed, unless they destroy your main weapon. And even then it makes it so you cannot use Obsidian Blades anymore, which aint great anyway.

    Transendent healing probably is not worth it. You can buy better stuff.

    I think Cold One Knights are one of the worst units in the book right now, even with Slann LD you will on average fail stupidity once per game which will almost always walk them into a place where they will die. All the magical gear on them is also basically wasted,, they will walk forward 7 inches turn 3, get charged by a block of Infantry and die. We have no heavy cav and we have to learn to live with it.

    You 100% need more skink skirmishers, they are i think our best unit and fix the problems you are probably thinking the cold ones are fixing for you right now. Also 7 wound stegs are probably too good not to take as well.
  4. lucertolone_simpaticone

    lucertolone_simpaticone New Member

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    I don't know what can be used in our arsenal to balance it, the carnosaur looked like the most direct solution to me.
  5. lucertolone_simpaticone

    lucertolone_simpaticone New Member

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    So actually I had a list with more or less what you are suggesting me here, but I feel like I need some heavy infantry-heavy support that can be filled just by kroxygor or cold ones....
  6. lucertolone_simpaticone

    lucertolone_simpaticone New Member

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    Thanks all for your suggestions, I tried to improve the lists but again I don't see how to kill that damn dragon without a carnosur... maybe I should leave out the slann

    ## Characters [714pts]
    1x Skink Chief[294pts]
    • 1x Skink Chief[294pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Cavalry Spear, Talisman Of Protection
    : 5x Skink Crew, Hand Weapon, Javelin and Shield, Great horns, Giant Bow
    1x Slann Mage-Priests[420pts]
    • 1x Slann Mage-Priest[420pts]: Hand Weapon, General, Battle Standard Bearer, Becalming Cogitation, Wizard Level 4, Elementalism, Lore Familiar, Ruby Ring of Ruin

    ## Core [794pts]
    1x Saurus Warriors[277pts]: Thrusting Spear, Shieldwall
    • 16x Saurus Warrior[14pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield
    • 1x Musician[7pts]
    • 1x Spawn Leader[7pts]
    • 1x Standard Bearer[7pts]
    2x Skink Skirmishers[65pts]: Scouts
    • 10x Skink[5pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelins and Shields
    • 1x Patrol Leader[5pts]
    1x Skink Skirmishers[50pts]
    • 10x Skink[5pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelins and Shields
    1x Temple Guard[337pts]
    • 16x Temple Guard[16pts]: Halberd, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield
    • 1x Musician[7pts]
    • 1x Revered Guardian[27pts]: Berserker Blade
    • 1x Standard Bearer[47pts]: Sun Standard Of Chotec

    ## Special [290pts]
    1x Bastiladon[180pts]: 4x Skink Crew, Hand Weapon, Javelin and Shield
    • 1x Bastiladon[180pts]: Thunderous bludgeon, Solar Engine
    2x Chameleon Skinks[55pts]
    • 5x Chameleon Skink[11pts]: Blowpipe, Hand Weapon, Light Armour

    ## Rare [200pts]
    1x Troglodon[200pts]: Skink Oracle, Hand Weapon, Wizard Level 1, Illusion
    • 1x Troglodon[200pts]: Heavy Armour, Venom spray, Venomous talons
  7. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    I actually think cold ones knights are decent. They are way undercosted, or perhaps they are costed correctly given what an incredible downside stupid now is.
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I think the Slann with Spectral Doppelganger is one of the better answers, as are a block of TG. I def do not think cold ones are the answer though. This looks better, big dragons will be the main issue for anyone anyway.
  9. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    They still die hard even to normal missile fire. Their damage output is undercosted but i would say that them being T4 with only one wound and a 3+ save they are somewhat overcosted for the ammount of wounds per point. I mean if they were like 20 points, sure, they might still be good, but they are only efficient if they charge into combat (and then only into specific units) and there is no way to make that happen reliably.
    discomute likes this.
  10. Haemoglobin

    Haemoglobin 9th Age Army Support

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    I've been playing vs a Star Dragon a few times lately. I feel that the lizardmen book just has few options agains these dragon models.

    Dragonslaying Sword is pretty much mandatory if you want to have a chance.

    I put mine on a Cold one:
    Saurus Oldblood: Talisman Of Protection, Horned One, Potion of Speed, Dragon Slaying Sword, Cold One,
    Shield - 260

    Basically putting it on a Carno makes it susceptible to Bolt throwers and other stuff at a max of a 4+ 5++. My opponent tends to run his Star Dragon with Ogre Blade aswell so its still a bit of a bad matchup. Carno hits on a 5+ aswell which is risky, and the Star Dragon still has a 5+ 5++ 5++ regen against wounds from the Carnosaur model.

    Elementalism helps to lower the armoursave on the thing; if you can get it to charge a unit of TG that is nice aswell (to basically permachallenge it and bog it down). Impetuous is a weakness but be sure that you either flee or can tank a charge.

    Still a pain to deal with :p
    airjamy and Kalisto like this.
  11. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Badazzling helm and ws 7 and the carnosaur hit at 6+. Good with the sword to be sure ;)

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