Hello, I'm currently trying to paint my Saurus with Spears unit. I have the prototype model finished except for the shaft of the spear. I'm trying to paint it so that it appears to be wooden with grains. At the moment I'm finding it immensely difficult DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY TIPS/IDEAS/TECHNIQUES FOR PAINTING WOOD GRAINS ONTO A SMOOTH SURFACE SUCH AS THE SPEAR SHAFTS CARRIED BY OUR SPEAR WIELDING SAURUS??? Many thanks in advance. Any photos would also be greatly appreciated. Cheers
I would do it the easy way and paint it a medium brown of your choice and give it a wash of delvin brown or grifintone sepia.
Check out this HE thread on Ulthuan.net, the guy has a really nice technique to make wood grain on spear shafts. You might want to aim for darker colors but it should give you a good idea of how you can achieve the effect you are looking for. http://www.ulthuan.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=30381&start=210