TOW Engine of the Gods and Bound spells

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by BeardedLizard, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    A few clarifications regarding Engine of the Gods:

    Arcane Configuration: If your army contains two or more Engines of the Gods, friendly
    Wizards may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll they make whilst within 6" of an
    Engine of the Gods.

    It seems that only wizards can benefit from Arcane configuration, but how about bound spells?

    1. If a wizard has a bound spell (Ruby Ring of Fire) does this increase that casting roll?
    2. If a wizard is mounted on Ancient Stegadon, does this increase the casting roll of Burning Alignment?
  2. Fxt

    Fxt Member

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    I think bound spells cannot benefit from the engines, because it's not a casting roll made by a wizard.
  3. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    I think a wizard would benefit from the engine when using bound spells. It's still the model that casts the spell. Here's the bound spell text from the rulebook:

    Bound Spells

    Some models have ‘Bound’ spells, which may be contained within a magic item
    or given by a special rule, and which they can cast in the usual manner. If a
    ‘Power Level’ is given, this is added to the result of the Casting roll to give the
    casting result. If no Power Level is given, nothing is added – the result of the
    Casting roll is itself the casting result. When casting a Bound spell, there is no
    risk of a miscast or chance of a perfect invocation.
    You may attempt to dispel a Bound spell as usual. Magic items that dispel or destroy spells work as normal against Bound spells. When dispelling a Bound
    spell, there is no risk of being outclassed in the art (see page 110).
    A model can only cast a single Bound spell per phase. Possessing a Bound spell
    does not make a model a Wizard.
    Seb likes this.
  4. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    I don't think will apply to bound spells either. Ok a FAQ would be great but until now i guess mostly agree that you don't get the bonus. The skink priest get of course the bonus when he is on the stegadon.
  5. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    I disagree although FAQ would be nice to clear things up. Here's my reasoning on why it should work.

    1. Wizard model gains the ability to cast a bound spell, Ruby ring for example says that "wielder can cast fireball as bound spell"
    2. Casting a bound spell is still a casting roll that the model makes.
    3. Engine gives +1 to any casting roll a wizard makes.

    I just don't see anything that suggests that it wouldn't work.
    Seb likes this.

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