TOP TEN Lists - This Week: Movie and TV show locations

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Sep 5, 2022.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yep :)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That's 3 out of the 10. I look forward to seeing the other 7.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Well, let's give it a shot.

    Ellen Ripley - Alien
    Sarah Connor - Terminator
    Clarice - Silence of the lamb
    Princess Leia - SW (the only one i have in common with @NIGHTBRINGER !)
    Dana Scully - X files
    Rita Vrataski - Edge of Tomorrow
    Mary Poppins
    The Bride - Kill Bill
    Elastigirl - The Incredibles
    Chihiro - Spirited away
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Plus significant overlap with my honourable mentions!

    Great list.

    I'm not familiar with Spirited Away. I've never seen that one.
    Killer Angel likes this.
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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  7. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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  8. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Live action
    Princess Leia (OG Star Wars)
    Ellen Ripley (Alien & Aliens)
    Sarah Connor (Terminator 1 & 2)
    Black Widow (Winter Soldier/Avengers)
    Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
    Liz Lemon (30 Rock)
    Elle Woods (Legally Blond)
    Trinity (The Matrix)
    The Bride (Kill Bill)
    Scully (X-Files)
    Valeria (Conan the Barbarian)

    Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible (The Incredibles)
    Azula (AtLA)
    Toph (AtLA)
    Wonder Woman (Justice League)
    Cheetarah (Thundercats)
    Kitara (AtLA)
    Catwoman (Batman the Animated Series)
    Harley Quinn (Batman the Animated Series)
    Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
    Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls)

    I don't know, I'm not totally crazy about these lists. But there are several, because it became tough to pick live action and animated.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Two mighty lists! Looks good, quite the mix of interesting characters!
    Just A Skink likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Topic #19 - Top Ten Games Workshop Lizardmen/Seraphon models

    Since the top female characters topic was sort of a bust, let's see if this one is more to everyone's liking (which it should be considering this is Lustria Online).

    • try to present an ordered list
    • consider the model for its asethetics only (not rules or fluff)
    • only list models produced by Games Workshop (including Forge World)
    • in the case of multiple iterations of a model (i.e. old versus new Carnosaur) specify which one you like best
    • feel free to incorporate models from a mix of WHFB, AoS as well as GW's smaller games
    • any Lizardmen/Seraphon model is fair game (special characters, units, monsters, etc.)
    • in the case of dual kits, treat the models as separate entries if they build different monsters (i.e. Carnosaur and Troglodon) and as a single entry if they are different variations of the same monster (i.e. variations of Stegadons: regular, ancient)

    I'll post my list after a few others have done so.

    For the Old Ones!
    Killer Angel and Just A Skink like this.
  11. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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  12. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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    Number one has to be the more recent Lord Kroak
    2 I also like the first lizardman slann on palanquin
    3 The original stegadon[​IMG]
    4 The original temple guard [​IMG]
    5. Tichi Huichi raiders ( I think the aesthetic of skinks riding cold ones was better than saurus. [​IMG]
    6 The Carnosaur[​IMG]
    7 to 9 The following skink priests
    [​IMG] upload_2024-4-8_12-26-20.jpeg upload_2024-4-8_12-26-39.jpeg
    10 The crouching skink herder from the original salamander kit

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Some old-school goodness!
  14. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Generally, I'm a fan of the middle-aged and newer Lizardmen models. I do like some of my old metal & plastic lizards, but I enjoy the "newer" sculpts a bit more. Overall, though, I lament the move away from the pseudo-Aztec/Mayan themes. I understand reasons why GW might want to move on from that to a more "space fantasy" version, but it's just something I miss.

    1. Bastiladon (Contemporary): It's not a flashy pick. Probably not the best actual model. But it's my top pick because my favorite dinosaur is the Ankylosaurus, and I really dig this sturdy model. It's fun to build, too. Both versions are cool, but I'm a sucker for a fantasy ankylosaurus with the Dark Crystal on its back. I also enjoy the lore/images of the model harnessing the power of the sun and stars to shoot celestial blasts at the enemy.

    2. Troglodon (Contemporary): This is just a great-looking model and I was excited to build it. I like the sailback, the longer/larger snout and the Skink Oracle is very cool (albeit a bit too large).

    3. Starblood Stalkers (Underworlds): This whole set is a winner for me from a sculpt/pose perspective. Maybe I'm partial b/c it was the first new thing we got before the range refresh. Huachi, Kixi-Taka, and Tok are my favs.

    4. Oldblood on Carnosaur (Contemporary): Similar to the Troglodon, I was really excited to get this model and build it. I has a cool, aggressive stance and I like the Saurus on the back. I know some don't like the look of the Oldblood and the modern Saurus, but I do. My only criticism is that the Carno's head looks just a bit small.

    5. EotG Stegadon (Contemporary): I see a trend in my own picks. I guess I'm more attracted to our dinosaur models. I really like the Stegadon and it's variations. Another fun model to build (except the neck/head area) and potentially make modular. I like all of the versions, but the cool look of the EotG on its crowded back really looks cool, and the lore behind the Engine is great.

    6. Kroak (AoS): I'll admit it, the new Kroak model is pretty great. If I had a nitpick it's that the model is a bit too busy. Still, an impressive display model for our venerable OG Mage-Priest.

    7. Skink Starpriest (Contemporary): I love this little model. It's simple but delicate with a good pose and cool base.

    8. Kroxigor Warspawned (AoS new): I thought the old Krox models needed some love and these new Kroxigor are pretty darned cool. I tend to prefer the look of the Warspawned, as just regular Kroxigor, but I like the look of the Kroxigor weapons. My criticism is that the Warspawned heads all look kind of the same, with the mouth just open. I would have liked an open mouth, a roaring mouth and maybe a closed or snarling mouth. Regardless, these models are big and tough-looking now.

    9.Starseer (WHFB & AoS): I think I prefer the classic Starseer to the new version. Both are good models and the ability to make the Starseer's throne float is achieved better in plastic. Still, there's something about the classic Starseer that I just like. Since they're so similar, maybe the old Starseer skink on the new Starseer throne would work?

    10. Slann (WHFB & AoS): I struggled with a good final pick so I went with an "easy" choice. The Slann. But, like the Starseer, I tend to favor the previous model to the new model. I like the new Slann well enough, but the palanquin just feels too big and busy. Although I wanted an update, I'm mixed on it. I like some of the simplicity of the previous Slann (finecast) but it is nice to have the option of a more active -looking Slann. Still, like Kroak, it's an impressive model that is a nice hero/centerpiece.

    Saurus Warriors (AoS): I know many don't like the new Saurus, but I do. Very cool poses and they look powerful and aggressive. I'm mixed on the shields and I'm sure that they don't rank or stand close together very easily. But, I think they're a cool upgrade.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Great list!

    I love the Ankylosaurus too. My second favourite dino!

    Thank you! The undersized head of the Carno ruins the model for me.
    Imrahil and Just A Skink like this.
  16. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I get that. All in all, I really like the Carno, but the head size and the "bull-nosed" snout are my least favorite parts of the model.
    Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    To me it feels like the model was sculpted with the Troglodon in mind and the Carno was secondary.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    My list:

    1. Slaan Mage-Priest (6th edition WHFB) ➤Not only my favourite Lizardmen model, but one of my very favourite wargaming models period. I love the focused pose and the profile of the model on its palanquin. It is an absolute joy to paint and looks stunning sitting amongst its Temple Guard protectors. This model was the single biggest reason I started a Lizardmen army back in the day. The fact that it reminds me of Super Mario Bros. 2 final boss, Wart, only makes it that much sweeter. There is a reason why I converted and painted this guy up as my wedding cake topper!

    2. Venerable Lord Kroak (6th edition WHFB) ➤Pretty much the same as above, but the Slaan Mage-Priest edges out Kroak because of the endless variety of colours it can be painted in. Lord Kroak has obviously a much more limited colour palette as he is a mummified version of the living Slann. Aside from that, everything that applies above, applies here too!
    3. Troglodon ➤My biggest regret in the 8th edition Lizardmen army book was that they gave this beautiful model such shoddy rules. Unlike the alternate Carnosaur build with its tiny head, this guy looks perfectly proportioned and menacing. The frill on the back also gives it a great profile. Easily, and I mean very easily, my favourite of our "big dinos". Model-wise, it stole the show when 8th edition Lizardmen models got released.

    4. Carnosaur (6th edition WHFB) ➤6th edition had some really great models that still hold up today. This old school Carnosaur can definitely count itself as one among them. While not as large as GW's new centerpiece minis (scale creep), its the pose of the Carnosaur that easily makes up for it. It looks fast, deadly and ready to spring into the action. And unlike the current edition Carnosaur, this version has a good looking and properly proportioned head.

    5. Stegadon (7th edition WHFB) ➤I remember when this model came out, it blew everyone away. It was the next generation of new-age sculpts from GW. While the howdah with the Skinks looks great (in all its configurations), it's the big beastie that really sells the model. In my opinion, it was a massive improvement over the previous edition of the Steg.

    6. Bastiladon (Solar Engine) ➤Another great dino. If I'm being honest, this one and the two above are very close to each other in terms of my ranking. I easily could (and might) one day switch around the order. In the end I gave the Stegadon the edge over the Bastiladon because its skin seems more fun to paint. That said, this guy is absolutely top notch too. Just like @Just A Skink , I too like the giant crystal on its back.

    7. Terradon (8th edition WHFB) ➤GW finally got the Terradons right after the two previous editions that weren't all that great. These guys finally look the way I imagined that they should. Model-wise, I much prefer these guys to the Ripperdactyl variant. These finally had proper looking wings and realistic heads.
    8. Kroxigor (AoS, non-crocodile snout) ➤While the 8th edition variants did grow on me over the years, I feel that these ones have them beat. Their superior size seems to be better matching the descriptions of them in the lore. Not as good as the Woogity variant in my opinion, but since this list is GW models only, these reign as the best Kroxigors in my mind. I'm not a huge fan of the Crocodile-snouted version though.

    9. Saurus Warriors (AoS) ➤
    Finally the Saurus Warriors that WHFB should have had. Shields aside, these guys are so much better than their weedy WHFB counterparts. Those old Saurus Warriors are the main reason why I've put my Lizardmen on the backburners these past few years. I have no desire to paint or field them. They don't at all match what Saurus Warriors are described as being. But the AoS version rectifies the shortcomings of their predecessors in everyway (with the exception of their shields). It's a mighty shame that these guys won't rank up, or I very much think that my Lizardmen would experience a bit of a resurgence.

    10. Aggradon Lancers ➤
    Beautiful and dangerous looking mounts that blow the derpy WHFB Cold One Riders out of the water. It's essentially the same rationale as I described in my Saurus Warriors entry above. Equally frustrating, these guys are too large to replace my ugly Cold One Rider models. The only thing I dislike about these models are the tail feathers, but that is an easy fix.
  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm thinking to mine. Hopefully this weekend...
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    An interesting diversion away from films - I'm still working on my female film characters list - but I can certainly quickly rustle up a Top 10 Lizardman model list:
    1. Saurus Oldblood (2011): Easily my favourite Saurus model still and one of the first individually-packed GW plastic models ever (alongside that fan-favourite for obese conversions, the Nurgle Chaos Lord), this chap really captured how I have envisioned Saurus just right. When I look at the races of the Warhammer Fantasy world, I expect different features to be dominant in different races - in the case of Orcs, it's their dumb brawny bulk that dictates who's da Boss, in the case of Beastmen it's their horns, a mark of rank in their society. In the case of Dwarfs it's their beards, again a mark of rank and of respect, and with Goblins it's their crooked noses and ears and their spiteful but cowardly expressions. In the case of Saurus, it's their jaws - in a lot of art from 6th-7th Edition Fantasy Saurus were depicted with particularly long, powerful jaws and a comparatively average body size. To me this perfectly encapsulates how in lore, though they're quite capable of killing an enemy with a weapon, they're equally happy to simply clamp those jaws around the neck of their opponent and shake with all due savagery. This model properly captures that - he doesn't look as bulky as an Orc or a Beastman character, but his jaws and teeth are absolutely massive, the perfect secondary weapon to incorporate into his fighting style or to fall back on if disarmed. Even his tongue has been perfectly sculpted, the Oldblood clearly looks to be roaring a challenge to his opponent and lunging forwards to get stuck in. This lad's a properly lean, mean, predatory fighting machine. I also like the lethal-looking blade fixed to his tail (as if he didn't have enough weapons!) and the sculpted steps, clearly those of a ruined temple, that he is descending. There's so much character to this model, I believe Aly Morrison sculpted him and it was a real shame to see that his talents were not applied on Saurus sculpts again when the Lizardmen got their full 8th Edition release the following year, or when the big AoS refresh came round last year - his vision of Saurus was easily the best in my eye. By contrast I'm much less of a fan of the overly-bulky, short-jawed, fat-footed Saurus models released in those two later releases, to me they look more like scaly Orcs than proper Lizardmen. [​IMG]
    2. Stegadon (2009): The current plastic Stegadon is an absolutely timeless sculpt, as evidenced by the fact that he's the only model from pre-8th Fantasy that's likely to stick around in the current AoS range for the forseeable future (Temple Guard are still there too, but they'll likely be replaced with more fat-footed new Saurus sculpts sooner or later, and I wouldn't be surprised if they redo the Skinks too because though they've survived the test of time, I can see GW executives saying they need a more dynamic set of sculpts that can be put in boxes of a smaller and more logical number than 24). Everything about him was both in tune at the time with the 6th-7th army aesthetic, and also remains consistent with more recent Lizardman model creations, and I also like how though he is obviously inspired by real-world Ceratopsian dinosaurs, it makes sure not just stick a real-life Triceratops or Styracosaurus into Warhammer (as perhaps the previous metal sculpt did) - the frill is smaller, the horns are chunkier and more numerous and of course no real-world Ceratopsian has been found with a tail club. The model perfectly captures the placid and plodding beast that can nevertheless squash you flat should you get too close. [​IMG]
    3. Bastiladon (2013): The first and my favourite of the 8th Edition dinosaur sculpts, the Bastiladon ticks all the same boxes as his Stegadon cousin - his squat, tanky appearance fits well with the lore, he does clearly have a basis in real-world ankylosaurs but doesn't just carbon-copy his source and he is faithful to both the older Fantasy and the newer AoS aesthetics. I think the only real reason I put the Steg above him is because the Steg is significantly bigger and more impressive when put on the table, but both are thoroughly worthy of being in the Top 3. [​IMG]
    4. Kroxigors (2023): Definitely the best thing to come out of the AoS range refresh by a long way. I'm actually not so fond of the standard incarnation as Kroxigors specifically because they look more Draconic (certainly they bear a resemblance to the Stormcast Eternals' growing menagerie of Dragons) than lizard-like or crocodile-like (but they would work very nicely as monstrous-infantry size dragon-men/Dragonborn, especially if given a few horns), but the crocodile-headed 'Warspawned' variants certainly fit the bill for me. I also like how, when sizing these chaps up for the new sculpts, they decided to make them taller rather than broader, as these new plastic ones should be able to fit on 40mm square bases for Warhammer Fantasy as well as their supplied AoS rounds. I certainly look forward to adding some of these to my Lizard army.[​IMG] [​IMG]
    5. Carnosaur/Troglodon (2013): To round out the Top 5, this set simply had to be included. Still our biggest plastic monster to date and either configuration is an awe-inspiring centrepiece for an army. Of course it is unfortunate that the Troglodon has been beset by subpar rules since its inception and that the Carnosaur suffers from both having too small a head itself (though at least it stops it from being a T-Rex carbon-copy) and having its Oldblood rider be the first of the small-headed and fat-footed modern generation of Saurus sculpts (and these reasons are why it's 5th in the Top 5 rather than 3rd, 2nd or 1st), but its size, in keeping with other plastic Warhammer monsters from then right up to now, still contributes to how impressive it is as a kit. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

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