Hi folks, I noticed the objet description doesn't specify it gives magical attacks to the weapon. I want to confirm wether that's on purpose or I can asume it also gives magical attacks because it's a magical objet. Thanks no advance ^^
IIRC, poison attacks and flaming attacks applies to ranged attacks too, not just melee. So that's cool. However they only ranged option for this in TOW is a Skink Chief with Blowpipe or Javelins added. That's not so cool... It is, however, an Enchanted Item and can be used alongside another weapon (which gives +A for instance). Which is cool. Either way, it's an option for not that many points (15), useful for dealing with swarms and whatnot. Flammable Poison Also, from the sound of the name of the item, it seems RAI that it is more of a "jungle remedy" than magic. It is a venomous firefly frog, used to coat the weapon(s), I guess. It IS listed under "Magic Items" but that's RAW for you in a nutshell... Edit: Sorry, it only applies to non-Magical weapons, my bad. An Oldblood on Carno could use this along a Great Weapon, though. And spend the rest of magic item pts on defensive/utility items. Not that bad. I also just realized Skink Chiefs poison ALL their (non-magical) weapons, unlike regular Skinks (of which only javelins are listed, for some reason). Edits upon edits... Javelins are used not only by Lizardmen, hence it specifying "Javelins only" for some units (skink skirmishers) poisoned attacks rule and Blowpipes seem unique and this always has the poisoned attacks rule. It could've just said "javelins and blowpipes only" though... sometimes they seem purposedly ambiguous/difficult