TOW About Slaynn (Slann+Doppelganger)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mikebiazzo, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Mikebiazzo

    Mikebiazzo Member

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    He was far away. So far away, in fact, they didn't pay attention to him until he was just in front of them, with his regard fixed while making guttural sounds. He seemed static sitting on his stone palanquin covered by timeless creepers, but a little movement could be appreciated in his hands, like they were suffering spasms, whilst an emerging glare started to appear.
    All of the Irondrakes notice the enormous sword floating ahead of the menacing figure, and how the mystical magic began to surround it like a foggy snake. It slowly raised, moved only by the reverbs of the old words barely pronounced in an unknow language, adopting the pose of a scythe who would harvest their heads. But, just when they thought the moon will be drawn by the iron brush, the spell stopped with a sonorous belch.
    They looked at the eyes of the toad, who were shivering as all his bloated body, and they didn't waste the opportunity, charging their drakeguns and obliterating him behind a dark and fetid cloud of smoke.

    Sooooo, that little story summarizes what my Slaynn did the first match I used it. A complete disaster. I had two more opportunities to play with it (against Skavens and Dwarfs) and, while it wasn't as horrible, it really didn't pay off. Most of the time, the damage expected dind't show up and, because he was in combat, I couldn't profit of the other spells he had, so it was kind of a single shot gun.

    Yes, statistically Doppelganger will be casted, and if you roll 2d6 the result is average 7, but, you roll so many times for a single effect that something going wrong is what is really usual, and that's what happened to me.

    It's cool and very funny, but not worth it. Those are my impressions about it.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
  2. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    As we told you…too many IF to work (cool if it does but too costly),
    The story was really cool although =) Thank for the writing!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
    Mikebiazzo likes this.
  3. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    Thanks for testing it against multiple armies! I think it's best left as a meme build and only bring him in while goofing off.

    Idea 10/10
    Fun Potential 10/10
    In Reality 2/10
    Mikebiazzo likes this.
  4. Mikebiazzo

    Mikebiazzo Member

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    For the sake of knowledge sacrifices have to be made :D
    Kalisto likes this.
  5. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I would consider it is all that was in my meta were Chaos Dragons and Helf Princes on star dragons.

    Sure I'll fail. But man when it works it'll be great.

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