TOW Countering Casket of Souls

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by RipperDerek, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. RipperDerek

    RipperDerek Active Member

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    So the casket of souls is a really, really overtuned unit. It's 135 points, but it has 2 of the best spells in the entire game as bound spells. One spell does D6+3 S6 hits with Multiple Wounds 2 and no armor save allowed (if the model fails a leadership test), and the other gives basically their entire army -1 to be hit and a 6+ ward. Oh, also, it gives casters near it +1 to cast, and is guarded by 4 great-sword wielding zombies that are much stronger than regular war machine crew (in part because of the casket's own buff).

    I don't usually run a Slann, and I am expecting one of the TK players in my local meta to bring 2 of them, which are very annoying vs stegadons. So, I was interested in researching possible counters. I did a ton of leg work and designed a ton of theoretical lists, and then math'ed out the consequences. Here is what I found, in case anyone finds it useful.

    tldr; Bastiladons and Slann are the only good counters. Well there is technically a third, but it requires the event to let you take allies.

    • Slann - let's get this one out of the way. Between giving leadership 9 and having a level 4 to try and dispel their spells, the Slann reduces the danger from the caskets hugely. It is undoubtedly one of the best answers. The question is, are there any other good answers?
    • Skink Scouts - loses combat to the casket. In shooting 10 skinks do an average of 1 wound per turn, which is not good enough. Also 12 inch range on shooting makes it really hard practically to align them without exposing them to enemy charges.
    • Chameleon Skinks - see above.
    • Skink Chief on Terradon - loses combat to the casket
    • Unit of 3 Terradons - loses combat to the casket
    • Skink Chief + 3 Terradons - might tie combat, but takes multiple turns to kill a single casket.
    • Skink Chief on Ripperdactyl - loses combat to the casket
    • Unit of 3 Ripperdactyls - can win with blot toad, but takes many turns to kill 1 casket
    • Unit of 4 Ripperdactyls - wins combat but takes multiple turns to kill a single casket, even with blot toad.
    • Skink Chief + 3 Rippers - with blot toad, this is the only variation I found that can regularly kill a casket in 1 turn. However, rippers are impetuous and it is also very hard to get them into the casket on turn 2 without exposing them to charges. In 3 simulated games I wasn't able to actually do it once. If it takes until turn 3 to get them into a casket, half the game is already over.
    • Razordons - One razordon does less than a tenth of a wound with shooting on average. So you would need like 40 of them.
    • Skink Priest on Stegadon - I tested this in several simulated games, and a level 1 just isn't good enough at dispelling. If you have the points to upgrade him to a level 2, he can dispel the remains in play light effect pretty well, but he is also very susceptible to the light of death himself. Also, adding a skink priest to your stegadon ruins the point efficiency of the unit.
    • Troglodon - Not especially vulnerable to light of death, but as above, level 1 wizard just isn't good enough at dispelling to be an answer against 2 caskets.
    • Bastiladons - Bringing 3 bastiladons is a big commitment, but if you do, they average 2.65 wounds against a casket per turn, starting from potentially turn 1...straight through an enemy level 4 wizard that is attempting to dispel ALL of them. (I simulated 4000+ rounds of casting to check this.) If the enemy wizard is out of range to try and dispel some of them, it goes up from there. If all they get is 1 fated dispel attempt, the average wounds done per turn goes up to 5.08, more than enough to kill one outright. The casket is weak to flaming attacks and they are conveniently flaming. Even with an enemy level 4 present, by turn 2 they can consistently kill a casket - and I had some simulated games where I killed both caskets turn 1. It is worth noting, though, that there is about a 35% chance on any given turn (if going against a lvl 4) that all three just whiff.
    • Elf Noble - With the pure of heart virtue, he gives models in command range leadership 9. This is a really funny counter, because one of the reasons Casket is scary is because of the vortex that disables your general's leadership bubble. It doesn't work against the elf, because he's not a general. He's also nice for making cold one riders less stupid. Unfortunately, most events I go to have banned allies.
    Those were my findings. Hope it helps someone. Let me know if I missed any good counters you can think of.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
    Kalisto and BeardedLizard like this.
  2. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    You've done your research so I don't think you've missed any obvious units. I fear skewing a list in tournament setting just to counter the Casket of Souls sets you back too much vs other armies. The best answer is going to be a mix of units that do OK against them but are also useful vs everything else.

    Units that tie Caskets up for multiple turns in combat also prevent it from casting so they might be a decent option. Skink chief /w Ruby Ring + terradons is my favourite hunting crew, but I think in this particular case they're way too weak vs light of death. One succesful cast just nukes the entire unit.

    For a tournament I'd probably bring 2xBastiladons and 2xScouting skink units (maybe up the numbers from 10->15). If you play so that Stegadon Chiefs can shoot their giant bow with higher BS he might be able to cause some extra wounds as well. I also usually play with the Slann so Caskets are not "that" deadly if I get in dispel range.

    P.S. Love the Elf Noble + virtue. Been looking for decent ally options to spice things up a bit
  3. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Sincerely Slann seem the better way. I don't see many others. The only problem is reach the dispel range (or just stay hidden).

    Sincerely i am more worried about petrifying gaze attacks that goes against initiative. Since they cannot be blocked.
  4. RipperDerek

    RipperDerek Active Member

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    You mean the Cockatrice and Bloodwrack Medusa? Both of those are pretty vulnerable to skink shooting (and also bastiladon lasers).
  5. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Yeah...yes but they have a good range and is tough against both Slann and Ancient Stegadon (or Saurus but don't care so much as well)
  6. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    So here is a combo to consider

    Skink Chief on Terradon w/ Ruby Ring of Ruin and Burning Blade or Venom of the Firefly Frog
    Skink Priest (lvl 2) with Feathered Cloak and Earthing Rod, battle magic and hope for the fire spells.

    Basically hit the casket with maximum "fire" power. Earthing rod actually increases your chances of dispelling when you miscast on the dispell.
  7. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Problem with the HELF Noble is you won't be able to use that at events. But a great idea for a campaign army.

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