There may be a lot of different lists but usually, at 2000 points, there are no more place for 1 or 2 stegadons, if you don't choose to play a lot more extreme or a big monster list. Which ones would you choose in this case? The purpose is just to see which 2 alternatives lizardmen players prefers (not you have 2 votes)
I'll most likely play either Skin Chief on a Stegadon (bow) or a double Engine list with one of the engines being a Skink Priest.
Clearly the chief on a stegadon is the best option. I would be interested in the thoughts on an ancient upgrade. My initial impression was "definitely" but (I have not run any stegadons) it does appear to me that each extra attack in TOW is precious.
Extra attacks with -3 AP is precious yes, especially with WS4. On the other hand S6 is really really good. Without skink hero I would probably take a normal ancient. I don’t see really the skink on ancient been worth it. WS mean often be hitted at 2 or 3+, wasting the bonus that extra wounds give
I'm a bit confused on using the Stegadon as a character mount. The rule at the bottom says to treat it as a chariot mount not a ridden monster, even though it's a behemoth, does that mean you follow all the Chariot character mount rules? ie add character wounds to the Stegadons wounds?
I think the WS advantage gives the Ancient an edge against a lot of things, hitting WS3 on a 3+ and only being hit on WS4 on a 4+ is very useful against a lot of enemies, and combined with the S5 vs S6 gives it the edge. I think I1 vs I2 makes very little difference most of the time. So I generally think the points for the Ancient is worthwhile. In terms of missile weapon my thoughts are that as the Bs is low, so hitting very infrequently makes this a bit marginal. Currently I'm running Skink heavy core, so I don't need more S3 poison with no AP so I think the Bow, offering something a bit different, is useful. EotG is good if you are likely to be out of dispel range of enemy L4 wizards, e.g. running down flank, otherwise you are about as likely to get it off as to hit with the Bow, so maybe 25 points could be used elsewhere for more benefit.
I think your analysis is otherwise correct but hits vs stegadons are always vs Skink Crew WS (unless they are used as character mounts).
Ah thanks. I missed that Howdah did that. That's quite a nerf to Stegadons compared to what I thought as being hit on a 3+ by most things, and 2+ by WS5 is painful. That's given me some food for thought.
Same answer for a different reason. Most hits seem to come from impact and stomp. So I'd prefer the st6.
Good point about impact/stomps. Its a shame we can't put a Chief on an Ancient Stegadon, they can provide a worthwhile boost to combat output, particularly if given something in their magic item allowance (e.g. Biting Blade).
Am I wrong in thinking that a FAQ updated us that the Chief can't fire the weapons of the Steg? I play Ancient. Impact hits at 0 AP are hit or miss. Skink Crew is bleh but at least can march and jav. The power comes from the 3 WS4 S6 attacks Ap-3 and then AP-2 stomps. I don't play Burning Alignment as I am nearly always marching. Finding the points in characters is difficult. I think you still HAVE to take a Slann, and probably make it Ethereal. I can do ScarVet, but Carnie also essential.
Its also my understanding that the Chief cannot fire the Bow, unfortunately and no AP on the impact hits... sigh. I think someone said it feels like a list that fights against itself. I feel that a L4 to dispel is very important. So far I've not played a big gun line, which may be biasing me towards Becalming Cogitation (so I can sit 24.1" from the enemy wizards) rather than ethereal. Maybe I should just take High for Walk Between Worlds, but having just been shut down by an infernal puppet that feels too unreliable.