TOW 2K Terrabombing!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by airjamy, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Found a neat little idea on the discords, calling it Terrabombing! The plan is to cast Arcane Urgency on 4 Terradons with the Battle Magic Lore familiar on a 5+ outside of dispel range to give them an effective 40 inches of range on their Drop Rocks if you position your caster well, as they get to double move and also drop when using Arcane Urgency as it is simply another move. This makes it so no enemy wizard can ever run around outside of a unit. On average, 4d3 S4 auto hits kills 2 or 3 wound no save casters very reliably, as they have no look out sir and no place to hide on the board vs the Terras, 40 inches is a very long range and they do not care about line of sight. It actually worked out pretty well from what i have found, and really made it so the Slann and Engines could march into the center unopposed. Also makes it a lot easier to catch enemy wizards, a block is easier to catch then a solo dude and in close combat they can't even dispel. Makes it so their line of sight is shit as well. Tested it, works pretty well if you are expecting 2 enemy lvl 4's running around!

    The main tradeoff for the build is that it requires you to go a Skink Hero as it is required when you want Terras so you cannot get the second Carno which is obv great, but this is still pretty good.

    Lizardmen - Terrabomb - [1997pts]
    # Main Force [1997pts]
    ## Characters [999pts]
    Saurus Scar-Veteran [339pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Battle Standard Bearer, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Talisman Of Protection, Carnosaur (Heavy Armour (Slashing talons)

    Skink Priest [345pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Wizard Level 2, Battle Magic
    • 1x Ancient Stegadon [255pts]: 5x Skink Crew (Hand Weapon (Javelin and Shield), Great horns, Engine of the Gods

    Slann Mage-Priests [315pts]:
    • 1x Slann Mage-Priest [315pts]: Hand Weapon, General, Wizard Level 4, Battle Magic, Lore Familiar

    ## Core [615pts]

    Saurus Warriors [210pts]:
    • 14x Saurus Warrior [14pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield
    • 1x Spawn Leader [7pts]
    • 1x Standard Bearer [7pts]

    Skink Skirmishers [55pts]: Vanguard
    • 10x Skink [5pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelins and Shields

    Skink Skirmishers [55pts]: Vanguard
    • 10x Skink [5pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelins and Shields

    Skink Skirmishers [50pts]:
    • 10x Skink [5pts]: Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelins and Shields

    Temple Guard [245pts]:
    • 14x Temple Guard [16pts]: Halberd, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield
    • 1x Revered Guardian [7pts]
    • 1x Standard Bearer [7pts]
    • 1x Musician [7pts]

    ## Special [128pts]
    Terradon Riders [128pts]:
    • 4x Terradon Rider [32pts]: Terradon (Hand Weapon), Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Javelin and Shield

    ## Rare [255pts]
    Ancient Stegadon [255pts]: 5x Skink Crew (Hand Weapon (Javelin and Shield), Great horns, Engine of the Gods
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024
    BeardedLizard likes this.
  2. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Move again...not march's a bit different, then you have to be within cast range from the slann.
    It sounds well but i see a lot of caster on chariots inside units on monsters. I don't see why you should play this for only kill casters. I mean, terradons are unfortunately quite bad now since in melee they sucks. Before they could at least both launch rocks and fight in melee but not anymore.
    discomute likes this.
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    When you make a move, you can make a march move, so it still works. Forcing enemy wizards to be in units or at the edge of the board is really annoying for them, it is a lot better than it sounds. I was skeptical first, but it really is worth it. Also double move on carnos or stegs is also quite good, it does more than just the terra trick.
  4. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Ok but even so half of the caster will not die against terradons. Double move on a carnosaur or Stegadon sounds much more interesting :)
    airjamy and discomute like this.
  5. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I mean impact hits are amazing
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Most of them will die right.. ? Most casters are 2-3 wounds, T3 or T4 and have no saves as they depend on look out sir to be ok. Against a T4 target with no saves, 4 Terras will do 4 wounds on average. Even something like an Imperial Wizard on a Pegasus won't really be save with 4 wounds and T4, on average it will still die but it can be more swingy. What casters would you say survive it? I guess a Slann does, but 5 wounds and a 5+ ward is not standard on casters. I guess stuff like a wizard on a dragon also won't die, but most people do not put their wizards on fighty mounts as a fighty lord does that job better.

    I have really liked the double move after the Terras did their thing, or if you keep your Terras in reserve to keep the wizards inside units.
  7. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Many caster nowadays are not infantery but on chariot or dragon as you said. I am not sure how you calculated 4 wounds but you are a bit optimistic i guess (hitting at 4+ and wounding at 4+ without counting armour saves that some have or regeneration is not 4 wounds). Maybe Ripperdactyl with cleaving blow furios charge and so on is comepletely another thing, but not terradons.
    Terradons or Ripperdactly are also REALLY fragile and you risk that their caster cast a magic missile on them (since you will probably be away from dispel range) and will easily kill 6 wounds with T3.

    If you want a unit to chase caster than i suggest you have a skink hero inside them with glyph necklace to give them MR 2 at least.
  8. BeardedLizard

    BeardedLizard Member

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    Drop rocks causes D3 auto hits/model. So it should kill a lone caster.

    This looks like a very exciting idea! I don't think Skink hero tax is too bad since you want an Arcane Vassal for your Slann anyway.
  9. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I like it. Really ticking alof of boxes I like. The dual EotG is nice, and the arcane vassal makes getting the spell cast where you need it really easy.

    if you drop 2 Saurus, so make is a 12 man block, you can take a War Banner on the TG, and still have 6 points to spare. I'd add a burning blade to the TG champion, just for some surprise magical and flaming attacks in a potential challenge when someone is gunning for your slann.

    How are you handling dragons?
    airjamy likes this.
  10. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    As other people said, the rocks auto hit so 4 rocks is 8 S4 hits, wounding on 4s vs T4 targets, leading to 4 wounds with presumably no save. The whole point of them moving 40 inches is that you leave them in your own deployment zone outside of LOS, and jump them as soon as a caster is in range. Or they have to leave their casters outside of a 40 inch bubble of your Terras (which is a very big bubble i might add), or in a unit, which is also a win.

    It ain't that bad yeah, i would rather just have another Carno!

    Sounds like an interesting idea to go Warbanner. I dislike going Burning Blade on TG as they lose Obsidian Blades and the option to use the Halberd on the strongest fighter.

    The dragon question is a thing yes. I still have the TG to do eternal challenges vs them and at least one Carno to do some damage to one but this list is made to counter wizards and not dragons. Gotta ignore them and hope for the best i guess. I feel like currently we can go double Carno, Illusion Lore Familiar Slann and TG, that is my other main build, to go anti monster or this build to be anti lone caster. I think it is up to your local meta to see what is better. Lately i have been seeing less dragons in my local meta because people are sick of them and because of tournament specific scenario's that punish monsters (giving up double vp for mounted characters for example). The double Carno, Lore Familiar Illusion Slann with more TG is def the way to go though. War Banner is maybe even better then as you then have 2 static CR from the banner to keep the dragon occupied even longer. The real problem is not the TG running away though but rather the dragon not following up and then reforming to go onto another target, TG are not a true tarpit vs dragons.
    discomute likes this.
  11. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    Thats fair on the Burning Blade. Consider a charmed shield then instead. Just may be enough to keep him alive in that challenge. But war banner on the TG really makes that unit shine
    airjamy likes this.
  12. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Great chat. This is probably nuts but left field suggestion is to drop one more TG then put the points from it and the 6 spare into a potion of toughness. It's a super underrated item on characters imo, but in fairness perhaps not the best fit for a 1W champion, but it does make me chuckle to imagine a lord being bogged down in a t7 champion for a turn haha. If nothing else it can really give a massive combat resolution boost as a tooled up lord still might only do 2-3 wounds instead of 5-6 they were expecting.
    airjamy likes this.
  13. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    It's strong and i like the idea but I am not sure it will work either. You can use the potion of toughness only in your command phase and it last only in your turn.
    airjamy and discomute like this.
  14. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    He is already at 999 points on his characters. There is no room there unfortunately
    discomute likes this.
  15. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    As I always tend to be with our army. Character points are the real squeeze.
  16. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    A potion on a champion goes into character allotment?
  17. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    No but still.. you spend 20 points of your army points to could use an item ONLY in your phase when you never charge first that *might* save you (you got 33% chance to increase it only to T5)

    do you think is really a good choice?
    Then better meteoric iron, reroll on armour save, charmed shield or something similar…
  18. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    I was asking for rules clarity.

    To answer, no I don't, I had assumed you could take it at the start of any combat. In that context it would be better than what you mention. Maybe it might work on a hero on a a ripper/terra or funnier, a priest on a stegadon. Something in which you're likely to know in command phase you can charge.
  19. Gothmog Lord of Balrogs
    Temple Guard

    Gothmog Lord of Balrogs Active Member

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    I wasn't thinking on the champion. I was thinking on the characters. I should've read the full comment closer. I was probably late-posting
    airjamy and discomute like this.

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