Hi all; I've been desperately seeking some generic dinosaur models to use as unit fillers and "counts as" to little avail...anyone know any scale miniature makers that do them? I did, however, stumble across this site which has a rather darn good range of prepainted dinosaurs of all varieties (check out the Papo Pteranodon, for those of us who hate the GW ones, like yours truly!) so thought I'd share in case there are any other desperately seeking alternative-types out there. I'd prefer non painted, but at the end of the day beggars can't be choosers, and nothing stops a bit of custom touch-up work for colour-scheme matching!
That toy terradon might be a little bit too big. Thats about a 10 inch wingspan, which is the march move of an elf! The scale is indeed the hard thing to get correct, there are plenty of dino toys out there but all the ones I found were either too big or too small.
Tamiya has a dinosaur model range consisting of a Tyrannosaur, Chasmosaur, Parasaurolophus, Brachiosaur, Mesozoic Creatures and a pack of 6 Velociraptors Dioramas.. I bought the Velociraptor pack once, which were in the 1:35 scale range.. On a second note, found the Dinosaur Diorama range on the Online Tamiya catalogue; http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/list/35dinosaur_world/kit60101.htm
Reaper mini also has a few metal Dinos in the right scale. http://www.reapermini.com/FigureFinder#search/Dinosaur