7th Ed. Tell me about Kroq-Gar...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Durak, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Durak

    Durak New Member

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    Hey guys, I'm a Lizardman newbie (no infantry, just a few hero's I've picked up while waiting for the book to show up to figure out what I wanted etc) and am looking at Kroq-Gar. Without knowing the new rules and such, i'm at a loss if I should invest in him just yet. One of those fears of "I won't be able to for awhile if I don't do it now" but i'm still leary due to the price tag. Watching him in White Dwarf get tagged first turn and die kinda makes him seem a bit eh but then the dice can ruin anyones luck. Is he a good investment? A good investment with a 25% discount? Thanks!
  2. redphantasm
    Jungle Swarm

    redphantasm New Member

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    As a special character I have seen him used only infrequently. At 600+ points, he takes a significant chunk out of the army, and you want him well supported which usually means the 3000 point range.

    What he is used most often for is to be a Saurus Old Blood on a Carnisaur. Here he costs a few hundred points less, and makes a very nice lord choice for 2000 point armies.

    If you think your style will require such a beefy Saurus character, then I'd say go for it. I'm not sure why there would be a rush, the model will be around for some time to come.
  3. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    I bought the model just cuz I thought it was cool looking. I agree i was a little disapointed to see him taken down right off the bat in the White Dwarf, as I didn't get to see how he would stand up to some Daemons.
  4. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    I also bougth the model becouse it yous looks spectaculare! Aloust never ust him though. My opponents are usually Deaomons and Warriors of Chaos, and My slann has never let me down, so...

    I'm the magical kind of person you could say ;)

    But as redphantasm pointed out: If you're a more melee kind of guy, few things hits as hard as Kroq-Gar in an Lizardmen army :)

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