TOW All the Characters (2+ AS Scar Vet)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Milo, Aug 8, 2024.

  1. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    It seems to me that you take me for an idiot. however I wrote that they did well against the beastmen. even if they don't march and shoot they have cleaned 3 units of skirmishers and one of harpies. I'd say they earned it. the heroes in pairs worked well. In fact, I had quickly read the potion immune to psychology, forgetting that it is no longer like in the 5th edition. like me, I'm satisfied with the first game. certainly against chaos and Bretonnia it will perhaps be more difficult. We will see
    airjamy likes this.
  2. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Is the armour of metoric iron really good on a cold one? Paying 20 points to go from 3+ to 5+ unmodified?

    Salamanders are garbage but its not always about running the strongest list possible, I run Troglodons and Rippers because I like them.
  3. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    the problem is that you have few ts available, it's not the best, but there's so much stuff going around that lowers the armor save, that I consider it acceptable. Unfortunately I don't see many other alternatives. Rippers would be great if the cool blood rule went back to how it originally was. but I love them too, I'll play them in a list sooner or later. My salamander/spinodon
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I mean, if I see people make rules mistakes and then also not acknowledging that rules mistake i get pretty suspect yes if people know the rules. An oh, i guess i was wrong that potion does not work like that, my bad, ill change my list, will go a long way. If you just kinda ignore that and just carry on talking about something else, i mean, i will start questioning a lot of things quite quickly. I do not think you are an idiot, i don't know you. Most people playing Warhammer are definitely also not idiots, the game is quite hard so most people playing are not idiots at all i would say :). Rules in TOW are also formatted pretty poorly, i am finding out new things still about the rules as well just because stuff is put all over the place in the book. I just saw you made a rules mistake so i think it is likely you have made more rules mistake if you come to a conclusion almost nobody comes to (that being that Salamanders are good, they are really with Razordons considered our worst unit by far). I guess the rules did change on the potion, it is quite bad atm.

    I am still kinda confused how they would do well against Beastmen. My main problem with them is that they are too slow and will never get into range before being charged/shot to bits. I mean a unit like Harpies have a threat range of like 18 inches with fly and swiftstride, if you want to flame them you have to start your turn within like 7-8 inches of them, so that means your opponent basically landed his Harpies right next to your Salamander? It sounds to me a good opponent will not let that happen, he should just be able to charge you right with his 360 degrees of vision as well without you ever getting a shot of right.. ? 5 Harpies rip a Salamander to shreds as well in 1 turn of close combat, you should not be able to even fight back once.
    discomute likes this.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Very nice model btw, looks cool. I do understand you would want to make that model work ;)
    discomute likes this.
  6. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Lowers the armour save, yes, but lowers by -3? Very little. A sword of might with a shield I think is better use of the points. Or a biting blade, which I love.

    Repeating what I said earlier, I would put the scar vet on the carnosaur with the armour of meteoric iron (4+ to 5+ plus a lot more toughness and wounds to ensure you can swing that great sword) and put the old blood on a horned one where they can use the armour of destiny.

    Can put the BSB on the carnosaur too to extend its range by 6".
  7. TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi

    TzhunkiHuanchisukaePiangi Member

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    I'm having a bit of trouble explaining the whole battle to you, at least in broad terms: two units of harpies charged the skinks and broke through. the salamander, kept close to the saurus infantry, is found firing on a Gor unit, finding the harpies in the middle. for the potion I also wrote that I was confused... I suppose you never make mistakes. I'm sorry to tell you but you are too arrogant in writing, you place yourself above those you don't know.
  8. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Calm down guys. If you're not having fun in here then what's the point?

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