TOW Lizardmen my way

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Fxt, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Fxt

    Fxt Member

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    Hi every one.

    I know we just received our shiny new pdf with which we can play our beloved miniatures game, but as each game went by I became a little disappointed with the rules they provided. So for fun I tried to rewrite part of it to add or change what I didn't like. I added one of the new units created for aos (I think they're called Aggrodon? It doesn't matter, they'll have another name here XD) because I fell in love with it.

    I've indicated in red what I've changed, if you have time, take a look and tell me what you think. I'd also like to try writing an Army of Infamy or two in the future (Southernlands? Sotek's progeny?).

    I apologize in advance for any errors, English is not my native language.
    ASSASSIN_NR_1 and Imrahil like this.
  2. WithCarbos

    WithCarbos New Member

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    Your Army Comp is even more restrictive than the needlessly restrictive GW Legacy list! Here's what I would do:
    Change lord restrictions to 0-1 Slann Mage-Priest or Saurus Oldblood per 1,000 points.
    Remove the 0-1 Skink Priest or Scar-Veteran per 1,000 points restriction.
    Remove the 1+ unit of Saurus Warriors core tax, OR change it to 1+ unit of Saurus Warriors or Saurus Temple Guard.
    Change the Temple Guard restriction to 0-1 unit of Temple Guard per Slann Mage-Priest.

    Fix Cold-blooded to work against either Stupidity, or Break Tests, or both.
    Replacing Scaly Skin with Armoured Hide is excellent.
    Change wording of Arcane Vassal to allow the casting of range ‘self’ spells (if Slanns still cannot join units)

    Change base size for Slann Mage-Priests to 60 x 60 mm, remove Fly, change Troop Type to Infantry, let them join units, and give them a "1/turn Wizardly dispel attempt 1D6 re-roll" rule, for the current points value.

    Saurus Warriors, Temple Guard and Cold One Riders should, like Saurus characters, gain Furious Charge. Points drops for all Saurus units are needed (currently they are costed as if Cold-blooded worked against break tests; as if Initiative is as unimportant in TOW as in 8th; as if they had Predatory Fighter).
    Saurus Warriors to 12 pts/model feels OK with Furious Charge and Cold-blooded working against break tests; otherwise 11 pts/model.
    Light armour for Temple Guard is excellent; but unless Cold-blooded is fixed to work against break tests they also need to come down in points to 14 or 15 pts/model. Also increase Initiative to 2.
    4+ armour save for Kroxigor should be standard at no extra cost.
    Drastic points drop for Saurus Cold One Riders. Compare the 34 pts/model Cold One Riders to Dark Elves Cold One Knights, who have +1WS, +3I (and Elven Reflexes), +1 Ld, -1A, lances, a 2+ armour save and First Charge, even S4 and T4! … for 35 pts/model. Only if Cold-blooded is fixed to work against Stupidity and they gain Furious Charge can they keep their current cost. And they should indeed be allowed to take light armour.
    AP -2 for Stegadon Impact hits is excellent. They also need a rule to require To Hit rolls against them to roll against the highest WS available between monster, crew or character. Or, if such a rule cannot be implemented, they need +1 Wound.

    And yeah, Salamanders need fixing. Not sure how.
  3. Kalisto

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Change base size for Slann Mage-Priests to 60 x 60 mm, remove Fly, change Troop Type to Infantry, let them join units, and give them a "1/turn Wizardly dispel attempt 1D6 re-roll" rule, for the current points value."

    And in my dream i should add Palanquin 360 degree of it was once
  4. DoubleSkulls

    DoubleSkulls Member

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    They were Monstrous Infantry and got FAQ'd to monsters. An ill-conceived and unnecessary nerf in my view. They are arguably the worst L4 spell caster in the game and the most expensive. Given the Lore they ought to be the best.
    WithCarbos likes this.

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