Skink Priest Help

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Josh Ichimaru, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Josh Ichimaru
    Cold One

    Josh Ichimaru Member

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    FpHello, today I decided my skink priest deserves a paint scheme since he has been serving my army well. Ive undercoated him (metal models -_- I hate them) and I have just finished all of his skin, I am no moving to his armour/robe/cape thing. I have the model with the long staff with the horned skull on the tip. I was looking at him and I noticed somthing his cape has SCALES ON IT? I've looked at some pics from GW but I cant find any GW shot showing hte back of the skink, how do I paint this and what are they? are they really scales or am I just crazy? I will post some pics when I finish painting him anyone know how i can make these bizard scales look good o_O
  2. 1968yearofmetall
    Cold One

    1968yearofmetall New Member

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    well, i painted the scales on my priest yellow, I´m not sure how to post a pic on this forum, but i´ll try to load up some cool pictures!
  3. Lazoxoatl

    Lazoxoatl New Member

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    The best way is to make an account on photobucket (or other site like this). Then you can upload pics there and let their program generate links which you just put in your message here (you have to change [​IMG]

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