7th Ed. 1000 point list.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by argus, May 6, 2008.

  1. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    I have a hard time contemplating the lizardmen army because i am converting over from ork's and goblins who i sold. i am used to a very cheap army and the lizardmen though i studied plenty and like them... i still have no idea if im makeing a good list not having the army yet (finding what i prolly want to get by listing).

    i would be gratefull for any comments even if it made me look like a buffoon.

    1 scar vet w/ light armor,great weapon,shield of the mirror pool, spawn topek. -146

    10skink scouts with blow pipes -70

    2 troops 10 skinks -120

    1 troop 20 saurus, full command, tzacotl. -290

    4 terradons -140

    4 Krox -232

    ( 998 total)

    how do you all like? and be as judgmental as you wish please! i hope to post more questionable lists later on maybe for higher up. (what do you all think of saly's should i get them?)
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    (1) Assuming that the Topek is for Tepok ;) , id say that even then your magic might be pretty light for a 1000 pt list. With 3 dispel dice, lists with 1 lvl 2 will probably get off around a spell a turn. Although not earth shattering, its worth fiddling around with (skink priests are solid lvl 2s to boot)

    (2) The scar veteren might need a little fiddling. If you refer to your armybook, it says that blessed spawning saurus (i.e. yours) can only be joined by a scar veteran with the same spawning. Hence, your scar veteran will either have to drop tepok (then no magic defense), or your saurus unit will have to change its spawning to tepok (not necessarily a bad thing, but your only CR unit will loose some staying power). Alternatively, just drop the shield of the mirror pool and have your scar veteran go it alone (if you were always intending to do this, keep in mind that the mirror shield is a waste of points for lone characters, and for that matter too random and circumstantial to be worth it IMO). For the same points you could give him a jaguar pendent and an enchanted shield, which would be very useful as your list has a very concentrated points sink (i.e. Saurus)

    (3) That said, you might want to think about working over the Saurus over. Although it largely depends on your regular opponents, you'll find that 15 Saurus will generally be able to perform the role of anvil, which would give you points to either invest in another unit of skinks or perhaps the aformentioned skink priest.

    (4) As a final note, although 4 man units of Terradons and Kroxigors are usually the best for 2k, you might find that in 1k games units of 3 work well enough. With these free points, you could work on fleshing out a particular aspect of your army. Although it is balanced, it seems to be more of a jack of all trades, master of none. One big combat unit is good, but finding room for 2 medium units would give you the force multiplier to field a battle line list in a better fashion. Alternatively, you could cut back on the Saurus and go for a more MSU style army, relying on the killing and manuverability of a JSoD, terradons, and kroxigors. But such focus should come only after you figure out what style suits you more, but keep that in mind as you play this list (if you do not fiddle around with it)
  3. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    In small points games I think it's worth putting the jaguar charm on the scar-vet, even if you don't play him like a usual JSoD, it's still nice to have the option of having him rush out and cripple a unit of knights of kill a lone mage - potentially quite a blow for the opponent in such a low pts game.

    Not a bad list though, hope you enjoy the lizardmen and the forum :)
  4. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    thank you for the ideas and information i over looked! i'll start remaking the list into 2 different ones and see wich is better one with your idea's wich look very good and probally better than mine since i have not played to much. But my fix up idea is to remove 1 crok and terradon adding tepok to the saurusand scar-vet, quetzl and tepok?(removing the immune to psycology). so i may put the leader in with the saurus... who will be a major target...
  5. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    In hopes that this is noticed by any one that looks through twice or what ever.
    I have re-modeld the list some what and made it into 1k 1.25k 1.5k 1.85k.

    1K (1000)

    Scar-vet w/ light armor, shield, great weapon, aura of quetzl, charm of the jaguar, Spawnings of tzunki And quetzl -163-

    skink priest lvl 2 w/ diadam of power -135-

    skink priest lvl 2 w/dispel scroll -125-

    2 troops of 10 skinks -120- (whats better for the screener's jav or blowpipes?)

    10 skink scouts w/ blow darts -70-

    15 saurus w/ full command -210-

    3 krox -174-


    stegadon -235-

    +3 skinks -18-

    (or should i get 3 sallies and more skinks?)



    15 saurus w/ full command w/ sotek - 240- (to distract from the other group or else they will pay for not looking back some and to the side `~evil sneer of doom!~`

    +1 skink -6



    3 Terradons -105

    2 jungle swarms (protect flank most likely / screen)

    +4 skinks w/ scout

    if there are any more godly mistakes bring them to my view im beginging to buy my models and need a quick touch up if really badly needed so far i have bought my scar vet and a saurus squad (alone with some empire bits and lots of green stuff....lots and lots...)
  6. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    The "view new posts" option ensures that your questions wont go unnoticed ;) .

    That said, there does not seem to be any mistakes in the list as far as rules. However, I just had a couple points that I think you should consider.

    (1) Unless you play on a table that has lots of deep water (something I have not run into often), I would say that you scrap the Tzunki spawning. The +1 I will be useless with your great weapon, and the aquatic attribute is normally not really necessary as skirmishers can move over most shallow water obstacles without penalty. You could use the spare points to upgrade your shield to an enchanted shield if you would want, otherwise spend those points elsewhere

    (2) You also need to tweak the manner in which your list will develop. Although I understand that you want to be fielding a 1k list asap, 3 kitted out heroes will make for a list that will have difficulty making back its points. Try in the beginning just 1 skink priest, using the spare points to get Terries or Swarm/Skinks or whatever. While the lore of heavens is great, the lower spells that you'll in likelihood be fielding are what could be considered support spells. Also, in smaller games salamanders perform much better (and in general are considered to be our best unit), so I would suggest investing in sallies before a stegadon.

    (3) And as per your question, javelin/shield is generally better for missle cover, partly in the offchance that the 6+ save does anything, but generally because the skinks will be moving so the javelin will ensure that you can actually hit your target with poison. For scouts, blowpipes will be better as they can camp out in forests, etc.

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