What Games Workshop games do you partake in?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by - Q -, Oct 30, 2024.


What Games Workshop games to you partake in? (choose ALL that apply)

  1. Warhammer Fantasy Battles

    10 vote(s)
  2. Age of Sigmar

    4 vote(s)
  3. The Old World

    5 vote(s)
  4. Warhammer 40,000

    3 vote(s)
  5. The Horus Heresy

    1 vote(s)
  6. Middle-earth

    3 vote(s)
  7. Kill Team

    0 vote(s)
  8. Necromunda

    2 vote(s)
  9. Warcry

    2 vote(s)
  10. Warhammer Underworlds

    1 vote(s)
  11. Warhammer Quest: Cursed City

    1 vote(s)
  12. Adeptus Titanicus

    0 vote(s)
  13. Legions Imperialis

    0 vote(s)
  14. Blood Bowl

    3 vote(s)
  15. Mordeim

    2 vote(s)
  16. Warhammer Historicals

    1 vote(s)
  17. Warmaster

    1 vote(s)
  18. Epic 40,000

    0 vote(s)
  19. Dreadfleet

    1 vote(s)
  20. OTHER (specify below)

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    Let's see all the Games Workshop games that our forum members partake in (play, collect, list build or engage in some other way)!

    You can always change your votes, so if you decide to try a new game (or get out of an existing one) come back and update the poll accordingly.

    At the moment, the only Games Workshop game I partake in is Warhammer Fantasy Battles (8th edition). In the future, I'm sure I'll add a few more to the mix.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Here is a list of all the Games Workshop games that I participate in:
    1. 8th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles :cool:

    Untitled-1.jpg 6zbwsb.jpg 8cdd69.jpg 8d9hjt (1).jpg 8fmyu4.jpg you bow to no one.jpg 8qxqa2.jpg 8x0t1t.jpg 91dujh.jpg
    BrotherSutek likes this.
  3. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Since you stated it this way I have selected a couple more than I would otherwise.
    (I excluded WHFB, because I only have the one project I am working on (High Elf Seaguard vessel)

    It is safe to say that I hardly participate in the AoS, Underworlds and Warcry, for these lines I purely collect models. Being Seraphon and Orruk Ironjawz, of which a lot have to be build and painted :oops::rolleyes:

    My main game is Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, but never in competitive play. I have long ago participated in a local 2v2 game. Nowadays if I have the time I play a game of Battle Companies with my son.

    Grrr, !mrahil
    - Q - likes this.
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    For me the games I really play at this point are Warhammer Fantasy, TOW (which should technically count as Fantasy as it is Fantasy 9th Edition, let's face it) and 40K (though 5th and 6th Editions, not the shite 'new' 8th-onwards version).

    I also have a Middle-Earth collection, though I'm rather at a loss on what to do with them - the older rulesets that I own don't feel 'complete' as the newer ones do (I have the 'One Rulebook to Rule them All' from the end of the Lord of the Rings years and the 2012 Hobbit one, but they're both from a time when a fair bit of the range was yet to be released)... but the new ones still have the one main bugbear that even the Hobbit 2012 ruleset possessed - the trite that is the 'Warband' army selection format :vomit:. I'm also less keen on the skirmish-oriented side of the ruleset than I'm used to now. There is also War of the Ring which is a solid ruleset (in particular the fan-made second edition that was recently released by the Facebook community), but requires a lot more models to play (even more than Warhammer Fantasy/TOW). I'm considering just biting the bullet and getting into the upcoming latest Edition of the ruleset, especially as the changes that were mentioned in it generally seem to be for the better, Now that GW are killing off quite a lot of their Middle Earth EU range, I'm doubtful as to whether I'd be willing to buy the new Edition. I am writing an expansion for it that elevates the game to a 'small battle' setting with loosely-formed units of troops based upon the glory that is SPQR, and using the War of the Ring rules for army selection... I might see if I can pick up second-hand copies of the current edition, with the most complete range of profiles, to use with it. Of course this means I won't be able to play in a competitive setting, but I never have done much competitive play and couldn't really care that I'm missing out on it.

    And I have the Shadow War Armageddon rulebook from 2017, which is the real man's Kill Team, based around the original rules for Necromunda but using 40K teams of course. I have the models and the rules for it, I just need to build a suitable battlefield for them to really shine, and I'm not sure I can be bothered to do so at this point :D. I'll save that as a future project.

    I've also done a lot of research into Epic 40K and like the look of Epic Armageddon and its living, expanded counterpart NetEA in particular, but I haven't met anyone else in my local area willing to give it a go yet. I'll get into it if some interest resurges in my local area, but not at the moment.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2024
    BrotherSutek, - Q - and Imrahil like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  6. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    What I meant by that is that each person self-defines whether or not they are participating in a game. There are many ways of engaging in a game and I want the poll to be representative of all of them.
    Imrahil likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Please don't sully my game with that stain! ;) I for one am glad for the distinction between the two.
  8. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    I just noticed that I spelled Mordheim incorrectly in the poll. Doesn't look like the site allows me to change it. :bag:
  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    A 'stain' that has united the Warhammer Fantasy community after first 8th and then the End Times divided it :p (in Facebook communities I've noticed there are still significant portions of people who disliked 8th upon launch and either stayed with 6th or didn't come back to Warhammer Fantasy until TOW debuted).
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'm sure you've seen some anecdotal examples of uniting, but it isn't some grand unifier as you make it out to be. While I don't doubt that some people followed the journey you laid out above, we're talking about a small fractional percentage of the wargaming community at best. And the fact that we're even having this discussion proves that TOW has also created division. In any event, at least for the moment, it's a relatively small time game that gets drip-feed support from GW. On Lustria Online I think TOW is already past its peak (which is to be expected, as the Lizardmen have already gotten everything they're going to get).

    Also, consider the fact that you are trying to unify WHFB and TOW ["TOW (which should technically count as Fantasy as it is Fantasy 9th Edition, let's face it)"], while I am trying to distance the two. My game stands on its own. I don't need TOW. I don't want TOW. Why do you feel the need to couple your precious TOW to WHFB?

    That said, if you like TOW, enjoy the game. Play it and engage with it! We're all entitled to pursue and take part in the games of our own choosing. :)
  11. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    I wonder if anyone on the forum plays Blood Bowl. That looks like a pretty fun game.
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    @WildColonial Boy is our biggest fan of it. Allow him to explain ;)...

    And I think @BurningBee and the legendary @Bowser have dabbled in it too.
    - Q - and Imrahil like this.
  13. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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    Where do I start:
    I've been playing Blood bowl since the mid 1980's. I've been in love with the game ever since, even though sometimes I get a bit peeved at some of GW's rule changes. Some for the better, some not so.
    It is a fantastic game. Jervis Johnson invented it based on a mix of fantasy and American NFL football. Hence the references to Nuffle in the game.
    Originally there were only 4 races playing: humans, orcs, dwarfs and elves. Now there is a plethora of teams to choose from each playing very differently. Some are bash teams and generally slow, some agile and fast, and some a mix. A game generally takes about 60-90 minutes to play.
    It is great in a competition or when a group plays as each player gains experience and can skill up, or unfortunately suffer an injury where they skill down. The board game is better than any of the computer versions. Earlier computer versions were ok but the last 2 incarnations have only gotten worse.
    (They were released before they were ready and full of bugs and glitches).
    When I lived in Sydney a mate and I ran a 50+ team competition that covered Sydney and the South Coast of NSW down to Wollongong. I think we had 8 divisions with about 6 to 8 in each division. We printed a fortnightly magazine called "THUMP", which everyone contributed too. We created our own Star players which coaches would bid for at the start of the season. It was amazing. Looking back I don't know how we found the time. The exuberance of youth!
    Now, I only play occasionally in local competitions as they are few and far between here in Oz. Not like when I was living in the UK when I was a member of a gaming club and there were numerous BB competitions across the country, almost weekly.
    However I still love collecting the miniatures and painting up teams.
    GW teams are good to start with however they tend not to include all available positions for each team. There are so many third party manufacturers now as well as 3D printing people that produce whole teams of exceptional quality. Some I'd recommend are Greebo Games, Punga, Hungry Troll, Comixininos, Willy Miniatures and tons of 3D printing people who have the rights to some of the teams from Punga, Brutefun, Ugni, Waia games

    Take the leap you will definitely enjoy it.

    My teams to date:

    4 chaos dwarf teams ( I like chorfs!)
    2 dwarf teams
    2 orc teams
    1 black orc team
    1 goblin team
    1 elf team
    2 dark elf teams
    1 halfling team
    1 nurgle team
    1 lizardman team
    1 wood elf team
    1 gnome team
    1 necromantic team
    2 undead teams
    1 tomb kings team
    3 norse teams
    1 Kislev team (counts as slann as it uses the same stats)
    1 slann (frogs) team
    2 skaven teams
    2 human teams
    1 Chaos team
    I Khorne team
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
  14. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    WOW, that is a very impressive list of teams, and from the sounds of it, you're getting good use out of them with all those great events. I'm assuming that the duplicate teams are from different manufacturers?

    Which team is your favorite in terms of gaming and in terms of models? Which team is the best under the current rule set? Are teams generally well balanced in Blood Bowl?

    Don't forget to vote in the poll @WildColonial Boy , Blood Bowl is massively underrepresented at the moment!
    Imrahil likes this.
  15. J.Logan

    J.Logan Well-Known Member

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    Because it was literally sold to us a while back as Warhammer Fantasy's return? Iunno... I don't see an issue with the connection, but then in my mind the other description of "Warhammer Fantasy's version of Horus Heresy" is the one stuck in mah brain. The only time I will really try to drive in the notion of TOW being WFB 9th Edition is when the idiot friend yet again forgets that when I utter the words "Old World" it is not referring to "Sigmar's Holiday Home" (his literal words - he still insists on calling AoS "Sigmars Day Out", which at least isn't shouting "Age of Shit-mar" so I'll take it) and that it is not some Age of Sigmar campaign set.



    Warhammer 40k: Have a budding Tau army, still need to paint most of it, but I've played games. Not with the last two editions though, due to... reasons. At least 80% of those reasons being the fact that it just fell out of vogue at my FLG. But very much intending to play once the FLG's ever shifting tastes return to it, which it looks like is happening soon. So hazzah!

    Age of Sigmar: Love it or hate it, it's my primary fantasy wargame. I like it, I just hate that GeeDubs decided to make it at the cost of a setting, rather than having it as an alternate skirmish ruleset for WFB that can be a gateway game. Whatever.

    I'm painting up my redcoat lizards for AoS primarily, though the power of movement trays mean that they can get use used in WFB or TOW if need be.

    Warhammer Fantasy: Purely through the aforementioned friend, who kept it alive locally...

    The Old World: I'm trying to get more interest locally. As much as I enjoy taunting @NIGHTBRINGER, like he said, live and let live in regards to preferences, but I want to encourage the Old World, if just because A) it's more approachable for newcomers, being the one actively sold and supported, and B) To tell GeeDubs that YES WE DO STILL WANT THIS! Maybe one day, if they see appropriate support they'll eventually release a second or third edition that even @NIGHTBRINGER will praise as the new edition he always wanted...

    Why is that pig flying?

    Middle Earth: Very limited. I collect a few models, and that's mostly for use in the aforementioned games set in The Old World. Only ever played one game of it, and that was back in the very early days when it was still a year old if that (a friend was the one collecting, at the time I had no interest in tabletop games, aside from being dragged into that one game with him)

    Blood Bowl: Have my lizardman team, every time the FLG actually runs a tournament, I shall be there. Been a while, but like with 40k, that's a temporary case of not in vogue.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That one seems reasonable to me. It highlights the connection without hiding the distinction.



    BrotherSutek and J.Logan like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  18. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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    Balance. Definitely not, which is as it should be. Some teams will always struggle against others but that is the joy of the game and the challenge for more experienced players.

    I like the Chaos Dwarfs best. There is a nice mix of toughness with the chorfs and speed and strength with the bull centaurs and the hobgoblins can do everything else (ball carriers and fouling) I have an original GW team, the new GW team, Punga Iron Bulls, and another kickstarter team from about 10 years ago.( I can't remember the manufacturer)
    I also like playing orcs, chaos and dark elves. These are all good starter teams. The others come into their own once players skill up.

    2 dwarf teams - both from GW but different versions from about 20 years ago
    2 orc teams - one GW and one Rolljordan
    1 black orc team - GW
    1 goblin team - War Gaming World
    1 elf team - Black Scorpion
    2 dark elf teams - GW.
    2 halfling teams - GW and Greebo Snusnuug team
    1 nurgle team - GW
    1 lizardman team - GW
    1 wood elf team - GW
    1 gnome team - GW
    1 necromantic team - GW
    2 undead teams - GW and Realm of Paths
    1 tomb kings team - Punga
    3 norse teams - Punga, GW and Rolljordan (Gaspez Arts)
    1 Kislev team (counts as slann as it uses the same stats) - Punga
    1 slann (frogs) team - Rolljordan
    3 skaven teams - GW, Black Scorpion and Greebo (Ninja skaven)
    3 human teams - GW and Shadowforge nuns and normal females
    1 Chaos team - GW
    I Khorne team - GW

    I updated the list as I forgot i had some more teams,
    - Q -, NIGHTBRINGER and Imrahil like this.
  19. WildColonial Boy

    WildColonial Boy Well-Known Member

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    The poll:
    I have ticked a few games. I have partaken of them (or bought into them) in the past but not so often now.
    Necromunda - I played the original version.
    Mordheim - I loved this but haven't played for years.
    WHFB & TOW - I have lots of armies
    Bloodbowl - I have played since the 80's
    Dreadfleet - I bought the box thinking it would be like Man o' War (which I loved) but it wasn't and I have never played it
    Warhammer Historical - I have a large Viking army for this. I played Shieldwall and Warhammer Ancients (I've also played SAGA with them. I loved both Legends of the Old West (LOTOW) and Legends of the High Seas (LOTHS). Small warbands that earn skills. As a member of The Chelmsford Bunker (when i lived in England) we played some demo games of LOTHS at Warhammer World. I also bought Trafalgar and lots of ships but they are still in my pile of shame. I also have a large pile of shame for English Civil War where I was planning on a Royalist army but still have not built it. Its a shame GW folded Warhammer Historical. They had some great rule sets and books.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2024
  20. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    Is it a rock-paper-scissors scenario, or are some teams outright weak and very difficult to win with overall?

    That's pretty awesome. Which of the four is your favorite?

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