Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - New Year's hobby resolution 2024 I have been some of you putting out your hobby resolution for 2024. This thread is too get us motivated this year into finishing the projects that we have committed to in our resolution, the rules are fairly simple. At the start of the year post what your hobby resolution, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else. Around the middle of the year post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link. Around the end of the year post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link. The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc. You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section. If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress Grrr, !mrahil
I thought I created this thread in January already, but somehow I can't find it anymore... searching on title doesn't do it either. @Killer Angel might you know what might have happened? Grrr, !mrahil
I see now... your original thread ended in the spam archive. Don't ask why, i don't know. No wonder you couldn't find it. Given it wasn't filled with contents, i suppose we could leave it there and restart from here... let me know if it works for you
Welp, it is half of year update time. Original goals: Paint point value of armies. Full points below, point variants for 100 point system in brackets. Idea is to paint single army for each hobby goal point, so I canĀ“t for example paint 2250 point of one army to scratch two goals. -750 (100) -1000 (125) -1500 (175) -Base lizardmen -Play 5 games -No new armies June update: 40K Death Guard - 140 points painted AOS Seraphon - 480 points painted Bolt Action Germans - about 100 points painted FoW British (100 point system) - 81 points painted MESBG Isengard - 1569 points painted Lizardmen not based Played 3 games No new armies - Isengard started
Welp, end of the year is almost here and I won't be doing any more modelling, so it is time to write it up and wait for next one. First of all, my Lizardmen are still not based. I made a slight progress and now there are about 10 models with finished bases, but with all of those 10 model units, this is still less than 10% of all. Not done. Then, I wanted to get 5 games of any wargaming. I managed to get 1 training game for D-Day and then 2 games at D-Day anniversary play directly. Nothing else, 3 games total. Not done. Do not start any new armies, just expand existing ones. Welp, I started MESBG Isengard in first half of year, but to be completely fair with myself, I also started working on my Tau army wiggling around this rule, reasoning with myself, that I already have couple of models I used for 2018 version of Kill Team, so it is not "a brand new army". Same goes for US rangers for Bolt action. I already started painting US army in 2019, but then I sold majority as I wasn't prepared for bulk painting at that time. I only kept Sherman (painted), M3 halftruck (half assembled) and Greyhound (painted) and all the minis I assembled and primed now in December are new. Hand on heart, it is a new army as well. Failed miserably. And now on more merry note, painting! 750 points (or 100 points of FoW) British Flames of War army -100 points painted Seraphon army - 770 points painted 1000 points Tau Empire - 1210 points painted Death Guard - 1105 points painted 1500 points German Bolt action army - 1990points painted Isengard MESBG army - 2056 points painted It darn bugs me that I need just a single footsoldier for Germans to have nice rounded 2000 and that I just have to finish Slann to get Seraphon over 1000, but I am coughing my lungs out, and I would probably just mess up details.
Well the end of the year is drawing near. because of before stated reasons I can not find the earlier thread of this topic and with it I can't find or recall my set resolutions for 2024. Although I can't recall them I can certainly say that I did not meet them better luck next year Grrr, !mrahil
Greetings! Yup it is already mid Jan, but here is what I painted in 2024: A grand total of 154 minis (moar pics), vast majority of these were Infinity from Corvus Belli. Looking forward to working on the hobby in 2025!