Over 50 Lasgun shots on a 5 man squad....Results

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Zombie-Fish, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. Zombie-Fish
    Jungle Swarm

    Zombie-Fish New Member

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    okay i succesfully rolled a leadership roll for my 3 imp guard lasgun squads. it resulted to being over 50 shots on a terminator squad. okay after rolling to hit i get about 26 to hit then i get 16 to wound and the terminators my friend had he rolled not one 1 on a d6 out of 16. so not one flashlight did anything to them .amazing!!!!!! F@#K@$% TERMINATORS!!!!!
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Sounds about right! Not statistically, but seriously... Lasguns vs terminators aren't going to scratch them!

    In my last battle, my unit of High Elf Dragon Princes went 3 full rounds of combat without missing a single attack! A couple failed to wound, and there was the odd parry save, but every single attack hit, 13 dice each time. Awesome.
  3. Zombie-Fish
    Jungle Swarm

    Zombie-Fish New Member

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    haha thats awesome i love it when you get rolls like that. but yeah they were goin for my tanks so i assaulted them and kill them all eventually with only about 14 deaths which is pretty normal.
  4. walach

    walach New Member

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    i think i tends to be skinks for me where this shows most. times where 20 shots have resulted in 0 6s, and then other times where i've had 6-7+ 6s (usually against something that only has a wound or 2 left.... but still!)

    oh, and yes, lasguns shouldn't be allowed to hurt terminators. bring back 2nd ed! (or maybe not...)
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Yeah we all know this feeling...sometimes it works out, sometimes it bites you in the rear.

    My trusty dragon slayer (7th edition, dwarves) always had an eye on enemy knights. Be it brettonians, empire or high elf knights: He sure knew how to find them!
    1 Naked dual-axe wielding dwarf vs 6 knights errants isn't actually a fair fight. At least not for the humans!

    And bad dice is something me and my sauri are getting acustomed to. If I have 20 attacks, I usually hit about 7-8. I NEVER spike the (statistically correct) 10. If I'm mathhammering to see if I should charge or not..I usually calculate to deal with these...imperfections :D

    The Hunted
  6. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    You think that's unlucky. I played Chaos the other week with 4 salamanders in two units. First turn: both salamanders in one unit misfired and rolled 5 & 6 for number of skinks eaten. The other two salamanders then misfired 4 times between them in the rest of the game - one salamander misfired every single shooting phase but the last one.

    That's right. 6 misfires.

    It gets better. In the last phase of the game, the only one where I didn't get a misfire, both surviving salamanders over shot their target of 2 chaos warriors. Killing this unit would have forced a draw, instead I suffered a significant defeat.

    Suffice it to say, I was not pleased.
  7. Rizardo
    Jungle Swarm

    Rizardo New Member

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    I think my best would be, I deepstriked 5 terminators behind a mob of ork boys killed half a dozen and was then promptly assualted there was one terminator left after 130 odd attacks.

    seccond best was vulkan hestan surviving being shot at by 1 devastator squad, 2 5 man Tactical squads, and an ironclad dreadnought, he was then assualted by dread and tact squads survived tactical squad attacks and failed all but one invulnerable save from the dreadnought.
  8. Tlaloc of Xhotl

    Tlaloc of Xhotl New Member

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    Had a small (800ish point match) against high elves.
    Me: Priest, 10 Skinks, 20 Saurus, Scar Vet, Kroxigor (just one solo because I needed some points)
    Him: Mage, 10 Seaguard, 10 Swordmasters, 5 reavers, Prince on Griffon. (IoB starter set basically)

    Turn 1
    My skinks kill 2 horses who panic. His Seaguard kill most of my skinks, who don't panic.

    Turn 2
    Saurus and Swordmasters clash and the Swords kill a few but get almost cut down and flee in return.
    Prince (cursed with re-roll 6s)charges kroxigor who only takes a wound and also wounds the Prince in return.

    Turn 3
    His mage casts Ld = Str on his seaguard who charge the saurus. Some killed both sides but both hold.
    Krox dies and prince reforms.
    Some Swordmasters rally

    Turn 4
    Prince charges Saurus and some die each side but saurus break and get run down.

    Turn 5
    By now all I have is 2 skinks and my Skink priest. He has Prince on Griffon (1w left), mage, 4 seaguard and 3 or so swordmasters.
    Seaguard charge skinks who kill 1 from shooting. His mage miscasts and loses a wound but skinks die.

    Turn 6
    My priest vs about 500 points of High elves.
    Priest casts chain lightning on Prince, kills it, leaps to Seaguard, kills them, leaps to swordmasters, kills them!

    We decide to play on for laughs and woth try to kill each other with magic for a couple of turns, which then turns into deliberately trying to miscast to blow up. We fail for about 3 turns each to miscast.... then he gets into combat and I stab him and he dies! Victory to the scalies!
  9. Syltaryn

    Syltaryn New Member

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    That's awesome!

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