Wow! really greatly done job on those mini's. The bases add so much character to the whole. You powered through these mini's like crazy something I noticed with the evil minions was the different base shapes, do they have a purpose? Grrr, !mrahil
Thank you! I tried new Fanatic range from Army painter. "One coat to cover all... Well, it took 5 coats to get at least good finish. Thanks! I had to power through, because I know myself, once I would get distracted with another project, I would probably had hard time to get back to them. As for bases, I haven't read the rules yet, but I know that circle is group leader and I would say that different shapes are to get specific mini activated by game itself (as there is no "evil player")
I started sketching insert for Stuffed Fables expansion. It should be nice and easy 3 single level boxes and then stopper to middle.