We in Britain have plenty of Canada geese, and our native European Beavers are making a comeback too, so we can send additional battalions as and when you need them America may have numbers and technology, but don't underestimate its capacity for being an undisciplined rabble that is fully capable of squandering those assets . They were woefully unprepared for WWI in the scant months in which they got involved in any way. When they eventually joined WWII they got utterly screwed over many times by the Afrika Korps in North Africa. Who had to teach them how to win in both those conflicts? Britain, Canada and the rest of the Empire. Even after America manipulated the results of both those conflicts to ensure it was the overall winner, look at the cock-ups it later made in Vietnam and East Africa despite having overwhelming advantages. It seems whenever a European nation (particularly the UK) isn't there to hold its hand and say no to any of its idiocy, America is very much the archetypal horde army, all brawn and no brain. And look who Trump's elected to be his Defence Secretary - a brainless Fox News yes-man . Hell, not all of its technology is good either... the Abrams is a terrible battle tank for instance, easily outclassed by Britain's own Challenger II. In short, the odds may be against you on the surface, but victory certainly isn't impossible... and if I had the luck and privilege to be elected British Prime Minister, my support would always go to our Canadian Commonwealth brothers .