7th Ed. vs. Orcs

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Supersteggy, May 6, 2008.

  1. Supersteggy

    Supersteggy New Member

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    Well it turns out my friend is starting to lean more towards starting orcs instead of ogres. Now instead of outnumbering him I'll be the one getting out numbered. At 5 points a pop he can get a lot of orc boyz on the table for cheaper than our skinks. They also have tough units like the black orcs. (which I think he will have a lot of) Do you guys have any tips or tactics to bring down the greenskin horde
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Well, the problem with coming up with a general strategy against O&G is that they have so many options that a general can field nearly any kind of army that he would like. That said, here are just a couple of general points I have found useful against the new O&G

    (1) Beside savage orcs and kitted out black orcs, generally speaking your Saurus will be able to go toe to toe with his main blocks and have a reasonable chance of coming out on top. The difficulty is more so dealing with the chariots, cav, and characters that he will be using to tip the CC in his favor. Destroying support units of this kind is essential, and to do this a JSoD is very handy (dealing with chariots easily, and being able to charge first against all cav except wolves). If these fast elements are dealt with, O&Gs lack of mobile skirmishers (and generally poor shooting), will allow your own support units such as skinks and terradons to deal with his slower support units (archers, giants, war machines, etc.)

    (2) The lack of amor across the board on O&G makes kroxigors less necessary (especially if one already has a JSoD to deal with chariots), so the extra points should go into terries, salamanders, or perhaps a steggie (terror is very useful if used away from a O&G general). Alternatively, Saurus cav. with a huanchi totem can get the charge off against boar units, and there sheer number of of Str 4-5 attacks are really suited for the role (which gives you one of the few examples where Saurus cav. are actually useful in heading off enemy cav).

    Just some thought.
  3. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    The last time I played O&G I got beat quite bad.

    Look out for the WAAAAGH, it's a game winner. Also, their wolf chariots are geat for dealing with your skinks.

    Good luck! :)
  4. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    I am an orcy player and all i have to say is that the fast calv, chariots, and trolls can ruin a good day! my one word of wisdom is KROX! they eat out the biggest dangers of theyr army fast! and make sure you have some skinks alive if there are nightgoblins on the field the ranged weapons are a must when he releases fanatics roiling around they block chargers with the fear of 1-12 people dropping dead in your ranks(death throws ARE A PAIN!)! nets get annoying to (i liked to run NG just to net some one before crashing them in the sides with fast calvary) they severly drop your kills -1 S HURTS! the one thing i will say again that orcs and goblins fear is the krox a giant is near only thing that stops them on the charge. another cool unit is the salamanders since you don't really expect to get a charge on a orc army who role animosity and WAAAGH!!! though animosity has a up and down. most units have almost no save but the black orc's who only have a 4+ // 3+ (in cc) if you buy them a shield.... also if he is one of those rare people that make a full cav army out of O&G their isnt much to worry about enless your all skink based or shootie!

    basis of it is prepare to not get a charge as often, get krox to blow up big stuff, JSoD to run after those shamans quick THEY tend to be best when theres combat around so you have to strike them quick! always keep a small skink rank running around if you can (in the case of night goblins) fanatics can bring down some of the coolest mellee armies down if ther is no archers left. orc batteries are used! but not as much as chariots who tend to be more effective in their army. saurus chew through orc's usually but choppa's are mean for the first round you have to really on multiple combats and cold blood vs. their low leadership. SNEAKY SKEWER AND AMY OF PROTECTINESS! a goblin warboss or big boss with these is LETHAL! i have used them to kill hero's in cc unexpectedly to them using their 1+ // 2+ saves to keep safe and a -3 -4 mod to their armor. destroy them with skink hit and run tactics if you can.

    (and to say to the krox arnt worth it at times they actually are! with the options of trolls, chariots, black orc flanks, and BOAR RIDERS one the few units with a decent save and a charge on them is a must almost with tusker charge, from what ive seen (as a orc player)and the 2 games ive so far played with lizie's i will never attack 2+ trolls or boar block (who i direly want charge on) with just a JSoD.
  5. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Yeah man get the skinks to pop fanatics ASAP and get a JSoD on any chariots and watch your flanks. At 2k points and higher you will dominate with our Slann. Keep the enemy in front of you and attack with full force. You should come out on top. Orks aren't as scary as they look.... but we are :bored:
  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    A good tactic against Greenskins is fear and terror as they have relatively low leadership (minus black orcs), as well as what the others said, as they where all good tips. Just wanted to get my two cents in ;)
  7. Apollo3

    Apollo3 New Member

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    some general advise is to maximize the amount of Ld checks he has to make outside the range of his general. other than that O&G can be so diverse that the tactics you use against him will have to depend on what he is fielding. If you tell me what he uses I can give you some more tips, I have a load of them from my years of both using and playing against O&G. just be cautious, but then strike when you know you have a shot. O&G are one of the toughest armies out there IMO so you're probably in for some rough battles! have fun!

  8. Smithyramfan

    Smithyramfan New Member

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    As far as I know O+G have only 1 skirmisher group. An idea I'm testing in my next match against them is skinks running round them and shooting at them.
  9. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Skirmishers are very effective against O&G, but unfortunatley they do not completely dominate. The prevelence of fanatics and fast cav. means that your skirmishers will not be able to move around with impunity. Also, do not forget that skirmishers can now be march blocked, and the short range of skinks means that it might be difficult to run rings around units (unless they are isolated of course)

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