7th Ed. Anit-Magic

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Origin, May 14, 2008.

  1. Origin

    Origin New Member

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    With some of the new army books out and the huge magic capabilities within them what are our best options for a robust magic defense? Do some options within our own lists become a little more tempting?

    I have a RTT coming up and i intend to take a Slann, i know that there will be a more than average number of VC's, High Elfs and maybe a couple of Deamon lists. I response i was thinking (hold your breath) a 3rd generation with a Staff of Sorcery (pretty sure thats what it's called) for a whooping +2 to dispell and drain magic. Use one dice to dispell low level spells with confidence and nail their high level caster with drain magic. I would consider using curse charm of tepok. With lots of dice flying around it has greater value. And it would discouage high level casting and low level casting wont drain our dispell pool as fast.

    What say you all?


  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Interesting idea mate, can't say I've heard of a Slann being taken for mainly magic defence before.

    I think you might be better off going for a tepok army. A skink priest with blessed mark of the old ones and cube of darkness is great for shutting down a vital magic phase. Also, your units and characters all add to the pool and a skink priest with the diadem is good as well.

    Also, a unit of 6-7 terradons, while not cheap, make for a brilliant mage hunter unit!

    Good luck! :)
  3. Origin

    Origin New Member

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    A tepok army would be possible with my yellow and purple lizards :jawdrop:

    Unfortunatly i only have 4 terradons, i think with them and a couple of swarm bases i'll have some effective mage assassins/redirect/general annoyance.

    I like the skink priest/cube/spawning of the old ones combo. Not too pricey at 140 for a level 1.

    There thing i'm not keen with lots of tepok spawnings (eg sacred host) is that it is not adaptable. If i face a lone scroll caddy empire army, dwarfs, i've spent hundreds of points on now redundant dispell dice.

    How about this;

    Slann: 3rd Gen, Staff of Sorcery, Diadem of Power, more stupidity cannot have two arcane items
    Priest: level 1, diadem of power
    Scar-vet: Tepok
    Scar-vet: Tepok, edit for stupidity, cannot have 3 heros with 3rd gen

    5DD with possibility of 7, +2 on all dispell attempts and drain magic.
    7PD with possibilty of 9 when on the offensive. It is not a jaw dropping as a 2nd gen but still pretty robust

    What about Bane Head coupled with the Curse Charm of Tepok on their primary caster. Drop dispell magic on supporting casters and pretty effective shut down. Is the threat of a miscast enough??
  4. argus
    Jungle Swarm

    argus New Member

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    god the orks are so much worse at magic... this stuff went right over my head... im used to buy a banner and a buncha boys to get 5 DD.... how about a the shield of the mirror pool? insta kill on a 4+ half the time on the one casting at you if they use magic missles... that puts a damper on half the games spells and would drive high elves mad.

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