Hey I have been lurking around posting up on these forums since just before christmas. I got a 2k army for christmas and since then have been working hard to try and get everything together and fully painted/based for the South Coast GT in mid-April this is quite a painting challange as I am currently in the closing year of my Uni degree. Here are some photo's and the list which has been working well for me only loosing twice in around 20 games due to very bad luck (miscasts and lucky warp cannon slann insta kill): Slann Mage Priest – Primed Scar Vetran - Finished Skink Chief, Ancient Stegadon - 90% finished 25 Saurus Warriors - 75% finished 24 Skinks, 3 Kroxigors - Skin done on all 10 Skink Skirmishers - Skin done 10 Skink Skirmishers - Skin done 20 Temple Guard - Skin done 7 Chameleon Skinks - Skin done 7 Chameleon Skinks - Skin done Salamander Hunting Pack - Skin done Salamander Hunting Pack - Skin done Note: I am bad at photography.
Hmm can't see the images I am using the tags. Hosting is at image shack resized for message boards 600x400. When tried to use the tag I just got this:It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image. Anyone know how to get the img or pic tag to work here? Edit: Temporary fix with links until it work: http://img848.imageshack.us/i/img0137q.jpg/ http://img600.imageshack.us/i/img0138z.jpg/ http://img808.imageshack.us/i/img0139x.jpg/ http://img291.imageshack.us/i/img0140eg.jpg/ http://img189.imageshack.us/i/img0142dek.jpg/ http://img820.imageshack.us/i/img0143tx.jpg/ http://img52.imageshack.us/i/img0144gt.jpg/ http://img7.imageshack.us/i/img0145lt.jpg/ http://img28.imageshack.us/i/img0146or.jpg/ http://img6.imageshack.us/i/img0147bu.jpg/ http://img222.imageshack.us/i/img0148pl.jpg/ http://img291.imageshack.us/i/img0150gk.jpg/ http://img858.imageshack.us/i/img0151k.jpg/
I have to say the yellow shield is something I might have to borrow for a unit of my Saurus Warriors. Good work so far...
There is the first one. Looks like it will be a bit of a pain to post them. What you want is the link in the img section of the forum embed, not the first one. So: Code: [URL=http://img848.imageshack.us/i/img0137q.jpg/][/URL] Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL] The second link that doesn't have the /i/ in it, which you are using now. Then it will work with the pic tags easily. Alternatively, wrap linkeh tags around all the links you have already posted then people can at least click them to go to the models. That steg looks really cool by the way. I haven't opened up any of the others yet though.
Code: [URL=http://img848.imageshack.us/i/img0137q.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img600.imageshack.us/i/img0138z.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img808.imageshack.us/i/img0139x.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img291.imageshack.us/i/img0140eg.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img189.imageshack.us/i/img0142dek.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img820.imageshack.us/i/img0143tx.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img52.imageshack.us/i/img0144gt.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img7.imageshack.us/i/img0145lt.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img28.imageshack.us/i/img0146or.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img222.imageshack.us/i/img0148pl.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img291.imageshack.us/i/img0150gk.jpg/][/URL] [URL=http://img858.imageshack.us/i/img0151k.jpg/][/URL] I tried putting it like this and I tried putting it with pic tags as you said but both times I get the message 'Your images may only be up to 1 pixel wide.'
Wow, looks excellent to me! Can't wait till I finally get enough core done so I can get one of those stegs
I was about to comment on the name. Ironically, I'm planning my second army to be a Mousillon Bretonnia army. Actually humans, though, not undead or other silly things. --DF2K
ah then i recommend the round table of brettonia! much like this website lots of enthusiastic WHFB player all buzzing about their particular army!
very nice work. im a huge fan of the yellowish kroxigors im not a huge fan of the yellow on the saurus back-spikes, but overall i think you have a great contrast-thing going. stegadon will look great
I'm glad the pictures finally got posted. Those models are great and keep me motivated to get better at painting to catch all you out there with golden paintbrushes.
How'd you do the skin on the Stegadon? It has pretty much EXACTLY the skin I want to use on my Lizardmen army!