Ok we've all seen the new models and if this is a double post forgive me. I have not had access to my computer for a couple wweeks now. I know i probably spelled their names terribly wrong but i hope you catch my drift on whom i am talking about. Chakax (Chaky Chan from now on for me ) is amazing. a whole bunch of rerolls in a challenge, 5+ ward and the best two. All magical weapons count as mundane versions and.... opponents always strike last! Thats awesome. Against ASF you simply dice off to see which one takes precidence (Thats how it was explained to me) And old Tictac. He gets a "bigger" terradon that has killing blow. MR1 with a 6+ ward. Not overly awesome but his flying flank ability. Ima call it Alpha Squadron. Tictac and a unit of terradon riders get to enter play a-la Wulfrik on any table edge. So yeah im insane excited. And i can't remember the specifics but Kroq-Gar is getting a BIG boost. Just reporting my findings.
dude chakax makes the enemy always strike last even if they have asf so in other words chakax goes first unless someone else makes him always strike last and tiktak only gets killing blow after he has dropped his rocks
You don't understand... Chakax doesn't make them "always strikes last" as in the great weapon ability he just makes them strike last. If a high elf with initiative 8 and the always strikes first rule charges him, guess what, he hits them first. That's why chakax is 300 points...
Although Chakax is a great character I won't be taking him in my army for several reasons... -what can he do that a scar veteran can't (and for a fraction of the cost), okay he has lots of cool rules but is it all worth 300pts? -making temple guard unbreakable isnt that special, they practically are already. -not a huge fan of special characters. -he doesnt have the greatest armour, so as long as you get past his initial attack, it isnt too difficult to be-head him. (exalted champion anyone?) a great model and a cool backround however he doesn't convince me for 300pts thanks (my first post btw hello!! )
I think I will disagree with chakax not been as great as worth 300 pts. As a bodyguard he just owns. Period. Actually I can't Recall a single character, exept a Greater Deamon and other 3W+, that would have the odds with him. Havn't read his rules yet, but from what I see on the site I recon he gets a ward save as well as enemy weapons count as mundane weapons, and that takes away the most offensive enemies cons(assasins and a hard hitting characters e.c.) You will field him in a unit of Temple Guard anyway(That may be your only choise, don't if there is such a rule..) And as he is protected by the numbers of his fellow temple brothers, he cant be targeted exept by a challenge. Thats where you whant him anyway so no prob there. As the temple guard is such a tough unit and seldom runs, you got yourself a magical powercenter in you slann, your temple guards watch his flanks and keep the enemy from reaching him pluss dishing out a lot of carnage them selves. And to top it, Chakax will end any character who tries to break through to your general. The only downside with this unit is that you'll suffer from the "all eggs in a basket" syndrom, and since you'll be moving slow, the best counter your enemy can throw at you is to refuse to get in CC with this unit. If that happens, it's a lot of pts wasted and a tactical loss for the lizzies, so be sure to deploy and manouver good in the critical 2 first turns. As for a scar-vet to be as good: a scar-vet can easily be taken out if he get charged wich he most oftens will be in a TG unit... Chakax simply will survive more charges as he strikes first and nerfs his opponent as he refuse him in using magical weapons. In my opinion there is little doubt Chakax is a Badass chalanger and survivor, so it realy boils down to whether his worth the pts cost. Pros: You almost as good as assure your unit against dangerous enemy characters He hits first and when fighting enemy rankandfile units, you can take out some of his attacker, witch in turn gives your TGs more counterattacks which gives you an edge when it comes to Combat Result. (and is it right he reveal enemy hidden characters as fanatics and asassins within 24"? if so, that is a huge bonus.) Cons: He takes up a good amount of pts and since he will join a slann(if you has any), you will have a lot of pts on a single spot --> easy to out manouver... Sum: If you plan right, and compose you army right, I think Chakax is a great addition to our range of characters, and surely he will make an approch in some of my armies at least some of thouse with higher pts limit.
Point taken My argument is, is that he isnt worth 300pts, TG are practically unbreakable anyway, he has a 4+ armour save and 5+ ward so a character who can withstand the initial attack (say an exalted hcamp with regen and a flail - 164pts-) can deal him some serious damage. Dont't get me wrong he's a great character just not worth 300pts for a hero
Fair enough. But I still think he can prove to be worth his pts against some armies, especially skaven and DE assasins. The fact that Chakax kicked the Khorn hound Karanak in the WD battle report against DoC proves he bites good. But you'r right, exhalteds are a pain... I would still bet on Chakax in a challenge though
I am not sure if it has been mentioned already but the "any enemy model that wishes to attack him automatically strikes last" line is only in effect "When he is fighting in a challenge".
I think that chakax is really too expensive for what he does. Your opponent will most likely know that he should not attack the guy with anything that can be challenged. And with the 4 " movement the unit is not that hard to outmaneuver. This is what people mostly do anyway when there is a big TG unit with a slann in it: they ignore it as good as possible and kill the easier targets. A good player will simply kill anything else on the board (which usually is not too much with a slann, a TG unit and chakax in it). Chakax is great at character killing, but most heroes have a higher movement anyway so they can probably avoid him. I really like the model but i would not field him under say 3k points or so. But i am generally a fan of a multiple smaal units tactica so i don't like to use big temple guard blocks anyway. As for tiqtaqto (ttt) I think he is a nice gimmick, but he would be much cooler if he could charge the turn he arrives. normal terradons will also be able to charge from any side with their high movement values if you let them fly for a round or two to take positions. they can even easily be hidden in forests now to shield them from fire. and even if some of them get shot early, you could get 10 1/2 extra terradons for ttt's price! The only special hero char that is somehow attractive is tetto'eko in my opinion, especially when playing agains enemies with little magic.
You know before the release, and when there was notting but rumors, I wished for lots of charachters, magical items and new units to make Lizardmen a more versatile army. And when I hear peoples different preferable set ups, I think I'm quit happy with 7th edition lizzis (although I havn't got my book yet )
Thinking about Chakax a question came to my mind. If an enemy also has a weapon that lets other weapons count as mundane weapon, what will happen? since both weapons nullifie the others abilities both would be making the other llose their magic abilities and that on the other hand would grant the magic ability to the own weapon again
I think you could either roll off or (better for lizzies) just count both as the mundane version as you are still hitting with a great weapon before the enemy.
Well, I guess if two units both got such special rules, both weapons counts as mundane weapons. But I don't think the effect will cease to work...
I think that if anyone got an ability to nullifie a magic weapons magic stuff (obsidian armor anyone?) our weapon becomes a mundane weapon. And vice versa if it is a weapon that has the ability. simple as cheese.
the magic weapon nullifier is very hard to determine...think of it like this i(Chakax) have a weapon that nullifies yours(enemy) well mine nullifies yours therfore stopping you from nullifiyng mine as thats part of your weapons magic well yours cant stop mine nullifying yours as yours is nullfied therfore stopping you stop me either neither are nullified or both are somehow i would really like to know how this would work out
And to ward off excessive theory-hammer, how about we first see if anyone else can nullify magic weapons? I know of nobody else who can do that...
I know of two ff the top of my head. High Elf Null Stone and Talisman of Saphery both neutralise weapons, the null stone neutralises all items within 6" so its a bit more powerful. Also, as mentioned above, the daemonic gift Obsidian Armour. Hard to say, but if the situation arose for me I would just count both weapons as mundane.