Loq'Huin Loq'huin was a low class mage and not seen by annyone of his people. everytime there was a better one around and the lizards of the swamp ignored him. one day he decided to leave the swamp. he escaped the village and walked through the swamps. after a few hours of walking he heard a flapping sound. he turned around and within the blink of an eye, a giant terradon grabbed him and lifted him up high in the air. in mid air, Loq'huin stabbed the terradon in the eye and broke free, falling down from up high. as he approached the woods he was almost certain he wouldn't make the fall. close to the ground bloomed a jungle lotus. he fell right into the lotus and los contiousness. a while later he woke up noticing a young cold one knawing on his leg. as Loq'huin tried to break loose, one of his bones grew outwards through the skull of the cold one. he was astonished. he stood on his legs and looked at his leg. he looked at his hand, when his knuckles suddenly became sharp and shred through his skin. Loq'huin didn't feel the pain but felt a power inside of him. he looked around for the lotus, wich was nowhere to be found. he grabbed the skull of the coldone and concetrated. The skull shaped into a mutated spiky mass. Loq'huin knew it was the lotus that made him like this. as he returned to the village he showed his new ability. everyone wanted to see this. even lord Tehataxa was suprised, for nowone ever was able to bend hos own bones. people brought him bones and gave him a place to stay. the bones that were given to him were shaped into a throne by Loq'huin. On his throne N'Kai N'kai became a captive when he was found betraying his kind. he demanded a second chance and so the old blood garagox gave i. if he would survive long enough in his arena he would be set free. and so N'kai participated in the arena, surviving many rounds. battle after battle he slayed his foes. from mere skinks to even razordons, N'kai was undefeated. Not untouched, but unbeaten he entered the arena against the arena champion. The champion played with the little skink as he got thrown around the arena. every attempt that N'kai tried to make seemed to me futile. until he found a shield covered with feathers. wich belonged to one of the skinks he slayed. he grabbed the feathers and threw it at the champion. the champion laughed and provoked N'kai, as feathers dwell all around him. he kept on laughing when suddenly the tip of N'kai his spear appeared through the feathers and triggered him in the throath. the champion fell to the ground. and the entire arena cheered for him. Garagox entered the field and approached N'kai. he congratulated him and instead if releasing him. he offered him an helmet once worn by Xihilli, a legendary terradon rider that is now disseased. N'kai was honoured by the gift and took it. now he rides the skies above the swamps as the new terradon champion. Kaita When he was born with a white marking on his head. Lord Tehataxa saw a great warrior in him. he was without any challenge made captain of his group. when Kaita eldered, he and his group head out to investigate a scout group that hasn't returned yet. as they arrived they only found dead corpses of their scout group. traces of chaos were left behind but no chaos demon could be found. they decided to leave but as they turned around. they found themselves surrounded by chaos warriors. one chaos champion stepped forward and challanged Kaita. if kaita would win my warriors will leave, he proposed. but if i win your group will be slaughtered. Kaita took the challenge for he did not want his squad to be injured. he charged at the warrior. the warrior didn't flinch or moved at all. Kaita jumped in the air and swung his mace toward the warrior. the warrior grabbed the hand in wich the mace was and held it high. he grabbed a little dagger and sliced through the side of kaita's head, damaging his eye and leaving a foul wound.thereafter the champion jammed his sword through kaita's chest. kaita lifted his other arm and grabbed the helmet of the warrior. With all his might he squeezed the hemlet along with the warrior's head. the warrior stumbled backwards and hit the ground. Kaita fell on his feet and screeched. the remaining warriors fled and didn't look back. As he returned to the village, the news was quickly spread. Garagox gave him two glyphs. one standing for gold, and the other for dragon. garagox hereby pronounced that kaita will be known as the golden dragon. Tehataxa Tehataxa is a slann of the fourth generation. he is however the first slann ever to be born in the piranha swamps. after the creation of the world pond. war broke loose in the swamps. using the lore of death, Tehataxa fended of many foes. but one day, a huge army of skaven entered the swamps. Tehataxa and his army stood for a long time. but the rat-kins kept on comming. as tehataxa focused on the first line of skaven, a lightning bolt blasted him off his palaquin to the ground. a vermin lord walked upon him and helt his blade up high when suddenly a blinding blue light appreared and a man stood between them. he held an unknown plaque up high. all skaven retreated by the light. the person dissapeard in the same blue light and the lizardmen of the swamp were stumbled by what just happened. Tehataxa lifted himself back upon his palaquin and returned home. Now convinced of the power of the plaques, he ordered many legions to search for such items. of all the groups that were sent. only a few returned with a plaque. he holds the plaques close to him. When in battle he is convinced the plaques will aid him in his battle. being called "The Plaquebearer". this name was spread throughout the world pretty quick. and people began to hunt Tehataxa. but every effort they made appeared to be futile. at one time. one men broke through Tehataxa his barrier and forced his sword towards the slann, but a agile skink jumped at the human in mid air and bit open his throath. this skink is now known as shriek and accompanies the slann as his right hand. annyone like or dislike something?
good to see those extra stegadon parts getting put to good use, though perhaps it would have been appropriate to create an army blog, and put all your stuff in the same thread, instead of creating 4 different threads at once. makes it a lot easier for us all to find your work
A couple things to keep in mind: You only need one topic to show off your work, not multiple topics Do not make multiple posts. If you have something to say in addition to your last post, then use the edit function.
I like the models. How will you help yourself discern between units? Will they have different colored banners/champion models? As for the eyes: I have slowly moved away from eyes as they always turn out like someone is doing an impression of "bug eyed." I enjoy the easy conversions. They will make the difference in separating your units from the rest. Great bases too! Keep the work coming.
my personal favorite is Loq'huin with both storyline and conversion. i like the mutated part (A) tell me wich one you like
I've done some additional changes to the terradon rider(more feathers etc.) but my camera broke T.T.. ill post asap