Hey guys, first post from me at all, so please at least be semi-merciful. Haha I based this off of some art towards the beginning of the army book. Also helps that I'm a huge fan of Quetzalcoatl, so I needed a feathered serpent in my army somewhere! Model is still very WIP. Comments appreciated! Thanks!
Looks great! Cant wait to see it painted. Godd stuff! And welcome to the forums. The lizardmen are never merciful, but the community here is :3
Yeah, there's still a ton of sculpting that needs to be done. I'm debating whether or not to mount the chief on a saddle or not. Probably just have him free riding like the standard terradon riders. More pics to come soon!
Hi Drake8! I'm new too. Welcome aboard. Just gotta say that's amazing what you're doing. I'd never have the guts to sit down and work on something like this. It reminds me of a Coatl I saw in a picture for some 20,000 point Lizardmen army somewheres on the forum. You might search for that for a little extra inspiration? Found it for ya: http://lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6310&start=10&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=coatl I have no idea where this coatl model came from.
It's an out of production model from Ral Partha line of minatures. Its called "the Feathered Serpent".
Wow that is looking pretty cool so far, very nice idea and looks good! I look forward to seeing more of it.
Yeah, I have that model mint in it's box...I bought it when I decided to start collecting a Lizardman army in 1996 (I think it was that long ago...just getting to painting and playing with them now!). So what rules can you use for this thing?