Hi guys, as ive stated before ive only recently started painting again from a 4 or so year break. any way, when i started painting my saurus i went basic and made them ice blue with enchanted blue highlights on the edges of their skin and blue ink in the muscles, and the scales were liche purple with lighter edging. I did a coouple of skinks the same only with enchanted scales instead of purple, and now i dont like them. I bought a few grays and the foundation orange and now my test model is adeptus base with codex layer and with have a higlight of fortress gray and the back scales are solar orange with a heavy black wash(covers scales and seeps into cracks) and the will be dry brushed blazing orange with either a sepia or red wash. My question is will it look any good if i do half my skinks this way and half with all of the grays but purple scales instead and maybe have a couple that have both purple and orage scales(scatered randomly). Ill post a pic of the test one when its fully finished
Both skink schemes sound great, I'd like to see pictures! You certainly could have two units with different scales. There are differents broods with different colors, after all. The one with purple scales could be under the special protection of Tepoc (or whatever Old One it was that made lizardmen with purple skin/scales his chossen...).
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ This thread might help...
The skin looks like you had a purple base with a grey highlight. I like the idea and it's good to see something new and fresh. Will you highlight your orange scales or keep them as is? Finally, what will you do with the bases? Are you going to go swamp, jungle, desert, etc?
its actually based charadon granite but i gave it a blue wah before adding layers and a black wash after the highlighting. the scales have since been washed with red a few times.