8th Ed. read the tombkings book...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by shahryar, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    I know the one's that have riders on top have a 3+save but thats including the riders armour etc, they have 3 wounds each and T4/5 I can't remember from the top of my head. just hope they roll lots of misfires cause then they caude D3 wounds to self ^_^
  2. Alexius

    Alexius New Member

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    I saw their whole AB today. Well... they seems to be a bit weak units with strong magic. Every single model in that army is flammable. In addition: big, dangerous monsters like sphinx have only 1 I. They have some really nasty spells like giving every unit in 12" from caster killing blow ( if unit had kb before - it will work on 5+ ), giving +1 attack and multiple shot (2) to the unit ( if I remember well it has also an option to augment every unit in 12" from caster ), giving ward save 5+... etc.

    Also every *augment* cast on a unit will recover 3D+1 wounds.

    TK can use their own lore, lore of light and lore of death.

    P.S. tk lore 6th spell is really disappointing. Something like "6" from lore of fire that is moving like Purple Sun of Xerus.
  3. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    yeah, all spells that are augments are 12"range, or they can be cast higher for all units. There magic itself isn't amazing, compared to lore of life for example anyway. specially for the risk or crumbling your whole army if your hierophant miscasts on it(He has to have the TK lore) at there core aren't great but for there points a skelly you can see why :p
  4. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    Just seen this book myself. Got to love GW idea of balance. Base warsphinx is cheaper than the standard stegadon, with better stats (WS, T, Ld), better special rules (Thundercrush), undead, and better crew (killing blow skeletons). It loses a great bow, cold blooded, skinks and +1 armour. I know which one I'd prefer. Unlike the Stegadon, an enemy also has to attack the monster rather than being able to chose the crew.

    Four monsters in total, each one cheaper than a stegadon and half of them cheaper than a carnosaur. Sigh.
  5. ThakCo

    ThakCo New Member

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    It might look better at first glace, but I tend to think the undead rule is much more hindrence than helpfull (for monsters at least). Sure they never break from combat, but a stegadon is stubborn and cold blooded, so it rarely breaks from combat (and almost never if the general is nearby). The difference is you can kill a warsphinx without ever wounding it. That and the regular stegadon is a special choice. Also, is the warsphinx flammable?

    Now I haven't yet faced a warsphinx so I don't know how it fares in-game yet, and I find that mathhammer is no substitute for a game.
  6. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    I don't believe it is flammable, but it can have one S10 heroic killing blow attack I believe (it may be the necrosphinx though) necrosphinx is alot nastier than the war sphinx
  7. ThakCo

    ThakCo New Member

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    I believe it is the necrosphinx that has the heroic killing blow (and maybe it's on a 5+). But if it is only one attack, I'm not overly concerned. It's big, expensive, and only has one attack a round (that has at best a 1/3rd chance of killing blow). As much as it will be annoying to have to deal with a flying monster hunter, it can easily be taken down by core units.
  8. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I just was reading the Tomb Kings book as well, and you missed another difference. The war sphinx doesn't do impact hits! I was a bit surprised, but it makes sense I guess if you consider the points.

    Toughness 8 is nasty, but with only a 5+ armor save skink blowpipes should have some luck against them. I thought Thundercrush was going to be the most broken thing ever, but the template is strength 3, not strength 5 like the sphinx... also it has to roll to hit against the highest weaponskill in base contact. You will definitely want to get your saurus and NOT your skrox into combat against the warsphinx. Strength 3 will actually do damage against your skinks, and the center hole of the template will likely wind up on top of one of your kroxigors. Being T4 with a 4+ armor save, Saurus only have a 1/6 chance of falling to a strength 3 hit.

    Of course, watch out for the "fiery roar" upgrade they can take for 20 points. Gives the warsphinx a strength 4 breath weapon! Of course they can't march, so you can evade the thing moving up and placing the template on top of a big infantry unit.
  9. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    Hmmm... losing impact hits are a bit of blow, and a rather surprising one at that.

    I don't think its particularily overpowered or difficult to deal with, especially if you have poison, just that it makes the stegadon seem somewhat overprised in comparison. That was before I realised it didn't have impact hits, though. Hmm.
  10. Lingbei
    Cold One

    Lingbei New Member

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    well it has 4 attacks normally without heroic killing blow or it can exhange that for 1 s 10 with in any round, basically for taking down bigger things
  11. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    well war sphinx aint so bad ass againts elite troops with T4 and high armour but againts goblins, oh my that hurts them.
    and for krox they cant wound them because theyre not infantry :) thundercrush works againts infantry only.
    Warsphinx will be a great counter for hordes of low T infantry and for GW marauders because theyre still need 6 to wound :)

    overall i would choose warsphinx over stegadon 100% because it does a hell more againts horde infantry then steg and in that topic what stegs are good againts? if there wounded better than 6+ they have the same or less armour than warsphinx and warsphinx would be wounded on 6+with S6 while stegs would be wounded by 4+ and only 6+ save...
    impact are great againts something like HE where numberse are low and armour is low or no regen, but when it come to hordes :S
  12. walach

    walach New Member

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    stegs are much better vs S3 shooting. still much rather have a warsphinx, but there are SOME advantages for the steg :p

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